Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

You know the first breath of any area Ralph isn’t currently in… :wink:

I’d love to see some data behind your claims. As far as I know, Blizzard’s most recent statement on end-game player engagement is that heroic raiding is the average.

It doesn’t really matter what “most mmorpgs” have done; WoW is WoW, not ESO, not SWOTOR, not FFXIV. If you want the solo content like that offered in other MMOs, go play other MMOs.

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Pvp gearing is definitely a problem. Everything else in the game has a progression to it that matches your ilvl. Raiding has lfr, normal, and heroic. You can complete lfr till you get gear for normal, and so on. Mythic plus has keys that advance in which you can complete as you get better gear. Open world stuff doesnt seem to matter cause it’s pretty easy except for world bosses.

Pvp on the other hand, a fresh level 50 is going up against fully geared players. I had a easier time in arenas for cas essence because I waited until I was geared. That is just dumb.


Ralph is a well-known troll. This isn’t the first time he’s beaten this horse into glue so people are tired of it. He’s not interested in discussion, intelligent or otherwise.

Do you honestly believe they have a secret feedback forum for world quests and pet battles? I don’t think its a stretch to think that the people who know more about class performance and raid tuning should have a louder voice on said performance and tuning.

I don’t need to be hardcore or even good at this game to think that people should be rewarded for their effort. For every person here spazzing out about how
“iTs JusT a GaMe” there is another who enjoys being successful at their hobbies, whatever level they’re playing at.

They are?

Coming off the rails a bit here aren’t we?

Absolutely not. This is a known fact as written about by Bernays and has been pointed out as a widespread issue in many gaming communities across the board as toxic and unhelpful. I really wish it was a stretch, but sadly it seems to be commonplace in this …timeframe.

Also I see that you posed “they are” as it should be, a question. We dont know, because it is secret. This is the problem with secrecy.

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Just so we’re clear, how is this not “herd mentality” in and of itself? You’re just going to go along with what someone says about “gaming communities”? I mean a very, very little bit of research on your part would have preempted most of your post that I replied to but it sounds like you’re just interested in listening to what you want to hear.

Big raids and big guilds are part of the narrative and hype.
Alot of games with hoizontal progression or easy progression have a lame narrative because they dont have mythic quality raids and mechanics. And that stinks.

But ill be the first to agree that Wow has lagged behind so much for the casual player. Which is alot of us. I have weird works hours. Im 37 now with a wife. I dotn have time to raid and im not sure id even be interested. But I still love wow and my sub still helps keep the lights on since vanilla.

I think every expansion should have the equivalent of the mage tower. That was the most fun Ive ever had in Wow. And Visions? DO NOT equal the mage tower.

How do they not equal the tower?
Its arguable that they push well past the tower. Except they are mandatory.

The rewards suck.

Arguably similar in challenge level but theres only ONE.

Mage tower has… 6 encounters?

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And once you complete it, do you come back?

Hm? What do you mean?

There are 2 visions which is less than the mage tower, but the mage tower scenarios were role specific and after you completed them you didn’t go back. How would you replicate the replay-ability of visions in a mage tower scenario?

There’s nothing raid or die about SL though. Looks more like m+ or die to me.

I have not done LFR, but it seems like you have, and I’ve killed it on another difficulty, so it’s content that we’ve both seen. 2/2 out of people in this conversation exchange that have played the content that Blizzard made.

It’s an end boss, supposed to be like a god or something, not a pushover. It took my guild around 130 pulls to kill it. I doubt that you tried that many times. At least you got to see it.

During the height of this game, most players did not even get to see end raid bosses. A lot of players didn’t get to see any raid bosses at all.

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lol. The 1% and wannabes have false flagged OP’s message. They know deep down they are riding on the casuals’ gravy train but don’t want to acknowledge it.


Your name is pretty much why the post was flagged, which is humorous.

Well thats easy.

Dont make it one-win and its done for that spec. Kinda lame but thats what visions are… you are doing them over and over again for currency in the case of the mount. So one-win = a currency towards that rare mog.

Even so I assume you are arguing that they intend to prolong content by using a currency system rather than one-win and youre done with the content.

For Mage tower I came back again and again. Just on diff characters. I arguably spent much much more time doing mage tower than visions.

  • farming the shards or whatever they were to do challenges.
  • farming mats for potions and drums.
  • dying again and again and again as I learned the challenge and relearned it on new characters/specs.

In all I did:

  • All four druid specs
  • WW & BM monk
  • All 3 Rogue specs
  • All 3 Hunter specs
  • Spriest. Hated that healer challenge.
  • All 3 Mage specs
  • Ret and Prot Paladin
  • Fury, Arms and Prot warr
  • All three Dk specs
  • Both DH specs
  • Enhance and Elemental Shaman

I got distracted by gw2 after that and quit 6 months before BFA launch

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This is not just what “someone says”, it is far more than that. It is data generated from years of study and research on how these “influencers” can move group decisions. They still have their own opinions but because of the desire to be either part of a perception of eliteness or part of a seemingly more valued group, they agree with the opposite. That is why I posted here, to generate a valuable discussion aside from Blizzard with the people who matter, the players. Secrecy in any form is disagreeable to me because it seems to be a tell of something more, deceit. Be open and honest in all dealings with those who you must deal.

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I’m not disagreeing per say with the idea that people are easy influenced. I am saying that attributing anyone disagreeing with your position to be under this “herd mentality” without knowing anything about them is just as bad. My ability as a player does not affect my thoughts that players should be rewarded for being successful at the game. Nor does the fact that this coincides with “insert random streamer here” mean that I’m being unduly influenced by that personality. I appreciate the attempt at a discussion in this of all threads (honestly, ralph is a troll) but it seems like you need to do some introspection before assigning motives to me and others who make the same arguments.

Hmmm, Blizzard’s secret society. Just to get an idea of the members’ characters… how much cheetos and mountain dew are at their meetings? I guess that’s also secret… dubious indeed.

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