Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

Have you done LFR N’zoth? It’s NOT a LFR raid at all. It’s has multiple 1 shot mechanics and tethers that can kill you if someone else messes up which are all things that DO NOT belong in LFR. Casuals actually CAN’T clear N’zoth LFR - it’s has as many mechanics as a heroic boss.

It’s absurd, but it shows Blizzard complete abandonment and neglect of the casual player base.


All that takes is a little determination to stick around after the people who don’t know what they’re doing to leave. :man_shrugging:

Its a competition, but not a competition.

Its hard, but we need better gear to do it cause… we need better gear to get better numbers, and with better numbers we need more challenging numbers, to get better gear, to… prove we need better gear to need bigger numbers, to… get better gear.


its high-end, top tier, max level, implied value beyond numbers, both as an award, a status symbol and a representation of personal worth.

why does it have better numbers? Cause things do better numbers. But difficulty is displayed by showing basic changes in scale. Not by applying an obscuring melange of values!
Its really there to incentivise a large enough pool of players in the content to validate the content.

Ah. so gear does not matter then?

Only to you.

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I can agree with you to a certain extent. I appreciate the acknowledgement that, “to get higher numbers, you need better gear”, but there needs to be a period of progression. Just being able to walk into a raid without doing your cloak or neck? You’re in for a bad time and the only reason why is that people don’t follow their chamber of the heart nor their cloak questline.

Everything else - for the casuals complaining - can be farmed via WQ or bought with Honor (under ilvl63) to get the boost everyone is begging for.

Better yet, skip the ilv63 gear and ask if someone you actually know would help you farm the conquest needed for ilvl83. Then, you need to focus on either PVP gear or PVE gear.

it has always been this way.

Actually, McDOnalds does offer a Whopper competitor - its a Quarter pounder.

BK offers a Big Mac cooperator - Its called a Big King.

Most companies want MORE customers so they try to cater to MORE people, not just the 1%

A more apt comparison would be are you mad McDonalds is not offering a $5,000 hamburger like this?


Except Devs have literally streamlined talents in order to prevent people from picking ones that are only detrimental to their idea of how they want the game to work.

An equivalent is not the same thing, though. You either earned it or you didn’t.

No use complaining about it.

I dont think most people who argue with the OP are looking for a ‘boost’.

It seems to be an equalisation, so that ‘skill’ is on display, and ‘gear’ is no longer the, or a major part of the defining characteristic of ‘skill’.

It also means that world content can be increased in challenge as well.

I have a feeling that Ion’s obsession with catering to this tiny niche raider player base is going to make him lose his position as lead dev. The investors are going to be EXTREMELY unhappy at MAU numbers in Shadowlands, which will cause Activision to step in and clean house, which means cya Ion.


Saying that you simply “need gear” yet “are unable to obtain it without an ilvl boost” is very contradictory.

Why does other people’s skill affect the way you play the game? Game the system: make the gains that you can and eventually, you’ll find yourself at the coveted end-game. All ive said is to group with people whom have similar skill levels to you so that you can not only progress, but make friends doing so.

I have made a few friends from WQ in Nazjatar and Mechagon, but again, you cannot expect to skip things and arrive at your destination. It’s like driving yourself off a cliff and asking the passenger “what happened”.

Short answer: They don’t.

Long answer: They don’t but they want it anyway for “reasons.”

Casuals aren’t going to unsub in SL. The content they have always done will be in the game and they’ll play it like they always do. They’ll eventually forget that for one (failed) expansion they got participation trophies and had inflated ilvl’s that belied their actual skill and then Azeroth will once again know peace.

We just gonna ignore that you’ve been able to shower yourself in max level gear without doing raiding or arenas for like 3 expansions now?


lol, If I do not miss my guess, you are referencing my previous post.
or this thing?

Its hard, but we need better gear to do it cause… we need better gear to get better numbers, and with better numbers we need more challenging numbers, to get better gear, to… prove we need better gear to need bigger numbers, to… get better gear.

is about the ilvl bloat cycle.

If skill is not an issue and its not a competition, if its not about social status, or elevation of the self above others.
If its not about exclusion

Then the gear does not matter.

the entire previous post was about my interpretation of my takeaway from this thread and my conclusion.

What are the common themes whenever this argument gets bought up?

Skill = Gear
time = gear
value = gear
position = gear

remove the gear, or equalise it.
then the problem will always be about:

Skill, time, value, position.

Finally, someone who makes some kind of sense but you clearly have not seen some of the level 45 pvp toons that get around. They seem to be making up for their gear with their skills. The only time any 4 of those things are measurable features that determine your worth, you’re in a raid.
I gave 10 other options to get gear upgrades

And yeah, this is what you said. Game is only as dead as your particpation in it, which appears to be very little for someone with huge opinions. :man_shrugging:

You seriously went back though the thread quoting a reply which pointed a stick at the similarities between xmog and this?

And ‘you remember what I said’
So if I attach the implied linkage, of cataclysm to ‘What you said’, you are claiming access to the cataclysm era forums, is that what ‘you just said’?

Or are you like, not speaking english?

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I wish I could understand why we are paying for their “end game”

You will see the “elite” raiders complain about casuals and LFR but they don’t realize we are paying for their end game. It is why subs keep dropping and will keep dropping.

Until blizzard realizes this and takes recourses away from raiding and make more content for EVERYONE the game will continue to suffer.

Or come up with a system to make them pay for their own raids.


Why? You’re more than happy to continue to pay a sub to do nothing more than complain on the forums, what exactly are you showing Blizzard with that?

Ultimate reason for all of Ralph’s threads “I want my Mythic level shiny’s, WWAAAAHHHHH!!!”

If you are going to make a fool of yourself, please raise the humour to Raistlin’s level.

I see a few things that concern me in this discussion. First that the post has been flagged when it should not have been. This is a valid discussion and should be brought forward to be discussed. This also points out the ignorance and intolerance that exists in this community, especially when it is a valid point and you have no intelligence rebuttal or counterpoint, so you cover your ears and chant that you can’t hear.

Recently there has been identified a secretive forum for select players to provide feedback to Blizzard. This poses several questions. First is what type of playerbase is represented? Is it just top level content such as raid and PvP? Does it include pet battle content and mount farming as well as exploring and gathering and questing? Does it include random battleground and casual dungeons? These are valid questions from a seemingly concerned playerbase.

Secondly I sense some misplaced sense of talent in most of the people posting in this thread. I can see at a glance that the majority of you are the casual players that this post is about but act like you are the part of the top tier players. Similar to the current situations we face in the world you go against you’re best interests because you have misplaced yourself in the food chain. You discredit yourselves by you’re opinions and beliefs put on display here.

I believe that all playstyles should be represented in all development forums regardless of the secrecy that has been employed to hide them from the “low value” input that isn’t truly what they are wanting. Problem here seems to be influencers and steamers who have large followings of people who want to be, but will never be, top level players. Even though they will never be top level they will tag along with whatever these influencers say, whether they agree or not. It is called herd mentality and is poisoning the world as we speak. Because of the massive influence and this mentality these are the participants in the secretive forums, not because they have any actual talent.


except pvp apparently.


I don’t know how you can take Ralph seriously with “his history”