Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

Indeed it is. Keep your “hard earned” loot that you’re entitled to for putting in “more” work in for. And I’ll keep going against Blizzard for not allowing people to play how they want to play and be rewarded for it. Wouldn’t that be a tragedy? People actually being able to play how they want and still be rewarded. Must be an outlandish notion to someone who thinks their way is the only way.

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You do that but “casual” play will garner casual rewards; much the same as harvesting wheat. You’re not going to suddenly come across corn. lmfao.


Oh really? I’ve found flaming swords on gorillas.

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Yeah. I got the HH sword, dagger and staff in 3 days. Way to dilute the actual conversation.

Enjoy SL

This whole forced thing is gettng old. What’s really getting older is all the threads about this topic. You and I might want a full set of Mythic gear, but we don’t need it. I am a strict LFR hero in my full set of LFR/world quest gear. I can roll over any content I want to do in this gear on my DK, Shaman, Paladin.

Can I go do a Mythc Raid? No. Do I want to do that? No. Can I do Mythic+. Yes, I am sure I could put in the time and progress my way to better gear. Do I want to do that? No.

There is a way provided to get the good gear. Either go do the content in a Mythic guild, or play the AH enough to buy the carries.

Or come back late like my son did and join a Mythic guild full of your old time HoTS Twitch streamer buddies and get carried thru a few Mythic+, Heroic/Mythic Ny’alotha and get geared that way. Gee it really helps in life to have… friends! Which is something even truer in real life.

There are a lot of ways to get to where you want to go. If you spent as much time doing instead of making threads, maybe you’d be there by now…

Edit: Minor tweak.

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Do you want to play or not? “forced” is quite the word. Nobody made you run the game, nor come back? I’m genuinely confused as to how you think you’re being forced? If you don’t like the content, it’s easy enough to uninstall and move to another game instead of coming here to be like “the changes made things TOO HARD :sob:
All it did was change the playstyle of different classes.

“I can’t solo HFC on mythic so I quit”


Why are you comfortable with a participation trophy that requires next to no skill or effort? And what do you have against people obtaining rewards that reflect the effort they put in them?

I mean, the vast majority of the content in this game is made for casuals … mythic raiding and rated pvp makes up a very small percent of what is actually in the game. So yeah, this point is not valid at all.

What is so confusing for you that you refuse to acknowledge how casual friendly this game is? Are you confused by all the youtubers/streamers because most of them are hardcore? Like, if there were more casual creators would that confuse you less?

Or are you just a troll making a troll post to annoy people?

EDIT: Oh damn, it’s a Ralph thread. Can’t believe I missed that … I already know the answer to my last questions … The answer is yes, he is very confused … and yes, he is a troll, LOL. woops

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So you want to play the game but not the way it’s designed. Sounds like you just need to move on to another game.

Do you know why? Because wow isn’t a single player game. Why can’t you understand this?


Playing with randos is playing solo now???


No, thats a pre-made group, which should allow you to do EVERYTHING YOU HAVE COMPLAINED ABOUT.

High Ralph. Trolling on a even more toxic alt than your main?

Amazing someone agrees with Ralph so they must be the same guy! Brilliant!

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Oh your way is the queue? The lowest common denominator of wow? You want the best gear to be available in the queue?

Uh, no, playing with randos in LFD is also not solo.

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I don’t agree with his “feelings”; I am merely expressing my own. Having issues - even when your not alone? - AFK arena is for you.

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I mean he is basically a Ralph clone so its not too farfetched.


In order: misleading; yes, but irrelevant; wrong.

Lol, look at this guy, actually thinks he’s better than people for playing a game a certain way.

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My thoughts exactly. If I’m not doing the highest, most skilled-based content, I shouldn’t be rewarded the same as someone who had worked for days perfecting their gameplay/skills.

Not everyone deserves a gold medal by ‘just showing up’.

You want literal hand outs. Sorry guy, earn your gear.