Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

Actually no it not a fact. As WoW does not release player numbers or even let us see server populations anymore. Placing randos from other servers in my field of view is not other players and could be a NPC for all I know. Swtor has actual communties with a healthy population of happy players. WoW Retail players act like addicts chasing the dragon looking for their next fix.


Popular spots are only popular when they support your view eh?

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Bald face LIE. Objective lie. Stop lying. I play on a full server and and even when it’s not prime time I see way more than 10 people in org.

Which is pretty good considering org isn’t the hub of the expansion we’re currently in.

Ralph is a troll. Stop feeding him and he’ll go away. HE is the 1% - 5/12 mythic and he had a ton of m+18 clears last season.


Wait wait wait. So you’re going to sit there and try to tell me that Swtor is just as populated as wow? That it has just as many players as wow? Are you really going to commit to that?

Lol, objective lie. I didn’t know you were watching me play on my screen. seriously…

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paid runs

Wildstar was unplayable at end game even when it was playable.

Hard to get the best gear from group content when the content is bugged!

I just call a lie when I see it.


No, not even close. Most people are out, ya’know, questing, raiding, pvping, collecting mounts, doing professions, petr collection, xmog appearances, etc. I cant remember the last time I went to Stormwind, lol.

But i guess that could be because, even I end up kicked from a party, at least I tried rather than expecting things to just be HANDED TO ME.

At this point it could. We have no actual data to prove of disprove it. But if you go to Swtor you will see a hell of a lot more player interaction and community cause they actually created mega servers and merged low pops. CRZ does not count as a actual population. It just creates filler that could just be a NPC as they add nothing to the community.

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Sounds like you, OP, and Tigerblood Tauren would be better off in SWTOR.

Can I have your gold?


X to doubt

No, cause I still come back for holidays the only thing worth playing in WoW anymore. Oh I do play Swtor and have a active sub there more then in WoW since MoP. Even forums are a lot better on Swtor less complaining more how can we make things better.

Who’s expecting things to be handed to them? I’d play the game in my preferred style to gain things but it’s not allowed… They can make solo queues the hardest gameplay ever put into WoW and I’d still do 'em if they offered good rewards. But that’s not an option now is it?

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People have given you the answer on “how to make things better”, your inability to enact on them is an entirely different matter and one you’ve chosen to default to.

Really tiring seeing people complain that they cant leave for 12+ months without missing out on anything, which is a joke and quite delusional.

All you’ve done is spread hate, maybe your statement would hold up had you given at least 1 reason why you think coming from mists and directly into end-game content such as raids, BG and open-world PVP is somehow viable?

The entitlement here is just insane.

You make Swtor sound awesome. Why don’t you go back? We will join you later. Promise. :grinning:

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Uh I was here for a good amount of Legion you negative nelly. You sound like a addict protecting their dealer.

You do know people can play more then one game at a time right? So sad if WoW is all you play.

Because I’m happy not complaining about the things I chose to miss out on?
I found a group of people I like playing with. Such a shame people prefer actively not working together and they want to just, walk into content others have worked hard as to get.

And I’m not even a mythic raider. Those guys must asleep or this thread would be decimated.