Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

You and Charlie Sheen should hang out, probably have a lot in common. But at least his fame and fortune are real.

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“You cannot have a competition without loosers”

“You cannot pretend to have a challenge without gear.”

Sorry man, mu ilvl 81 Mage doesn’t seem to run into these issues. Yes, in order for someone to win, someone needs to lose but that doesn’t make you “pretending to have a competition”, I went up against 3 Horde demon hunters as an Arcane Mage, it was certainly a challenge to be able to manage all 3 sufficiently, but I did it.

Value is determined by participation, if you weren’t there, you miss out. That is not an exclusion mechanic; it’s one to try and get to you to keep playing the game. Finding you aren’t valuable? Maybe it’s because you missed the content designed for (then) current players.

Before anyone gives me toxic excuses, I am a solo player. The only time I play with my guild are when they’re in a raid and need a tank or healer. I am yet to find content prior to Vault of the Wardens that cannot be dealt with - as a solo player - via creative means.

the amount of people who are like “yea i like this class” and those who can actually play them are vastly different.

do not complain if your experience is based within expecting that other players are just going to drop everything so you can accomplish something. “MMORPG” - a quick way of saying 'FIND A GROUP AND STOP YA WHINING"

There are hundreds of players whom you could “team up with” considering the confidence in your class is obviously less than 0. An MMORPG was not designed for solo-play, though it may slightly accommodation those players.

'ohhh i cant solo anymore :sob:, game is trash"

Look for premade groups; make your own. I’m not saying that these methods are perfect, but they directly counter your complaint.

You are not bound to solo content (unless you have an anti-social personality disorder), you just want things to be quick and EZ.

For the people who worked hard for these things, your expectations may need re-evaluating. We spent hours in raids for a slight chance that a ring would drop.

Even Arena, find a 2v2 partner and climb. This just feels like an opportunity to complain about the “changes”; which honestly only changed whether or not you could walk through current raids.

If you feel left out, TheShadowsEnd guild on Saurfang run at least 2 mythic keys a day.

You cannot complain about being “left out” right now.

Think with your penchant for rage, you and Charlie have a lot more in common than he and I do lol.

FIRE UP THAT TIGER BLOOD! YOU ARE #WINNING (at everything but difficult content in the game) lol.

You sure do like to assume things, unfortunately what they say about that only applies to you.

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Was that english?

Not #winning at grammar I’m afraid.


I’ve never really paid attention, but don’t some of the like elite raiding guilds stream their runs? Do they still have sponsors and competitions? Is what they do making them and Blizzard money off sponsorships, advertising, and people watching streams?

Ducking out of this internet fight, you win. Here’s your SPECIAL reward, since you like useless achievements so much. :clap:

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I believe, and of course I could be wrong, that the reason the game is this way is because of players. I started in BC but I didn’t do end game until wrath and from that point till Legion all I heard from players was “there’s nothing to do at endgame” and they were right, there wasn’t.
If you didn’t pvp or raid what did you do at max level? Farm reps? That won’t last all xpac. Work on professions? Recipes didn’t have ranks then so it was trivial to get them all and be done. No xmog. No pet battles. There were toys, mounts and cheeves though :+1:.
Cata? Same thing, nothing to do
MoP? People flipped over the rep grind at the start and Blizz fixed it but again, nothing to do, pet battles were added though lol. Oh and CMs, people were doing those (mostly selling) but OG CMs weren’t like M+, always the same.
WoD? Absolutely nothing to do :rofl: You could do treasure hunting missions all day if you wanted. CMs again, mostly selling, still always the same.

All those years, players Q_Q’d there’s nothing to do so Blizz gave players something to do in Legion, constantly if you wished, farm AP to empower your weapon. And now M+ is on the scene, an endlessly scaling difficulty mode. They expanded on that in BFA.

My point though is that I think the reason for all the stuff to do in modern wow is because of players :sob: there’s nothing to do. Now the tide is shifting to “we want less to do” :rofl:


Looking at your recent posts:
“tired of SL beta”
"end game for casuals severely lacking:
“I dont get rewarded for putting time and effort into a game”
and your most blatently stupid statement of them all:
“they should just take power equation out of the content of a dungeon’s difficulty, and instead give gold-stars to people who try”

Are you serious?

Here’s a gold-star; you seem to farming them. :star:


During the early expansions I mostly farmed gold, even though there was hardly anything to buy with it, and queued BGs, and that’s pretty much all I did besides occasional guild heroics and sparse raiding, but PvP in this game is as terrible as it’s ever been. I may or may not sub for a month of SL, I played the beta, and am already at a spot where there’s nothing to do. Just don’t have the drive to log into WoW for anything else than a social outlet.

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You did heroics for badges that gave raid ilvl gear.


Not hard to make 15 people happy…

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Ah it makes sense now. Internet tough guy.

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Now could be the best time for you to find a group of people that you find fun to play with and actually do the raids that you can be carried in - providing you can make those connections with other players. And that’s fine, not every x-pac is perfect for everyone, but dont come back in 6mo time complaining about the same thing.

When have you ever seen an easy path to just end-gaming things? It would be a waste of effort and a giant “screw you” to players who invested HOURS wiping the same damn boss just to get a new upgrade.

Whether or not you re-sub is up to you, not the game. The game gives ampule opportunities to connect with other players. If you choose not to, please don’t be disheartened by the fact that your “progession” seems slower. It is.


yeah there are def no BG’s, arena, thorghast, m+, dungeons, pet battles, timewalking, revamped daily quests, weekly events for covenants, none of this stuff exists does it just the raid huh?

If you base the game off the people you see I could also say WoW has less then five people playing. Hardly see anyone in this game.

You’re just plain wrong but have fun.


Tell that to the Mormons

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Except its a fact that wow is a MUCH MUCH more populated game than Swtor

I play on a “Full” server… at times other than prime, I’m lucky if I see 10 people in org.