Why are Blood Elves horde?

Draenei on the Horde would make even less sense than Blood Elves, considering the Orcs basically genocided them on Draenor. Would’ve been fun to see the Alliance get an “ugly” race in the form of the Lost One or Broken Draenei though.

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Seriously though, troll females are very cute.


It was on the spot writing because Horde needed a “pretty” race to increase the player base, so it came out rather vague and weak. If not for Warcraft being tied to WoW now, I would bet they would of already gone back to the Alliance, but for obvious reasons (players) Blizzard couldn’t just swap them over. I imagine the nature of the game making writing lore much more difficult then it was back in the Warcraft days as they didn’t have to think “how will this effect the PC and factions they are in?”


The writing has been atrocious since cata, I don’t know if it should even be considered. I mean, despite the night elves’ disapproval of magic they now have mages??

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Troll females are saucy and I like their feet.

Because horde needed elves.

The kinda lore answer was Sylvans connection since she was one of them and helped get them into the horde. Beyonf that there was a weak lore reason for pallies.

Its like asking why did the Space Goats join the alliance.

this belongs in general discussion or current wow. blood elves were not added until bc and is irrelevant to vanilla.
vanilla means original, unaltered, unchanged, base [game], no expansions etc.

Pretty much this.

“Lore” isn’t an argument since they would obviously have written the lore in such a way to justify them joining the Alliance, if they had.

The point rather is that the justification they used is flimsy and stupid.

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Horde needed night elves.

But blizzard decided they didn’t like the idea of Kalimdor being horde and EK being alliance, so they switched things up.

Nah, what they did was add an unusual twitch to stereotypical fantasy race tropes.

Noble Humans -> Racist
Savage Orcs -> Noble
Dainty Elves -> Savage
Evil Undead -> Tragic victims

Too bad they were inconsistant with writing it.

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The alliance between the humans and high elves were always tenuous at best. Hell, even the human kingdoms couldn’t get along (i.e. Alterac and Gilneas). Elves have always been a prideful race. After the Second War, they officially withdrew from the Alliance of Lordaeron, returning to an isolationist policy. And with the Third War was the final end to any diplomatic ties between the humans and high elves.

Sigh…I do get tired of people twisting that to fit some conspiracy theory.

He said he doesnt recall much and that the Blood elves were added to fill the niche of a ‘pretty’ race on Horde. He no where states it wasnt going to happen anyway, only that it satisfied it.

People using this as some conspiracy theory of how “the Alliance had their race stolen” -clearly- have not read the lore of Blood elves beforehand.

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As for the story:

  • Blood Elves/High Elves were a reclusive race, the majority wanting nothing to do with humanity for much of their existence
  • When the Orc Invasion began, they were called upon to fulfill a debt they owned humanity, and the king agreed by sending in rangers. This is when we first ever see High elves in the game.
  • After the war ended, the King of the High Elves seceded his kingdom from the Alliance, wanting nothing to do with it and sealed his gates. Some High elves, such as those loyal to Alleria, stayed. The majority however followed their King’s orders and returned.
  • The Scourge Invasion happens and wipes out most of the population of the North of the eastern kingdoms. They attack Quel’thalas and slaughter 90% of the High Elves there.
  • The Survivors of the Invasion are filled with rage and loss and rename themselves Blood Elves to honor their fallen, that constituted hundreds of thousands and the fall of their once proud nation. They went out to find their new path in life.
  • Kael’thas, son of the king, returned to the city from Dalaran with others and began to set things together. With the Sunwell gone, his people needed a remedy for their addiction. He went to the remaining forces of the Alliance in the north, lead by Garithos, to assist against the Scourge and try to find a way to help his people. Garithos and the humans were fearful of the Blood Elves, as apparently they had not seen many elves yet now see many (their own words that they thought they were ‘creepy’). Additionally the new stance of the blood elves made some uncomfortable. Garithos set it up to eventually try to kill all the blood elves and Kael’thas that came to assist. Kael’thas eventually fled to Outland.
  • Kael’thas would meet Illidan and secure Outland with him, learning the art of tapping mana from living things and the air.
  • WoW time: The Bloodelves left in Quel’thalas are trying to secure their home from the remaining scourge as well as fix and establish defenses. Kael’thas sent Rommath back to Quel’thalas with fel crystals to power up the city structures quickly as well as teaching citizens how to drain mana from living things and the air to feed themselves. Some were against it and were banished from the city. They retook the name High Elves again, because they rejected their other group.
  • The Blood Elves were calling for aide to assist in their endeavor to secure Quel’thalas as well as reach Kael’thas in Outland. The Alliance were fearful of the High Elven Kingdom, having noted their new acts and instability around them. The Night elves harbored a lot of hatred for their cousins and saw their use of magic even far more dangerous than before as they attempted to sabotage their attempts to rebuild Arcane Sanctums.
  • Sylvanas sent the Forsaken to assist the Blood Elves secure Quel’thalas as well as remove any threats. They thanked her for this and she asked the Horde to let the Blood elves Join. Thrall knew the Horde needed the Blood Elves magic and might to counter the Alliance, as much as the Blood Elves needed the Horde’s strength, so he agreed.
  • The Bloodelves get to Outland and find Kael’thas has gone mad with power and joined the Legion. They decide to stay with their allies, the Horde, and alongside their assistance defeat their wayward leader and secure their land.
  • The Sunwell is reignited with the help of Velen and the Blood Elves and High Elves have their magic addiction sated. The Blood Elves remembering who assisted them through these hard times remain with the Horde and seek to push their way into a new future.



while they do have bunch of lore reasons - real one was always to give horde pretty race (for chinese players, mostly)


I like how the logic and lore in this thread pre WoW which served as a catalyst for the High/Blood Elves moving towards horde is pretty much ignored in this thread.

But everyone agrees that “It’s because Horde needed pretty faces” is universally accepted.

But regardless of that fact High Elves were always treated like crap within the alliance throughout their entire history.

What they did was be honest about the races back then in those days instead of trying to SJW it like they do now so everyone intermingles and gets along well with one another. Puts the War in Warcraft


To be fair that was only with WC3. WC1/2 orcs were pretty much straight up evil because of the demon taint.

The high elves, reluctantly, gave the secrets of the arcane to the humans of stromgard and lorderon as thanks for helping them defeat the amani.

Later, humans got out of hand with magic and it attracted the attention of the burning legion. Long story short, the high elves giving magic to the humans ultimately resulted in the undead scourge which destroyed much of quel thalas.

The blood elves joined the horde because in their eyes, the alliance was responsible for the burning legions return, and the subsequent scourge invasion.

Im hoping i can convince my wife to go with a troll female, her only other option really is orc, and trolls were definitely better looking.

I’m sorry, I saw BFA when I read this.

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