Why are Blood Elves horde?

Same thing.

Because when an orc says “Blood and Thunder!”, the High elves realized that it would sound too weaksauce to call themselves as such, so to integrate into the Horde it was between Thunder Elves and Blood Elves.

Arthas literally almost exterminated all of them…

Well a few reasons.

  1. Garithos happened. If you don’t know what this means go watch a playthrough of The Frozen Throne.
  2. Sylvanas became undead, joined the Horde, and then was like “hey mind if I solve all your Scourge problems?”
  3. Darnassus joined the Alliance. And for whatever reason the Night Elves in BC were really interested in blowing up Arcane Sanctums.

This is the whole story right here (sorry, kind of loud so turn down your sound):

Just a guess, but Night Elves have long memories. It was the very obsession with Arcane magics that attracted the Legion to Azeroth in the first place. The whole reason Night Elves didn’t have mages and there was a rift with the Highborne or High Elves revolved around that.

(Of course, the quests in the first few areas for both draenei and blood elves were stupidly ham-fisted, with a dwarf and night elves set up as enemies to the blood elves, suspicious and sabotaging, while the draenei didn’t have issues with any traditional horde - just goblins and blood elves.)

Yeah the amount of randomly hostile Alliance shoved into the BElf zones is ham fisted alright. For those who joined after Cata and therefore never did it:

  • The Night Elves caused the closest thing WoW had at the time to a Nuclear Meltdown, with the aid of a Dwarven Ambassador
  • The Night Elves were also spying on the Blood Elves in the Ghostlands.
  • And had another camp withing striking distance of another Arcane Sanctum
  • Oh and they were also staging a major naval invasion on an island off the coast.
  • And all of this was BEFORE the Blood Elves joined the Horde formally.

The Draenei zone is even stupider. Do you know why the Draenei joined the Alliance? Because an Alliance ship was shipwrecked off the coast and the survivors didn’t decide to kill the Draenei on sight.

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Completely agree. And they’ve been doing the same thing ever since.

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Because Devs wanted Horde to have “pretty” choices for characters too.


Sylvanas asked Thrall to let the blood elves join and thrall sent a message to Lor’themar asking them to join and Lor’themar sent a message syaing yes and here’s the message.

"Esteemed leaders of the Horde,

It is with great pleasure that I - Lor’themar Theron, Regent Lord of Quel’Thalas - announce the fall of the Scourge commander known to us as Dar’Khan Drathir.

Dar’Khan’s foothold in our lands was brought up by critics of the sin’dorei race at numerous previous negotiations. We hope this event addresses any and all previous objections your graces might have harbored.
PS - Our grand magister has received word back from Outland regarding Thrall’s question. The answer is, with great certainty, yes."

You really can’t accept the truth can’t you? i can’t belive Alliance still salty that we have blood elves. GET OVER IT!!!

For the Banshee Queen!!!

1 year. They should give you a badge for this.

lol i was itching to reply lol i am so tired of misinformed Alliance saying this. if they repeat a lie long enough it becomes the truth.

Horde was all edgy races “bad guys” in vanilla, belfs were to attract Emo kids from alliance to horde. No real lore reason other than to give horde a race that looked “nicer.”

Pretty much these two sum it all up. From a Lore perspective, they needed help against the Scourge and figured a Lich Queen would be better than a Lich King.

From a developer perspective, Blizzard felt too many people were not playing the Horde because they didn’t want to be any of the more non-human type races (Orcs, Trolls, Tauren), so they gave them a pretty race to play.

As far as any ammunition for your argument with your girlfriend, you have to remember that Blizzard is the KING of ret-conning stories. So, even with anything you get now it could change on a dime if Blizzard decides they can sell and/or make more Allied race skins. :slight_smile:

They are basically a “pretty” race for the Horde players to play. Watch the numbers on the census for Horde races skyrocket with Blood Elves if and when TBC is released. :smiley:


If you play through the BE zones in TBC it actually covers this pretty well, from a surprisingly not completely terrible way…

Basically Alliance where super mean to the Elves in WC3, and more or less completely left them off to die alone vs Arthas.

Later, the BE leader, Kael Thas basically takes the majority of the BE forces into outland with illidan and also more or less abandons them too.

The remaining forces are pretty bitter about being left hanging twice, and struggle to reclaim their own territories of Eversong Woods and Ghostlands from the Scourge that remain.

In ghostlands, they make their first encounters with the Forsaken, who are the first “people” that are actually willing to help the BE out, since they’re both fighting a mutual and hated enemy, and at least some familiarity with Sylvanus being the head of the forsaken, and a well known Elf-heroine. There’s significant reluctance to let the BE join, because they can’t even handle the ghostlands on their own and are surviving off fel magic (or stolen light magic). Eventually they reconquer the ghostlands and having proven themselves, Thrall accepts them into the horde as worthwhile allies (and likely in part because he sends a ton of them through the portal to die on the front lines as fodder).

This action has consequences, however, as the forest trolls of Zul Amon, upon hearing that the horde are now allied with the same elves that they’ve been fighting for thousands of years, breaks off from their affiliations with the horde and declares war.

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alliance are really bunch of snob. Turn down human who raize back from death because they aren’t natural but its not there fault.

Imagine if it was something else like you were born with the wrong gender. Yep the alliance are like that.

Horde in TBC: Blizzard, we don’t have enough amazing racials. Could we have some more?

Blizzard: We gotcha fam. Ayyyy u know what let’s make your paladins better too.

100% FACTS

Corrupted by the fel.

Also horde was the minority in Vanilla so blizzard needed to make a pretty horde race for TBC to try and rebalance the factions.