Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

He is being dramatic.

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It’s no different than the name-reservation period from before classic was released.

Before the dark portal opens, you will chose whether to continue in classic or advance to BC.


Go frick yourself, troll. 0/10.

what if we got blizzard to make a compromise? instead of forcing us to move to tbc, they kept the intact servers as classic and allowed us to copy over the characters we wanted to play in TBC? this would avoid the extra mass of un-played characters that folks are worried about?

you dont understand. all jokes aside, if blizzard DOESNT want these communities to fracture, why are they taking this huge unnecessary step that requires players to delete their characters?

It is different. We’re not talking about “Names”. We’re talking about Characters being in both versions of the Game.

That is my concern. I would like my Classic Piper to have her spot and progress for Classic specific only servers meanwhile progressing her into BC. I don’t want to progress her into BC and lose Classic Piper for Classic specific Servers.

I do not agree with this decision.


Roll an alt.


not dramatic. accurate. its not ‘advance’ its literally delete. prove me wrong stango. protip, you cant.

Dude…tough luck. You can’t always get what you want.

You sound very entitled and demanding.

The real Vanilla fanatics want a new cycle anyways…P6 forever is kind of lame. And you will see eventually why that’s the case and why every private server died after they released fresh servers.

Explain like im 5 how you dont get to play both?

I can make a new character or transfer my current character to classic forever.

I can make a new character or keep my current character on my current server and it goes to tbc.

Example A: I make a character on classic forever and my main goes to TBC. Both are happening at the same time.

Example B: I transfer my current character to classic forever, and make a new character on the current server transitioning to TBC. Both are happening at the same time.

Seems like these communities dont want anything to do with each other anyways.


you spend 70 days building one character to be more powerful than others, then you have to choose which game you want to play it on

well 1) we will know the details in about 24 hours, barring acts of god, 2) as a result, there may be more to the story, so best to wait before fretting, 3) i’m with you. i wanted classic me and tbc me, and technically, i could still do that, just have to remake the char, either on tbc or on classic. i didnt invest as much effort into my classic 60 as you did, so i’m not worried. i empathize though.

stango gets it.

That’s a big true.

why? I like playing Martharion the 60 Fury Tank, why do i have to give that up to be able to play Martharion the 70 Arms or Prot war? i dont want to give up everything that i have worked for over the last year and a half in classic.

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Astounding argument. Thanks to you, I see clearly now :roll_eyes:

And, it’s not about “getting what I want”. These Forums are meant to discuss our opinions, and it is of my opinion that I don’t agree with said decision. Simple as that. I’m not “demanding”, anything nor expressing “entitlement”. Get over yourself and your false crusade.

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And after you picked, you make a new character on the other one. Resulting in playing both.

I still dont get it.

If the argument is that you cant play THE SAME character on two servers at the same time, that makes sense. Because you can’t. But the issue the OP is describing is that you have to chose one or the other, which isnt true at all. You can have a TBC character and classic forever character at the same time. You aren’t locked out of one just because you chose another.

there is really only 2 sides to this argument. side 1, logical and reasonable, simply knows blizzard can let us play our characters on tbc and vanilla without any problems, but instead is forcing us to choose which one we want our characters on.

side 2 is a group of antagonistic reply bots trying to misdirect the point away from players having to choose which game they want their character data on


no thanks. not when i know blizzard doesnt have to make me do this.