Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

Really couldn’t agree with this more unless you were benching your Warrior or Rogue.

Even still. Do not bench your rogue at all! Rogues are really good in TBC, especially for arenas and PvP. Warriors are also great tanks for kara, and they own when you get them geared.

you mean if you dont… ahem… ‘advance’ (remember, im not even saying transfer or even delete)… you dont get to play on tbc with your character? oh no thats only exactly what ive been saying this WHOLE TIME

Yes…that’s a choice you are going to have to make, unfortunately…

But you have been pretending this whole thread like Blizzard will “delete” your Classic characters…that’s not happening and you know it.

They will remain there if you choose not to “advance”…but you can’t get mad because your realm is dead and antiquated. That’s just the status quo—people didn’t want to remain there in P6 forever…it sounds like you’re mad about what the aggregate wants…

This is absolutely non-sensical. We want to preserve our Classic characters because of the gear we have and which is relevant forever. If you want to play both, it makes more sense to level a new character in TBC since most Classic gear gets obsolete very quickly.

servers can support a given amount of online players. players are either logged in or they dont take up spots that amount to this maximum player cap per server.

clear demonstration of the intelligence of the kinds of people arguing that deleting your character off vanilla to play tbc is a good idea

again, youre hyping up some fabricated forlorn made up problem that isnt actually a problem because your understanding of the functionality of blizzard servers isnt up to par. im literally arguing with you about something you dont understand as much as me.

stop. youre not educating me dude. im here TELLING YOU that blizzard will require players to delete their classic character data, all its progress, and never play vanilla with that character ever again, to play tbc. this is how their transfer system works. its not a mirror, which is what they should have done and are able to do.

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I think the issue comes from how many warriors and rogues there currently are in classic because of how dominant the class is. There isn’t going to be that space for them more so than every other class.

Especially if TBC is really a melee unfriendly expansion on the PvE side.

It is not “absolutely non-sensical,” just as much as your position asserts the opposite of mine.

Regardless, both our positions have merits.

I do agree that leveling in TBC will be new and interesting–it will be faster, with more quests and flight paths.

But, the time you put into leveling a character to 60 will be lost. And the time-investment to take a character 1-60 is significant.

Edit: @Kurogano. I agree with the issue you identified. The most populated classes in classic are mages and warriors currently.

Nope, that is not what they should have done. Nope, they are not deleting anything. You are actively choosing to move that data to a realm that will not progress. If you do not opt-in to that you instead move forward. All its data, all its progress, all its gear, it is all still very much there. You are just choose in which game you are wanting all that to be in.

“Nice enough” is not enough though, not for this small indie company. The best thing for the players is to have both. The OP is correct. There just isn’t a good reason not to give players their characters on vanilla and TBC.

The servers are going tbc. There will be new classic servers to xfer to if you dont want to play tbc.


Dude I have spent 60+ days played on level 60, do you think I care about being two weeks behind?

Your statement is non-sensical because it fails to understand the motive for people who want to stay in Classic. You don’t want to stay in Classic, fine. But don’t offer useless solutions for those of us who do.

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The way it’s worded is confusing: https://classic.wowhead.com/news=320973/burning-crusade-classic-confirmed-in-blizzconline-leak

  • Choose Your Era – Prior to Burning Crusade Classic’s release, WoW Classic players can decide whether to advance each of their characters to the Burning Crusade era with the rest of their realm, or to continue playing the original WoW Classic content on new Classic Era servers.

Obviously, this “Era Choosing” seems to relate to before BC Servers…but, is that like…after it’s released, as well? :thinking:

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No. Players don’t. That’s his point. We don’t have the option to play both. Forcing players to choose one or the other is lame.

I only caution you against “FOMO.”

well, go fridge paladin for tbc and keep joyson on classic. sure fridge dudes look a bit odd but they are superior paladins.

:purple_circle: :large_blue_circle: :purple_circle: :large_blue_circle: :purple_circle: :large_blue_circle: :purple_circle: :large_blue_circle: :purple_circle: :large_blue_circle: :purple_circle: :large_blue_circle:

then you dont understand what “advance to tbc” means

and choosing which game will not have all of that in. functionally the same thing as deleting it off that version of the game.

You are using this word “delete”, and I’m not sure you know what it means…


The reason is to condsolidate to keep the player base on a few servers not on 30 dead servers.

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