Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

i understand you want your cake and eat it too but having copies on a massive scale wont work. choose where you want your warrior to go, and or what version you want to play the most. GG. RPGs are about making decisions.

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not even that. just please dont make me delete my character blizzard. i paid you so much money

You transfer to “valahalla” classic forever or you keep living in tbc. Not sure where deleting would be used properly in these choices.

you choose. vanilla/tbc. the “deletion” is the same effect as “choosing”

This is pretty much what the whole thread boils down to. And it’s sad to see this level of entitlement and kicking and screaming amongst what I presume are adults.

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You just like to agrue to agrue dont you.

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its totally true, as it stands i will not be able play lvl 60 Martharion in Naxx on Thursday evening, and lvl 70 Martharion in BT on Friday. not without having to give up everything in classic and rerolling the toon. why am i being forced to grind MC for my TF again when they can easily allow me to clone my toon over to TBC?

Which is the issue that is being brought up.

In a way, you are.

No. Anyone wanting to progress a Classic Character into BC, has now deleted their hard work and progress, on the Classic Servers through the transferring of Classic into BC. Classic Piper if progressed into BC is now erased and gone from said Classic Servers.

True. Still doesn’t change the fact, that players do HAVE to choose where they want all of their “progress” to be at. One way or the other, no matter if you choose Classic or BC, you’re starting “fresh” somewhere with NO progress.

I feel you joyson. You want to player your paladin on both classic and tbc. The issues is having copies of everyone toon on a massive scale is a complete detriment to each era version. and then when wrath comes you have to make copies of it all over again. doing copies now and in wrath will just be hot mess. if you really want joyson on classic stay on it with others that will do the same and recreate a new toon for tbc.

Adults is a loose term on these forums.


no it is not. you keep saying this. stop saying this because you are wrong. you dont understand how servers work. people are either online or they arent. you dont take up a server spot unless you are online. now stop trying to shill your wrong argument to me.

The title of this thread is “Why are we being forced to choose what era to play in” and we aren’t. You can literally play in both, which is my point.

The argument is being made into “why do I have to choose where my progress goes” Which is an entirely different thing.

I personally feel like they should allow copying. I see no harm in it, but here we are.

i live in reality

Its for the good of the people that want to play classic and not have the base spread to thin. I dont think we have 1 person in my guild staying behind. I really think the classic forever is very small.

Do you really?

sure. youre correct. just you dont get to play your character you have built 70+ days of your life into on both. which is literally THE ONLY CONCERN.

Oh boo hoo…

Blizzard isn’t forcing you to grind or do anything at all for that matter…your attachment/addiction to this game and your character and the priorities you set for yourself are dictating that.

I’m not sure where the thought of a character copy even came from. There’s no precedent for it on live servers, and it goes against what Classic is even about. P6 forever servers won’t work anyway.

Also for those wanting to raid multiple nights, good luck organizing that with a guild.

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reply bot much

from the intelligent people who understand how this game is coded and developed.


blah blah blah blah, opinion opinion opinion, and it actually doesnt btw, and you cant prove that it does, and youre just slandering the opposing idea via easy vague statements.

blah blah blah opinion disguised as argument

blah blah blah seriously got anything important to say?