Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

wrong. its actually

but thanks for denying reality like a crazy lunatic

That’s exactly what the leak says.

If you do nothing at all your current realm will move to 2.0 when TBC goes live.

If you want to play on a Classic forever server you have to transfer your character to a fresh server.


There fixed that for you

Well seems my opinion is fact in this case because even tho I mentioned there’s no FAQ, you still replied like I never said that and linked to the (wrong) leak. I’m putting you on ignore this time, I can’t stand your dumb attitude.

nope. go reread it. or better yet, quote them or something. “prior to tbc launch, players will … ahem… ‘get the chance’ (lol) to decide to transfer their characters to tbc or to play on new classic era vanilla servers” something along those lines

ok so we have determined you are an antagonistic non argumentative reply bot

Hmm… "Being forced to choose."

Hello madam, would you like some creme brûlée or cheese cake as a desert?


  • Choose Your Era – Prior to Burning Crusade Classic’s release, WoW Classic players can decide whether to advance each of their characters to the Burning Crusade era with the rest of their realm, or to continue playing the original WoW Classic content on new Classic Era servers.

Advance is the word Blizzard used…sorry mate.

And you say I’m denying reality…


I guess you cannot read then.

  • Choose Your Era – Prior to Burning Crusade Classic’s release, WoW Classic players can decide whether to advance each of their characters to the Burning Crusade era with the rest of their realm,
    to continue playing the original WoW Classic content on new Classic Era servers.
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Lol you calling me a reply bot is rich!!

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  • Choose Your Era – Prior to Burning Crusade Classic’s release, WoW Classic players can decide whether to advance each of their characters to the Burning Crusade era with the rest of their realm, or to continue playing the original WoW Classic content on new Classic Era servers.

This reads to me that Blizzard is giving every player the choice to progress into TBC with their realm or transfer off that realm to new Classic Forever servers. Are you reading something different from this?

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lol my b. what happens if you dont…

Unsubstantiated sketch source material is not something that should keep you up at night.


yo incoming 500+ front page by tonight

I would assume you stay on your antiquated P6 Classic server forever with like 50-100 people…which sounds like a whole lot of fun, let me tell ya.

Adapt/advance or die off…that’s your choice.

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hahahahahahaha so you agree then that “advance” is just a blow off hard hat dumb dumb way of you saying you actuall agree with me? LMAOOOOOO freshies BTFO, transferries BTFO

The people who want to stay in classic are either A. Lying to themselves or B. want to play basically alone.

Here’s a tip for you all: Advance all your level 60’s to TBC. Any characters you want to keep classic forever, just re level them. You don’t want to feel like, “damn I should have advanced my main to TBC” due to fear of missing out.


Joyson im going to to show you the folly of copying things.

Say you copy all the classic servers how you prescribe and you paste it on a new TBC server.

Both servers copied are going to have on both sides mass amounts of people that don’t play due to them “preferring to play a different version”.

But it don’t end there…

Come Wrath you make ANOTHER round of COPIES.

Now you have wrath servers with a MYRIAD amount of classic and tbc non played character COPIES because those people didn’t want to progress and are still playing classic or tbc in their own respective servers FULL of copies.

Don’t you see your idea of copies GALORE is just a MESS.

Players choosing where they want their characters to go is the logical way to sort ACTIVE PLAYER POPULATIONS for SERVERS.

And no one in their right mind would want to play on a server where have the toons are copies of people who no longer play that version.

This all the active classic era players will be together, all the tbc era players will be together, and eventually all the wrath era players will be together and not a HOT MESS OF COPIES ACROSS THE KNOWN WOW MULTIVERSE.

Why is it so hard for you to understand?

Nope…your Vanilla character will still remain on a server I assume—it won’t get deleted, like you say…you just chose to not go with the crowd like all of the other P6 forever lemmings.

Just because there won’t be a demand or a lot of P6 forever players, doesn’t mean your character is effectively “deleted”…it just means that people don’t want to play the version of the game you wanted to remain in. And you are upset about that. I get it.