Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

Forsure not. I think its to make sure the people who want to rank to 14 or speed run nax are all on one or two servers not 30.

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when it comes to deleting over 70 days of my life, yeah someone being positive about it comes across as antagonistic to me

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Fresh classic sounds horrible to me.
But to each his own, if that’s what you want and its available then have fun!

Oh no lol

Guess you’ll just have to level another classic character. It’s the journey, not the destination right. And all the people who want TBC will go, leaving you in your perfect classic forever utopia where you can farm rock elementals in badlands until your very last day.

You should be celebrating OP - this is all you could have wished for!

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How are you losing that. You will still have that character you are just choosing if you want that character to progress to TBC or stay in Vanilla.

Think you have it a bit backwards. It requires you to transfer your character to another realm. Not delete it.

If you transferred your character off your current realm to another would you still have that character on your old realm to still play with that group of players? No, you wouldn’t you’d have to make a new character if you wanted to do that.

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Lol i get that alot. Fresh would have to be faster phasing. I like zg open to start then aq open after 4 to 6 months. Also some pvp changes like honor just buys items.

What do you mean by, “it?”

Nothing I said or am in favour of has anything to do with deleting?
Continuing to tbc or staying in Classic does not include deleting anything.

Your not even making sense anymore

none of that is relevant in tbc, aside from first few weeks of leveling.



do you not understand how a character transfer works?

ok so you do understand how a character transfer works.

so then why do you say

? i am 100% correct, and judging by your understanding of character transfers, you agree with me.


(junk words to make the forum software happy)

Wrong. Some Naxx gear is relevent until BT.
Your coming off very uninformed

your rebuttal?

Sigh you really think I didnt see that? there’s no FAQ. Also can you stop replying to me? you can’t nuance for sh%t and you have selective bias.

you used the wrong form of “youre” and you are cherry picking my argument and your arent even right about what you are talking about, not that it even matters or is relevant to the argument in any way. you are trying to distract from my main point that blizzard is forcing players to delete their classic characters

Yeah, that is kind of how expansion and even phases have always worked. Want it to be relevant forever? Choose to go to the forever classic realm where no new content will ever come.

It is backwards because you aren’t transferring from Classic to TBC. You are transferring from the Classic Realms that progressed from TBC to the Classic forever realms.

TBC to Classic not Classic to TBC.





Transfer does not = delete.

No need to continue this troll post.


Fixed that for you. You are a dramatic little fella’, aren’t ya?

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You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, well, you might find
You get what you need


i agree. i was never arguing that it shouldnt be that way.


id rather have mirrors of character data on tbc release

this is not what blizzard has said they will be doing. you do not understand what blizzard has leaked.