Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

fair point. however…


Because I think that will come with less commitment to either if players can have copies in both.

If you’ve put hundreds of days into a char, that’s sort of cheapened if it’s copied imo.

Make a choice for what matters to you. If preserving it matters, send it to a classic realm and level an alt Pally for TBC.

I’m okay with this choice; it makes sense.

I definitely think I’d play vanilla less if I could copy this to TBC. That’s the problem. If I can’t copy it, I’ll play this character way more in a vanilla realm.

yeah dude this is literally the death sentence for vanilla. if blizzard wanted to kill vanilla they did it with this stupid BS

  • Choose Your Era – Prior to Burning Crusade Classic’s release, WoW Classic players can decide whether to advance each of their characters to the Burning Crusade era with the rest of their realm, or to continue playing the original WoW Classic content on new Classic Era servers.

Yeah… I’d like to level on my pally, and take a break here and there to raid Classic on my warrior, without worrying that I’ll miss a window to upgrade.

Looking forward to more info on how it’ll actually roll out, and still a little undecided as to whether to roll new toons or upgrade.

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This is a really important issue and I’d imagine they’ll have thought of how to handle this kind of thing. We need to wait and see what they offer.

If you read Chucktaurus’s post you would know. He suggested characters being copied to the new forever classic realms as a solution to some of the issues just copying everything pointlessly would bring up.

The issue with this is that system would have to be triggered by you selecting the character you want to copy and the realm you are then copying that character to. Which would then copy that character to that realm.

The issue with this is that people will just pass the most valuable items and gold onto a single character before copying it. Then sending all of that to another character and repeating the process. This results in that player having 10x the amount of gold and 10x the amount of items that choose to copy.

They are trying to consolidate the player base as much as possible.

The fact that they are doing classic tbc very likely means they will do classic wrath.

They are most likely going to do fresh servers at some point.

They are not going to maintain 6 versions of classic in addition to retail. That’s too much work for them and would splinter the player base and effect everyone’s experience. By nudging people into moving into TBC they can consolidate the game into 1 version eventually and then they only have to maintain 3-4 versions at any given time.


And for wrath you want to do another mirror copy over that copy? And another copy of the copy of the copy for the next? copies upon copies upon copies?
The duplications will be nothing short of magnanimous.

Think outside the box of the short term.

Copies are bad and Copies on a LARGE scale are orders of Magnitude WORSE.

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and how would you go about this.

How do you figure out which characters the player wants to copy, or what realm they are choosing to go to? Are we just going to lotto things and do it at random?

Even if that wasn’t the case you can still easily exploit this to duplicate items and gold by using multiple accounts. Setting one account with all the resources and gold you want before sending that a second account to duplicate it.

not if the copying was done once, by blizzard

exploit schizos BTFO

Your question has already been answered many times in this thread yet you continue to choose to ignore the answer lol


rogue, huntard, warr or mage which do i take to tbc ?? please help

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the closest thing to an answer is that blizzard wants to force tbc.

You are right, Blizzard does have a really great track record of doing things like this with no errors or overlooking anything figured out by the players. There’s no way that someone could figure out a way to exploit.

Oh wait…

i mean just saying “people might exploit” is a valid argument i guess. its just not a very strong argument unless you be specific

Multiple people have been specific. There have been other examples of exploiting with copies. WoW players are NOTORIOUS for figuring out stuff Blizzard has overlooked to cheat the game.

The account is copied once by blizzard you then send all those resources to another account and blizzard does it once again. Copying is extremely and easily exploitable. Don’t pretend otherwise.

exploit schizos btfo… again… sigh

I think one of each realm type per region may be adequate. Perhaps 2 PvP and 2 PvE and one of the rest. They already have to determine how many server they’re going to need. Then you just dump evenly into all of them. Each realm gets assigned to having all that realm’s characters copied into a specific vanilla forever realm.

It’s really not any more difficult than how they’re already planning on doing it.

Be grateful you have a choice. The first time BC came out people didn’t have a choice.