Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

When did asking for what you want become “entitlement”? It’s a video game forum. It’s specifically here for these types of discussions. Get over yourself.

Yes, I posted a link to your video on this thread.

That is technically the truth.

And which one of those has a negative impact on those who are indifferent on the matter and only care about TBC?

not just at once. at all.

what you refuse to accept is that we know that blizzard is forcing this on us and its unnecessary

yeah no thanks dude

This is a silly argument. The main reason that Blizzard is choosing this route is consolidating the player base as much as possible. They are likely going to release fresh vanilla servers at some point and splitting the base between TBC, legacy Vanilla and fresh would result in some very dead servers. Couple points to prove this theory.

-Blizzard REALLY doesn’t like to merge servers or mess with moving people around. They avoided doing this for YEARS. They basically waited until server didn’t matter anymore before merging them. They won’t want to do this for classic
-Its a pretty obvious fact that most people are going to want the new thing (TBC) as opposed to the old thing (legacy vanilla). Especially when the old thing is never going to change.
-They sent out multiple surveys about this stuff. If there was truly a large majority of people that wanted to stay on legacy classic servers, they would probably be making a different decision. It stands to reason that because they are going this route, most people wanted to move to TBC.

In a perfect world, I would also choose to let everyone play the game how they want and have as many servers and versions of the game as possible to accommodate that, but that isn’t realistic. The fact is that Blizzard has (or at least is willing to put in) limited resources towards this and the player base is limited. Splitting it up 3 ways (and that isn’t even counting future TBC fresh or WOTLK / WOTLK fresh) would segregate the player base too much to be feasible so they are setting the precedent now.

by forcing each half of the community to roll new characters in order to play the other version of the game lmaooooooooooooo

I was specific and your reply was “Blah Blah Blah those are lies”

This means your current realm that you play on will move into TBC. Notice the use of the words “With the rest of their realm”. If you were transferring your character off that realm you wouldn’t be “advancing” with your realm.

This means you transfer off your current realm for a Forever Classic realm. Notice no use of the words “with the rest of their realm”

It isn’t something hard to decipher.

Don’t like sweet… can I instead have a very big burger?

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hahahahahahaha specific

You might have had more people stay if they had changed things. That’s why you have a lot of folks where were begging for a Classic+

Yes. He is amazing. Yes I have a lot of gold. No none of it was purchased with real money.

Now you’re just being disingenuous.

Yes, that would mean all the people are on 2 servers instead of 3. Also I mentioned fresh vanilla servers which I believe are coming at some point. We will see but I really don’t think (opinion but based on logical assumptions that I pointed out in my post) there are that many people that are going to want to stick around in forever P6 vanilla.

I felt a great disturbance in Azeroth. As if thousands of Tauren cried out and were suddenly silenced.


But why should you be able to?

ThAtS not HoW iT wAs

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just copy the character data from current classic and paste it onto tbc classic

The issue that a lot of people had with classic plus was that many don’t trust Blizzard at this point to make new content that is truly in the spirit of vanilla. That is a whole different argument. Also Blizzard would have to devote a lot more resources if they went this route, which obviously they aren’t willing/able to.

because character data is stored on an excel type express sheet and copy pasting it onto tbc servers would be a task befitting of a undergrad intern that busses coffee in their office

That’s not what I asked.

No, no, I insist! Here’s your video, Mr. Wildhart


Yep specific.