Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

Let’s be completely clear and transparent. I am an idiot.

What is stopping you? All that happens is the dark portal turns green and you walk in and there is outland.

Do you think something more happens and your character suddenly vanishes or your gear is deleted or something?

It’s not a fresh tbc server.

nope. blizzard specifically said you will have to choose vanilla or tbc. not choosing doesnt seem to be an option

It’s not the best gear in the game anymore in TBC…

He got carried all the way through Classic and his peak “rebuttal” is that his healing parses are higher than yours are.

Oh, and he sent a GM some Arcane Crystals as a bribe because he wanted a Rejuv Gem from BWL.

The fun starts here:


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The history of wow… you know… the 15 year old game… with 15 years worth of history and data…

It is actually very easy to read. It says “We are progressing the servers to TBC, but if you would like to remain in vanilla forever we are giving you the option to move your character to a new server that will not progress into TBC.”

there is a coordinated effort to discredit me going on.

you have to be more specific.

this is what they actually wrote

  • Choose Your Era – Prior to Burning Crusade Classic’s release, WoW Classic players can decide whether to advance each of their characters to the Burning Crusade era with the rest of their realm, or to continue playing the original WoW Classic content on new Classic Era servers.

You posted the video that discredits you. Nobody did that except you.

Okay, I get you now. You want your cake and to eat it too.

I do too and I agree with you. Big fat vanilla cake with mountain dew.

wrong, you posted the video

They can consolidate AND allow you to play both. They’re not mutually exclusive.

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I can’t play this druid on both TBC and a forever vanilla server. I have to choose where this druid goes. I should be able to keep this druid in vanilla land while also getting a copy of him to keep playing in TBC.

If this doesn’t change then I’m keeping this druid vanilla. I’m 37/40 Atiesh splinters. Not building that thing to have it be downgraded to a raid portal stick.

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I’m assuming you wanted to COPY your character and play on a TBC and your current Classic server? That is duplicating and giving you a free character. They do their business by having you subscribe and play. If they gave you free stuff you wouldn’t be playing as much.

The way it is currently worded, you are essentially tranfering your character to a Classic forever server. Meaning you either have to choose between playing Classic or TBC. You can not play both with the same character.

It’s the absolute worst implementation they could have come up with. Not only will it not be a fresh TBC server, those that choose to send their characters to the Forever Classic server will now have to restart in a hyperinflated economy from scratch if they choose to play TBC at all.

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Haha, how am I streaming from your character using your YouTube account?


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it would have been exactly how tbc launched, except for also having vanilla available to play as well. explain to me the problem with that please.

thats not what i said, i said you posted the video

I can’t post a video on your YouTube account, dude. You’re insane.

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to this thread

Yea, I get that you cant play Chucktaurus at two places at once, and that sucks. Im sure Chucktaurus is an amazing druid with tons of loot and gold obtained in a non bannable manner. (these are jokes, relax)

My point was that you still get to play two character’s named Chucktaurus on both tbc and classic at the same time by making a new character on which ever one the maxed out one wasnt on and bingo bango, you get to play both.