Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

so, if you dont advance to tbc, your character wont be there.

sounds a lot like the result of deleting your character to me.

  1. Dead Realms
  2. Names being taken by people who have never played there.
  3. lack of potential community. Resulting in those that remain on forever classic having to then reroll and level again or pay for a transfer to consolidate with their like-minded players who wanted Forever Classic.

Should I go on?

Not misdirecting at all. I already level every classic to 60 in retail. Blizzard could have just as easily allowed me or anyone else who has a max level of a class on retail to have that class at 60 on aclassic. The data for premade classes are there. They could have copied it for me or anyone else. Why do you think Classic and Forever Classic would be different from Retail and Classic? If you want to play both you have to put in the required work to play both.

The characters going to TBC are not being trasnferred at all. Classic is progressing into its first expansion. No transfer is occuring. The only transfers that are happening are those who choose to play Forever Classic.

No, it isn’t Retail and Classic are the exact same except spread apart by 15 years. Forever Classic and Classic/Retail is different.

If by fact you me fiction then yes.

You never had it on Forever Classic in this first place. How can you delete something that never existed?

Why did we have to level in classic? We already did it on Retail… This is your argument. You will deny it, but it is.

You only have one Joyson, not two. Only one Joyson will exist. You choose where you want that Joyson to be. You can’t get something from nothing.

No, it is still very much there nothing was deleted and nothing was gained. All as it should be.

I agree… honestly the best option would probably be a few P6 permanent servers with a new server coming online every two years that people will know that it will get deleted after those two years so they don’t think they get to keep that character. Maybe offer xfers off that server to the P6 permanent if you wanted to keep the character…

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And what about the people who want to play both? I’m now stuck between either restarting and losing a year of progress on Classic or TBC.

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please present factual evidence for your claims before trying to lie and say your opinions are basis for your arguments

You can be deliberately obtuse if you want, but if you want to play TBC with the main you have invested so much time into, you have to delete it from Classic servers.

We should be able to copy your character onto a Classic server when servers progress to TBC. We should not be forced to choose one or the other for our existing characters.

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You know why it wont be there? Because its in classic forever.

Ergo, not deleted

ok. youre right. just deleted off the tbc server

Glad to see we can have a reasoned discussion lol

truly yours,
antagonistic reply bot

hey bro ive been fighting the good fight clearing out all the BS bring it on

They obviously want to consolidate the Classic forever community. Probably into just a couple of servers and I can’t really blame them. Otherwise its going to lead to dead realms.

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What? That makes no sense. If you want to play TBC with the main you have invested so much time into, just do nothing. Your server that you are on now where your gear is, is still there. You just get a new expansion.

I agree.

dont do nothing. i repeat, dont do nothing.

  • Choose Your Era – Prior to Burning Crusade Classic’s release, WoW Classic players can decide whether to advance each of their characters to the Burning Crusade era with the rest of their realm, or to continue playing the original WoW Classic content on new Classic Era servers.

Learn from history or you are doomed to repeat it.

1, Dead Realms. Proven fact by people constantly moving forward over the course of wows history with the minority going to pservers to play a static expansion. This pattern repeating in Classic WoW and Forever Classic will result in dead Forever Classic realms.

  1. This is simply a fact. If every person character is copied so that they have both a TBC Classic and Forever Classic version of themselves. The majority will not ever play on one of those two characters. resulting in names being taken by characters that never played on that realm.

  2. The vast majority of the player base will move forward to TBC this is again a fact. Any given expansions fans are in a minority and the majority will always play the most recent version available to them. If we follow what you want. You will end up with ton of Forever Classic players on dead realms because of majority of their realm decided to go and play TBC. Resulting in them either having to transfer off the server or making a new character on the server that the rest of the forever classic community is playing.

opinion. again.

Is it an act or are you really this dense? It’s getting hard to tell.

I have nearly the best gear in the game right now. I’d like to play TBC and still be able to come log into my character with the best gear in the game. I can’t do that if I progress to TBC. It isn’t literally deleted from Classic servers but it might as well be.

He is right a player that chooses to do nothing would have the character progressed into TBC as it is the server change not the character.

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historical world of warcraft facts

lol durrrr

watch this

fact fact fact fact fact

nope, still doesnt make it a fact

its difficult to judge from the corp speak blizzard wrote in, but it seems like blizzard will do the same thing they did with the classic name reservation, but this time it will be character transfer instead

Kind of does… that past is written in stone. It can’t change. What has happen already occurred thus it is factual. Are you actually trying to deny the past?

what past? what fact?