Why are alliance players unhappy?

I responded to you in my edit. b(^_^)

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I need help reaching Rezan… =c

Here’s the issue. We’re cheerleaders, not prominent soldiers involving a war of two factions. This is literally the second time we backed up a civil war within the Horde. I don’t want to see Anduin standing around pouting. I want action.

We want to be a little bad. We want to be a key to the story. After all, Arthas and Illidan were fantastic Alliance heroes turned bad. Maybe the best.

Give me a Tyrande on a murder spree all night and day. Her husband of centuries was nearly killed. Her home was destroyed. Her people were burned alive. And her revenge was killing a single Val’kyr…that’s a prime example of Alliance getting shafted.


See, I would like to see such a thing, but from a rumor I read, they tried this by having alliance slay voldunai and people said no to it.

I’d heard about that. I would’ve had no issue with it. I think a lot of that was because people were still convinced Vulpera had a shot at joining the Alliance and being a neutral race.

It’s war. If Blizz really wanted to make a morally grey story, Alliance has to do some bad too. It can’t be all one-sided. Otherwise, it becomes what we have: Horde looking like villains and Alliance looking like the heroes.

As an Alliance player absolutely all of this post is just refusing a dinner plate saying “I don’t like it”.

The racials don’t matter nearly as much as exaggerated. You really think that’s what affected raiding in any way?

“BaD aLlIeD rAcEs!” Nah dude, really the only one I don’t like is Kul Tiran, apparently others as well as they’re a very low population. Dark irons and void elves are very well received though.

I bet you’re also a “horde bias” type of person as well, right?

This I actually knew about. I did hear that the Alliance was bigger back in the Classic era. They did have better racials true.

But that doesn’t mean we should flip the table on the Alliance because of what Blizzard chose to do.

Neither faction should dwarf the other in terms of community. Right now in BFA it isn’t THAT bad. Sure. It’s just its been a trend recently and it started in WoD.

A bunch of major guild at one time switched over and now you still hear about actual hardcore guild pouring into the Horde still from the Alliance. Even WoWhead’s owner switched to Horde.

Nothing is more demoralizing to the faction to hear that the top 100 guilds on your faction switched to Horde. Hundreds of thousands have poured into the Horde and its getting worse as time goes on.

This is true. A lot of the racials have been nerfed to hell and there is mostly balance between the racials to where its not a completely major choice like it once was back in the Classic era.

At least the Alliance have competitive racials in BFA with Allied races. Especially with Mechagnomes.

I always see Alliance hate threads. Maybe its a perspective thing and not objective for either of us. There are those who complain about both factions. We can agree on that at least.

I mean saying the Alliance have a good story even isn’t that true. I mean its “good” as in not bad. Sure. Is it great though? No. Definitely not a great story and thats our problem.

The Alliance had Varian. That was one of those cross-faction characters like Saurfang. Although the Horde has Vol’jin too which was another cross-faction loved toon.

The story isn’t really a problem at all except the Alliance only react to the Horde and the Horde control the story but get :poop:on all the time. The story is really bad for both factions.

I think there was a study or observation done whereby when people vote by cheers or “yays” which is surprisingly still practiced in US state legislation rulings to everyones shock, the second call is always louder.

Thats because the people who know its going to come after know how loud the first frequency is subliminally. Then they cheer louder afterwards.

If the Alliance cheered 2nd there would either be boos because its different or louder because naturally the competitive spirit would make them want to beat what they just heard. Its common sense.

People complain about it. I don’t find it a problem of faction imbalance but it does hurt Alliance morale I guess. It has to in some degree psychologically but again, I don’t in anyways consider that apart of the faction imbalance. lol

Imagine the game devs every year ritually reaffirming their love for the Horde and making the Alliance feel bad because of it. People notice and again, they do complain. Its’ not that big of a deal though.

I get it. Just because they’re unique doesn’t take away the fact that they’re the least played race in the game.

yes. They just came out as an allied race. Right? Along with Zandalari.

The thing is though… Zandalari are the 13th most played race in the game now. There are 21 races.

Zandalari are already the single most popular allied race even though Kul Tirans are the least popular allied race. This correlates into the fact that by probably by the beginning of 9.1 of next expansion there will be more Zandalari Trolls than Worgen. Kul Tirans will always be one of the least played races it seems like.

If Zandalari are more popular than all of the earlier allied races, even Mag’har and Nightborne, then shouldn’t Kul Tirans NOT be last place for the entire game?

Thats just the data as it stands. Anything can happen by 9.0 or 9.1 I’ll be watching for sure and return to this conversation to see where things went.

The goal is for Blizzard to try and keep the factions 50/50. Not until death and make it a massive priority. NO no no.

They should at least make it a reasonable and significant consideration.

Blizzard needs to make money off of faction transfers I guess though. So I guess the Alliance experience exists to be crappy so Alliance players feel compelled to faction transfer?

Ion Hazzikostas did a Forbes interview where he was asked about the faction imbalance. He discussed why people love Orcs so much… Like that has anything to do with it?

I mean Blood Elves are the single most popular race in the entire game. Over 1/3 of the entire Horde lvl 120 playerbase are Blood Elves.

Why didn’t he discuss Blood Elves being an important and popular identity over Orcs? Orcs are Ion’s personal favorite and he mains an Orc.

It shows that the lead game dev doesn’t acknowledge the significance of Blood Elves over his personal preference, the fact that Alliance have less “good stuff” in general for their gameplay experience, and any solution given to the faction imbalance or any ounce of sympathy.


Where are you getting thees numbers?

Go to a BlizzCon where they do this “faction scream” thing in the crowd.

“For the HORDE!” - everyone goes crazy.

“For the Alliance!” - crickets and a cough…

It sorta sucks being the butt-end.

The most popular AR are the Void elves … almost at every mass populated Alliance Realm they are at third place. Between 8-12% . 1. Night elves 2. Humans 3. Void elves

i’d say cause we’re getting a fugly race that’s pretty-much the same as the original version, instead of something cool or cute, like the horde’s getting. i mean… have you SEEN male mechagnomes? they look like they’re wearing diapers. not a pretty sight.


Crickets is quite the exaggeration theres definately typically more to the horde but the alliance have been pretty close the last few years.

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Well a bit of backround here I have been as high as a world 7th guild in terms of progression in mop.

The racials made massive differences between higher skilled players. This caused the top end to transfer over followed by the players just under them and so on and so on. Right now the racials are not to terrible though I admit to not being up to date on it.

Regardless the damage is done all the talent is horde side and there isn’t a reason to move it over.

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It funny i hear about racial first thing comes to my mind. Do you guys have any imaginations? Not sure it does. It does seem few are using their racial to maximum effectiveness.

  1. Human have a free cc removable. Sure it tied. It stills means you do have to equip a stun removable trinket. With all the cc crazy in BFA it sure comes in handy.
  2. Night elf get a free get out of combat card. Very useful if you have a rogue or druid. Mages can now have a a pet attacking the just use it and move away.

These are just some of the things i do with my characters. I found most alliance ones more useful than the horde. It just take a bit of time to figure out how to use them effectively. The only one i have figure out is nightborn. I keep coming up with blank because they about as good as a blunt ax.

It may have been the case back then and the damage is done because most the top guilds are horde so if your trying to be a top raider you go horde. The racials arnt an issue anymore imo weve had warcraft logs for a while now and you can see clearly that at the very top end they are not all the same race which is what they should be if the racials were a big deal. Its just a social thing thees days where the top guilds go with the race that gives the most dps no matter how small that difference is and people just fallow suit.

Can you fix up your post? I don’t know if english is your first language or not but it is so broken it is hard to follow.

I think you are agreeing with me?

It is my first language im just awful at it. I was agreeing that the damage is done but pointing out that since weve had warcraft logs we can clearly see that the very top players arn’t all the same race.

I’m not unhappy.

But I do acknowledge that Mist of Pandaria saw a massive shift of our raiders to Horde, who never came back, even after racials were nerfed.

And this had has a profound negative impact on our end game community. Method going Horde, drew so many copy-cat guilds to follow.

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Well, don’t worry Horde won’t be getting the villain bat anymore… because we’ve literally run out of people to kill… thanks Blizzard.

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Id give up all my racials for Diplomacy given the choice. Id never play a goofy human though. Human males make trolls look suave by comparison.