I get the game overall has not been good, so that applies to everyone, but in terms of factions alliance players seem to complain the most vocally about bias.
For the majority of the game’s lifespan the alliance had the most population at endgame.
For the majority of the game’s life span, they had the better PvE racials.
They don’t get the stereotype of being the bad guy, they aren’t forced to by the key to the story since they can come in and save the day everytime.
Is it the social media aspect? How the alliance has at times been the butt of blizzard jokes?
Or is it that they feel ignored because the Horde has a more organic storyline?
I was thinking the former over the latter, primarily because the latter often requires the alliance to engage in more negative aspects but many disapprove such as the Voldun mission changes.
Because they are Alliance. I think it is a requirement.
It’s because they don’t have enough spikes on their buildings.
A happy home is a spiky home?
Terrible allied races the highlights being different colored dwarfs and blueberry elves. Weaker racials for to long decimating the high end player base and left to fester till it virtually ended the last few rungs of the progression ladder for the faction.
We aren’t, it is horde mains with alliance alts complaining to make us look bad.
They take the faction war too seriously
We got the only unique race in Kul Tirans (randy marsh Homer Simpson esque humans) and a bunch of other awesome races like miniature robocops
Overall i usually really enjoy my expirience as an Alliance player, and it feels like going uphill in BGs, raids and so on. Cant be driectly Blizzards fault, but the alliance playerbase is more set up for casual RP, and PVE. Horde tends to draw the higher skilled players, and with that the alliance kind of loses out on some of that talent in the PVP and PVE world.
Admittedly it does seem that the horde can often get better treatment (although iam glad we dont get the villain bat, but neither should horde anymore) with general questing and so on.
People were literally asking for Dark Iron and Wildhammer dwarves for years.
Okay but allow me to counter that then?
The Horde received tauren with antlers, and brown orcs. Is that not the equivalent to your DiD and LF Dranei?
If you want to do VE v NB, sure, the VE have a lot more polish to them.
Zandalari vs KT, they are equal in terms of effort. The KT have a complete new model.
Mechagnome vs Vulpera, I’d give it to the alliance as well.
Not to discount your viewpoint at all, but I think this may be a bit of the grass is always greener. I finally got around to leveling my 2 alliance alts over the past couple of weeks and I found the quests lines far more engaging and entertaining. That’s not to say horde was bad, it wasn’t and I thoroughly enjoyed it… but I think for questing Alliance won for BfA. 
Yeah but that makes pvp funner as alliance you go against some of the most brilliant minds to grace the game.
Overcoming your obstacles puts you on another plane of existence making you feel like a god
Only thing horde has over us is the funny ghost when you die but you get that too as alliance when you get sent to Zandalar.
Alliance clearly has more effort put into our quests and story by blizzard
Or maybe they’re better than Horde players who do nothing but whine at the slightest bit of discomfort.
Exactly, horde not only pretend to be alliance and complain but they complain about everything including a stupid bee mount.
Lol, I do admit some of their complaints are valid as blizzard treats us alliance like gods
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I’m tempted to reply “I’ll have what you’re having” but I have faith that your strength is much more.
Plot twist: You are Horde pretending to be Alliance.
I think you may very well be the first Alliance toon I have ever seen claim Blizzard favors Alliance.
I play both sides and I’m pretty happy all around. Should I pretend to be sad? I never know anymore.
Maybe if you pretend to be sad Blizzard will give you more likes.
Maybe I should as well…
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Just add zero flesh Mechagnome customization. That is the only Alliance AR that i agree was unfair.