Why are alliance players unhappy?

They are not tiny. Horde can literally break phase 1 of almost all boss fights 30% faster due racial dps boosts. The damage difference on the long run os still 1 to 2% but its definately easier to break the frist phases as horde which already makes things much more easier. All top pve guilds stated this issue in wotlk and were ignored. So horde started to get overpopulated. And in dungeons the overall damage difference is 15% higher for horde.


This is total revisionist history. Perception was overpowered and EMFH was even more, and after EMFH came out, for 2 expansions it was completely alliance dominated because everyone was, like you are, a female human.

It was incredible for Arenas because they got a second DPS trinket.

Blood elf racial didn’t become the bees knees till end of WoD/Legion. Not because it didn’t have the potential, just because everyone else chose human.

Its not I dunno why you want to push such a hardcore lie. Literally US ladders were heavily dominated by Blood elves, orc warriors, troll mages and tauren druids whit the occasionally UD here and there. Alliance was always the minority. EMHF wasnt nowhere close ad good as mass silence or old perception because you get CCd during bursts regardless of the dps trinket you were using, you know what avoid the CC beign cast? The silences. People were humans because all other racials sucked for alliance. The second best racial was shadowmeld. Horde? Mass silence, dmg buff, cast speed buff, CC breaker, and aoe stun. It is not my fault you based your opinion on false spreads while i ak factual about mine


I play both sides, but even I was shocked at how underwhelming and lame the story was for Alliance this expansion. If you were to play Alliance only, and didn’t know the Horde story at all, you wouldn’t know this was an old god expansion. They focused on themes of unity, they had a really cool Drust theme going on with Thros but only in one dungeon and one zone, and old gods were featured in one dungeon and one zone.

They had no reason to go to Uldir, there was no lead up to Old Gods and Titans the way the Horde side was.

Then we got the entire Voljin story which I feel should’ve been able to be viewed by the Alliance character as well. Non DK’s in Legion didn’t know what was goin on with Bolvar LK, but Horde get to visit him and see what he’s becoming during the story line.

I dunno, when it comes to story I could see why they’d be unhappy, not to mention the umpteen amount of Horses added. Me? I squee’d cause I love Horse designs. But there were TOO many Horses lol. Horde side got way more variety.


In terms of PvP yeah, they were better. Overall though? Alliance had pretty much always been better. Correct me if I am wrong, but the only time we’ve ever really seen Alliance not do well is in specific circumstances such as Kiljaeden and goblins, but even then, it could be done using engineer boots.
On the other hand, EMFH was pretty incredible until its nerf

Which ones specifically Hex? To my knowledge, every single mount available to the Horde had an already available variant recolor of their rep mounts which were faction locked.

They apologized for it pretty much immediately after because of how it came of. They had not intended to come off callous, and keep in mind, there were many prominent blizz devs who are alliance mains.
Hence, why I mentioned it earlier, there may be a matter of a social aspect to the issue, at the same time, it is difficult to fix such a thing since the alliance base sometimes comes off as sensitive and easily angered.

Do the math dude, the horde racials are inferior to those of the alliance currently.
As for the competitiveness, this has always been the issue since TBC, and was more prevalent in WotLK.
As the populations began to equal out, the competitiveness of the alliance began to drop with it steadily. Mind you, the raiding population is already very small, so a small shift is going to affect the competitiveness significantly.

Racials have only ever been a factor for raiders like Method, but everyone else? It really doesn’t mean enough to them. It certainly didn’t back in Vanilla when very briefly, the orc racial was the best.

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This has to be verified beyond a persons Discord chat claiming that 1,000 people had the same experience. It has to be rooted in data. There is no data that says this.

There are more Horde players by far. Only 47% of 120s are Alliance in the US and 45% of 120s are Alliance in EU.

This was more balanced for 110s during Legion. It literally is getting worse every expansion.

Maybe in Classic and TBC. Although Classic sucked and not by much. The game has a solid history with PVP and the Horde has ALWAYS had better PVP racials. Not just for the majority but ALWAYS had better racials. Like the Orcs resist to Stun.

You don’t read the Forums that often. Also Orgrimmar is a place of cannibalism, slavery, honor killings, blood debts, worker class abuse etc. Socially they’re everything evil can be. We play champions and it doesn’t account for what goes on in the lore.

I mean yeah the same goes for the Alliance but assuming you’d live your whole life safely, you’d rather live in Stormwind as a worker than in Orgrimmar as a worker. That is guaranteed.

Nah. That was never a problem back when the faction imbalance wasn’t that big of a problem. People did complain about that though.

Yeah. Thats just one cut of many thousands of cuts.

You’re right.

But you’re also missing many other points. First off all nothing matters more than the present. So saying "the Alliance once had better PVE racials, so we need past justice.

How about instead of desiring the Alliance to suffer for Blizzard’s choices we make BOTH factions have the same PVE racials instead of tipping the balance? Now the Alliance have less hardcore players and less of a population and community because of it. That’s not fair what Blizzard did to the Horde but the Alliance players never did anything. They just played and existed. Now the Alliance experience is getting worse.

  • The Alliance have the least played race, Kul Tiran. Its not our fault. It’s Blizzard’s fault.

  • The Alliance only has a good story and thats about all they have going for them. Art style and everything else is a preference but what isn’t a preference is having the game devs continue to foster the larger community, give better racials overall, and give more convenient in game situations for them including lore.

Right now about 46% of lvl 120s are Alliance. This will be reduced to 43% or 40% by next expansion. The Horde is almost 60% of the entire game.

The Alliance need to be balanced out and be given an incentive that every player will say “Hmm… There is a reason to roll Alliance aside from preference now.” That also balances preference.

Mechagnomes are a horrible example. People really don’t like gnomes. There are almost more Zandalari Trolls than Gomes currently in the game already. By the end of BFA there will be an even larger percentage of Zandalari Trolls. It’s pretty clear that this isn’t balancing the preferences with a game play advantage.


Hey wait I was responding to that good sir.

I could try and dig up the numbers from way back when for you. Blizzard did have official numbers for the populations during each expansion.
From Vanilla, up until I believe Legion and BFA, where we now have realm pop numbers, the alliance outnumbered the Horde.
The greatest advantage was in Vanilla, TBC, and WoD.

Not denying the PvP aspect, but even though the HOrde had the edge in PvP racials, this was minor. Keep in mind, after vanilla, the Horde racials began to be nerfed repeatedly to try and balance them out.

I do, and let us be honest, there is more to suggest the Horde are bad than vice versa.

I mean…you’re only proving my point for me. When it comes to the story, the alliance does not get painted as badly as the Horde. Mind you, the HOrde is supposed to be different after Thrall took over, and yet, you have cases such as MoP and recently BFA where the Horde are evil again.

I considered it, but Hexblade has cited it earlier, so I am wondering if it i greater than we believe.

I snipped your post for space since I didn’t wish for a giant wall for you to read through. I would argue we should be in the present, but the past is often cited as reason for the alliance to feel slighted.
The alliance has always had the less hardcore players, and this became evident in TBC when the population shifted over massively.

How so? The Kul tirans are the only uniquely modeled AR in the game. They have more work put into them than almost every AR outside of the Zandalari, who used a heavily modified straight backed NE model. I cannot help but wonder if perception is key given the work put into KT.

But does that not only fuel theproblem further? They want more interesting storylines but they want the more typical races in terms of aesthetics. How do you break the mold if you are forced to stay in it.

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Wrong button lmao

Players are players regardless of faction. However, an OP like the one for this thread does nothing to make ANYONE look good because it’s just supposed to cause more fighting.

Why are horde players unhappy? Both sides are unhappy with everything.

Alliance: No one asked for mechagnomes. We got garbage rep mounts all expansion long.

Horde’s complaints: No bee mount, horde leaders off’d, MOP 2.0, ect

Every side has something to complain about.\

P.S. your losing Gallywix in 8.3 :slight_smile:


The Alliance had it good for one expansion where they led raiding and pvp. How does that make the situation balanced over fifteen years?

Which was definitely something that was needed to be done, but it was the manner in which Blizzard did it. The Alliance leveling experience from 1-60 is outright depressing with unexplained loss of territory with no story development of what happened, actual loses in what story there is, and widespread destruction in our remaining zones. The Horde leveling experience is completely different in this regard. Everything is on a roll for the Horde player.

The one time?


Don’t forget the most important thing about an MMO. The people.

Less and less people on the Alliance now. Expansion to expansion its getting worse and not getting addressed.


Horde complaints are valid though, Alliance complaints are absurd.
We are basically treated like gods by Blizzard. I mean we got Kul freaking Tiran (A new model designed from the ground up ) and an elegant leveling experience.

You beat me to it lol!

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But no skinny kul tirans despite them existing…that’s the problem.

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Lmao, despite all Horde attempts I am happy as a Bee covered in honey.

We have skinny void elves… We needed a giant buff awesome race.

Already ahead of you friend. I -needed- those when they were current content haha

Zandalari Trolls aren’t a new model?

Idk, I read somewhere they are not a new rig. They have some new stuff I think but are not ground up masterpieces like Kul Tirans.