I don’t think they are. I’m a filthy casual now a days, I don’t feel any less happy when I’m playing on my horde or alliance characters. i think 99% of this issue is made up. A small group of vocal individuals can make a problem seem a lot worse than it actually is.
The problem there was the presentation. Zones needed to change hands to put the Horde on more even footing, but in the original draft almost all of those losses were due to environmental damage from the Shattering. Blizzard went back and redid entire subzones, making new quest chains, specifically to assert the Horde’s dominance. Easy example: Southshore was originally destroyed by a tidal wave caused by Deathwing’s influence. They did that, then redid it so that the Forsaken blighted the entire area to the point that it’s uninhabitable by anyone for the next several hundred years.
They then, by their own admission, ran out of time to finish the Alliance content because they were perfecting what they wanted for the Horde.
To be fair, if the alliance already had what they needed, they would be second priority if they’re trying to get Horde stuff up to snuff.
Even if you dont finish the alliance content, it means they still have the original goal slated. Mind you, I do believe they should have continued and added it in a later patch, but tht is the mindset.
If anyone says the Alliance gets NOTHING good, they’re just whining. Drustvar is amazing and the Jaina storyline was great but it could have happened anytime.
We also got the bee mount, even if horde players forget WHY. The first three turns in Warmode all favored the horde, so Ion announced the bee mount as if that was compensation.
I want a hornet mount to represent my rage.
I want a flying keg mount. Dwarves get no love since Wildhammer in cata!
I would be on board with it.
Alliance complain that they never get good story but in order to have a good story, there needs to be conflict. And any time they try to write a conflict / questionable notive story for the Alliance, the Ally fanboys raaaaaage because “We are the good guys!” then they proceed to get mad when Blizzard caves and they get the typical, dry, predictable good-guy story line.
Alliance needs to get its hands dirty sometime and stir up some conflict. Let the Horde be the ones to go “Uh hey guys that was kind of #**(#@ up.”
To have a story it is not necessary to be a villain of caricatures simply have to take the initiative 8.1 was an example of a good start with a bad end.
The problem with the Alliance is that it is not hard with the horde is simple, against other enemies there is no problem to be brutal.
If the Alliance had been carried away by Hate and Anger on all fronts to finally realize that it is becoming what it hates it could be a superb development without falling the villain’s topic.
Horde fanboys raaaaaage because “we dun wanna be bad guys!” or “muh warchief i had no actual connection too!”
It’s that easy! And also true.
I just wanted to be on the same faction as my wife.
It’s not that “we don’t want to be bad guys” Hell I like Blood Elves so much because they are basically down with being bad guys when it suits them. At the very least they are good guys who do bad things.
But the Horde has been thrown under the “easy villain” bus since Cataclysm. It is getting old. Every other expansion the Horde is up to their old bag of horrific crimes again for no real discernible reason other than “WE LOVE EEVVVVIIIILLLL! MWAHAHAHA!”
There is no reason they couldn’t have made Garrosh the most BA, Saurfang-worshipping Orc to ever live. There is no reason they couldn’t make Sylvanas go down a path of finding a new place in the world and redemption for the Forsaken after Arthas died.
Instead, we now have no representation from our classic leaders / WC3 characters. Vol’jin and Cairne are dead, Sylvanas is at the very least “banished” as a Horde character, and Thrall is the perpetual neutral hero who they seem dead set on not giving the focus ever again other than as our assistant on scenario story lines.
Meanwhile in that whole time, the sqeaky-clean Alliance does nothing wrong, stays out of any kind of conflict unless the Horde takes the lead with hero meat shields, and get actual character development that doesn’t result in a death sentence for that hero.
I really, REALLY want to see a pissed off Tyrande and Malfurion revert to their WC3 mentality of “Stupid mortals, get out of our woods!” and really cause some internal strife for the Alliance. Not because I want the Alliance to have a hard time, but because I think it would make for a really compelling story line if it was handled properly. (It won’t be, Blizzard can’t write anymore.) But I still hope to see it.
What do you mean? They got F***en garbage for a new allied race, while the Horde got the cute and cuddlable Vulpera. They really got the ****end of the stick this time. lol… Thank god I’m Horde now.
Sorry butv according to Blizzard, she already got her revenge or something. We didn’t see it, it made no effect on the game, but whatever.
Couldn’t that get you strung up on the left coast…
I am more curious about the phenomenon that causes players to identify as being part of a fictional group in a video game. It is fun to talk smack, but some act like they are actually a part of the faction. That is where the unhappiness comes from.
What a great post. I too find this odd. I play both factions and while I empathize more with one because they’re the underdogs, I understand this is just a computer game where everyone benefits from both factions having as much balance and fun as possible.

I really, REALLY want to see a pissed off Tyrande and Malfurion revert to their WC3 mentality of “Stupid mortals, get out of our woods!” and really cause some internal strife for the Alliance
Where IS Malfurion, anyway? Does it really take him a year to recover from an axe to the head? Surrounded by the most powerful healers in the world?
/cracks knuckles
okay here goes:
architecture: alliance wins
racials: horde wins
pvp: horde wins
pve: horde wins
guilds: horde wins
races: horde wins
allied races: eh, close to a toss up though leaning to horde wins
quests: alliance wins. cool quest chains.
rep grinds: use to be alliance wins but now solidly horde due to being given easier rep options, like making alliance grind for 2 months longer than horde for their legion ARs
interesting npcs: another toss up, leaning in horde’s favor. losing varian wrynn was a pretty big downgrade but genn and velen are interesting and jaina is stepping up again. saurfang though, was quite interesting. like her or not, sylvannas is a riveting char. and i’m a fan of lor’themar.
horde wins. by alot.
I wouldn’t call Kul’Tirans a new model. Aren’t they basically reskinned Pandarens, or would that be shaved Pandarens?