Why are alliance players unhappy?

this thread turned out exactly how id thought it would lol

Really? :rofl: It has nothing to do with story at all. Burnout and interest in other games. Classic is a big chunk of that. I was told today that players can’t find players to consistently partner with on Sargeras, the main Alliance PvP server. PUG is completely dead. No advertisements at all for keys in the past week besides players spamming trade chat offering to carry for gold.

Um… no…
Alliance had the most population at endgame throughout Vanilla… but when BC launched the population swung completely in favor of the Horde, and never went back.
Horde has always had the best racials for PvE. Alliance racials have only ever been good in PvP and have repeatedly been nerfed to the point that some of our racials are completely and utterly useless (Example: Gnome Escape Artist, can’t be used while under the very CC effects that it is meant to break.) Horde racials on the otherhand have always been highly useful in both PvE and PvP. Damage buff CDs, AoE stun, AoE silence (nerfed into oblivion now, but for the majority of the game it was there).
The stereotyping of being the bad guy may be something that is predominantly horde, but believe it or not, that stereotype actually aids in building the horde’s population. The story is also very multidimensional for the horde side, they get to see their own faction from a myriad of perspectives, the story can change it’s direction for the horde at any moment and no one questions it. The alliance story on the other hand follows one singular linear path and never deviates from it, it is stale and uneventful, every “twist and turn” in the alliance story is 100% predictable and never changes the course of our story.

The social media aspect and how the alliance has been the but of all of blizzards jokes is a large part of the problem, but it is not the only factor nor is it the originating factor.
As I touched on with the story earlier, yes, this is an issue. However, it is not an easy issue to rectify. Nor is pigeon holing us into actions that make zero sense a viable solution either. The voldun invasion and vulpera massacre was completely out of left field, there was no build up to any such action by the alliance, it just happened out of the blue. Had there been some actual story elements that lead into the actions taken, then there wouldn’t have been as much of an issue. It still would have had a large negative reaction, but it would have atleast made sense storywise.


When they say story sucks, hate something just happen. How can it not be the story? my server went from a ton of people to almost zero. That was before the patch. Patch day and tons started to drop off saying these thing.

Hit the nail on the head


You “don’t agree” with me is of no consequence. You can deny the sun rises in the east, or that water is wet. Your ignorance does not change the facts. Again, don’t take my word on the matter. GO LOOK IT UP. You refuse to do it, though I’ve asked you two twice prior, because you want to believe your fallacies. That’s cool.

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A blood elf player proclaiming they are Horde is like an upper-middle class person acting hard in their gated suburban neighborhood.

You aren’t really hard, you are just pretending. You are playing Horde without really being horde.


If being Horde is being hard… Than God bless being soft.

In b4 some horde player gives me a crash course in thuganomics whilst I sip chai tea with a hint of honey from my elegant abode.

When you ask for grapes and get a carrot while living with a housemate who asks for grapes and gets grapes it can start to get annoying.


But even any inclusion of Alliance characters was to further the HORDE storyline. Look at Blizzard’s description of “Lost Honor” if you don’t believe me:

A prisoner within the heart of the Alliance seat of power, Varok Saurfang is confronted not only by King Anduin Wrynn, but the choices that lie before him.

This is about SAURFANG. Anduin is there to support HIS storyline.

There should have been TWO full cinematics concerning Teldrassil. Blizzard set it up as a huge horde strike on the Alliance (which it was; the Alliance has never got a victory like that, at least not in game and certainly not with full cinematics) and then made a quest for us to try to save the civilians and it was built for us to fail.

Then they said that we got our revenge. Somehow. Off-screen. Don’t worry about it.

They CAN say that because the focus is on the split in the horde, the decisions the players made and that final outcome. Anduin is only there in the final cinematic to say he was in it. You could have removed him and the entire Alliance army in the background and NOTHING would have changed.


I hear it’s because it takes them 6-10 tries to win an Epic Battleground on average.

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The vast majority of Alliance players are very happy with how Blizzard pampers us and treats us like gods.

Less than 1% who love being the underdog whine and wants Blizzard to nerf us

I’ve seen it from both sides equally, and have played on both sides.

I don’t know why so many people seem to think there is any fundamental difference between the people who chose alliance vs the people who chose horde. It’s the same general population of humans.

At this point most of us have played on either side at any given time, and the idea that one side complains unnecessarily more than the other is an assumption that has no basis in reality.


The thing is teh Horde has and always has had an interesting story. With complex and engaging NPC leaders. The Alliance has been so lacking in this that you would be lucky to find 1 in 10 Alliance players that can name 2 or more Alliance Leaders. They may have killed some off this expansion. We honestly don’t know and don’t care. We couldn’t find most of them in the cities if you paid us. The only marginally interesting one is the Werewolf dude whateverthefudge his name is. Scruffy? Spot? Scooby Doo? We really don’t know!

Everything you say is true, there is no denying that this expansion had Saurfang as its focal point. I am not a fan of the entire Night Elf storyline either, it feels very much unresolved.

As much as I enjoyed seeing Saurfang, It really does feel as if we were just along for the ride. This expansion became less and less about Alliance vs Horde, and turned into Horde vs Horde with Alliance kind of standing off to the side.


The same applies to you Phearal. Drop the dismissive tone.
You stated “you’re wrong, go look it up”.

Bud, for the racials we have patch notes and when you do a case by case comparison, Alliance wins overall with Horde winning in the PvP aspect.
IN areas where HOrde racials do win out, it is in cases such as Kil’jaeden with Goblins, but the greater majority favor Alliance.

This is reflected by the fact that Method did not switch from Alliance until after MoP along with a number of other guilds.
There is literally data for you to look at from past expansions. So I disagree with your interpretation on the matter.
Unlike you, however, I am not losing my temper over it.

Nice transmog btw.

This is the first time I’ve seen this argument.
I see equal complaining yeah, but the type of complaints are usually different.

I find alliance players constantly claim they get treated unfairly. In some aspects I agree, like the cinematics which are mostly Horde based.
I do agree with Thanastasia, there should have been 2 cinematics for Teldrassil.
I also agree this expansion was focused on the Horde.

I don’t agree with the notion that the alliance never gets anytihng good, or that they’re always the under dogs when we have it well documented they were very competitive until at worst, WoD.

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Many folks wanted Mechagnomes. They just don’t want diaper-wearing, loin cloth draping, mechagnomes and that’s what we’re getting.


I believe part of the issue is that their legs and arms (?) are not affected by transmog. So it makes them look weird.
I do hope they fix that issue.
Perhaps allow the mog affect their legs and not their feet?

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They look like mechanical babies with loaded diapers. I feel like it was an intentional choice and one I really hope Blizz’s changes. Given how they could have chosen shorter or even taller, buff/stocky humans for KT humans and instead went with offensively fat humans… it doesn’t feel like they will change their mind.


To be honest, from what I recall, blizzard has the mindset of “I made this, if you dont enjoy it I dont care, I have millions of players who will play anyway.”.

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