Why are alliance players unhappy?

Imagine being this ignorant and believing this is true while playing a Blood Elf.

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Nope. Brand new model.

@Adaea: Imagine being so victimized that you can knly attack others dor what they play.

  • “For the majority of the game’s lifespan the Alliance had the most population at endgame”

This hasn’t been true since Cataclysm.
You play Horde. The faction with the highest endgame population, contradicting your own statement.

  • “For the majority of the game’s lifespan, the Alliance had better PvE racials.”

You play Horde, and a Blood Elf. Horde has always had better endgame racials in Arcane Torrent, Blood Fury, Berserking, etc, contradicting your second statement.

Imagine continuing to willfully be this ignorant and arrogant because your points are disproved, and claim you’re being victimized because of what you play when it’s literally one of the points of the whole argument.
Both your statements are false and you fail to see it, despite projecting them onto the Alliance when everyone knows the Horde has had more serious endgame players, and better racials.


It has been true since MoP where the population began to shift. Alliance became more popular in WoD again due to EMFH. It swapped again.
That is the majority of the game’s life span.

That’s an ad hominem. I wasn’t Horde until Legion, keep making stupid assumptions though, they really support your argument. Does not make you look emotionally invested and totally logical.

And how many time were these racials nerfed to the point where the alliance was better?
Let alone arcane torrent’s use in raiding is limited compared to blood fury and berserking, and both those abilities received significant nerfs every expansion which allowed the alliance racials to have an edge. Primarily because during progression, the ability to ignore, or mitigate mechanics was more important than DPS/heal checks

Patch notes say otherwise.

Where did I claim to be victimized? I claimed you made a judgement based off what I play, which you did, twice.

Cool story, tell me, who dominates the MDI? Alliance or Horde?
The only reason you haven’t seen a swap of Horde to Alliance for raids, is because the differences are so minor it doesn’t matter anymore.
Good stuff on the broad assumptions and blatantly ignoring what occurs during endgame and why.

Can anyone actually name a time this happened? Other than the vulpera world quest which was pretty cruel, even by the horde’s standards. Also I have a feeling they were still hoping the foxes would be given to the alliance or at least made a neutral race, which may have had a hand in it.

Horde forsaken have a quest that involves smacking buried humans on the head while they beg for help.

Like…its a war…bad things happen.
Purge of dalaran started the crazy jaina and vereesa thing and alliance hated being the bad guys there.

Oh yes, I remember all of those high-end raiders swapping to Alliance for EMFH.

Again, EMFH. Totally stronger than Bloodfury/Berserking.

The Alliance. Because Shadowmeld is strong in a single part of the game that literally just started becoming popular this expansion.
Can you please tell me which faction has the top teams for PvP and Raiding?
It’s no coincidence that
A) The world’s best raiders all play Horde
It takes the Alliance at least two weeks longer to complete their first Mythic kill after the Horde.
B) The world’s best PvPers play Horde (EMFH doesn’t mean squat)
C) The Alliance didn’t even complete Crucible of Storms’ Hall of Fame; it sits at 42 guilds.

But sure, we can pretend the differences “don’t matter anymore”.
Berserking and Bloodfury definitely don’t help during DPS checks.
That Goblin Rocket racial definitely wasn’t powerful enough to make guilds race change to down Mythic Kil’Jaeden.

Good stuff providing examples your argument being supported when all facts available proves otherwise, showing the Horde has been more popular and more effective in terms of gameplay for as long as anyone can remember.
Genuinely believing that the Alliance is as strong as, or as popular as the Horde is ignorant. The Devs themselves show and say that they care about the Horde more on a daily basis.


I think alliance attitudes would improve if we got the high quality cinematics centered around us that Horde get. Just look at how popular Jainas warbringers video was compared to the others. Alliance players are hungry for this type of thing.


Eh, alright. Pretty sure they were just upset that Jaina was made out to be crazy, yet again, but sure. Is that all?

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Nope, they really werent since it was demonstrated multiple times the content could be cleared without it. In fact, trolls were picked for a different part of their racial because the damage racials resulted in a 1% difference.

The alliance doesnt perform well because of its m ik ndset. Look back at vanilla through cata. Competitive. It only changed afterwards, and this followed a cultural mindset change as wwll.
The alliance doesnt lose because of racials, it never has, they lose because they have no dedication to raiding. Ita casual.

It has always been seen as the most casual faction.

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How’s the faction change working out for you?
Artzie : Reaaaaaaaally nice, the Horde racials are far better than the Alliance ones, thank god we went Horde!
Vailaine: To be honest I don’t think we would have made it on Spiritbinder and Elegon as early as we did. Those kills were so close that the DPS racials give Horde players the edge once again.
Treckie: The faction benefits are hard to quantify, I still think it was a case of “the grass is always greener”, but there’s been close kills this tier, so I guess extra DPS isn’t bad. I’m sure we would have done excellently as Alliance, although most DPSers will say the complete opposite for their DPS racials!

Treckie is the tank, all the dps agree that the DPS racials made the encounter easier


Okay, thats cool and all buuuut math is math. Just because you feel something does not necessarily make it true.
If the damage difference is 1%, then it doesnt make an actual difference worth noting.

When every boss is a Patchwerk style boss you will have a argument

Considering eveey boss is designed without racials factored, and that many raids were completed without the beneficial racial, it sounds more like a skill problem.

Even when you factor those racials. The dps benefit is minimal enough to not be a factor. Clearly, we will not agree.

So what other factors do you believe affect the alliance such that they view things morr negatively than horde players?

ofc we wont agree every top player said for years it was a factor, to the point where they were forced to change factions to be competitive, method for example use to struggle a single first kill in raids after they swap to horde their 1st kill skyrocket and never went down again

more importantly all the high end community thought it was, blizzard had this feedback for years and years, until every top player from the alliance had to come to the horde.
After that is a domino effect, if you wanna do high end content you’ll have a easier time on the horde and the community as a whole say the horde has better racial which will make new players go to the horde too

Idk why you have such a hard time to admit this, those are all facts that everyone knows

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Probably because I am looking holistically where alliance racials provided benefits for ignoring mechanics or mitigating them, and as a whole, remained competitive up until MoP.

Keep in mind WoD was when method jumped to Horde side, you cannot suggest they chose to be alliance in previous expansions if the racials had no benefit.

Even then, if we look presently, the benefits across the mass majority of encounters doesnt provide enough of a benefit to be one over the other. That false down more to classes since blizzard has smashed racials heavily over the years.

Let alone let us say you are correct, racials apply only to the extreme minority, the minority who race for world firsts. Everyone else is simply trying to progress, so where did all the alliance go?

If you look at raid participation, alliance remained up there until Cata and onward, and I dont believe cata gave the horde a huge advantage, and back then, Method was still an alliance guild.

Heck back then, I dont recall the alliance being notorious for complaining. For being considered casual sure, but complaining became big in MoP.

So what changed?

no they went horde during MOP

thats your opinion all the top players think it does, so alliance top raiding guilds left

the whole top guilds change faction for the better racials and everyone follow


You beat me to editing, realized I said WoD instead of MoP.
Clearly though up until cata, alliance had a benedit.
In MoP racials got nerfed again until WoD got crazy.
Now mind you, let us say all the top raid guilds went.
If 5% of each pop raids, then you should still see a healthy amount of players playing.
Or at the very least, you should have a bigger population capable of raiding.
So then it becomes a matter of “why is the rest of the alliance not doing end game content?”.
On my Horde characters i see plenty of keys and raids.
On the alliance, I see significantly less participation as a whole. So why isnt anyone else stepping up?

Particularly mythic where alliance hold the advantage?

no people always complained about the racials, mop was the last drop, it didnt need to make horde even better it just need to ignore the problem again which it did, also at best should have said the racials were balance since we never had massive faction change going horde to alliance because before WoD and even then it was only pvp
So no, the alliance was getting ignored for so long that players left

can you read?

thats why, after those guilds left saying it was for the better racials that the alliance high end PVP/PVE died

Except, as I stated, if you could read instead of rage, you have an area where alliance has clearly superior racials in M+, to the point that it is a severe advantage to possess.so if raiding does not work, you shoild see some transferring for M+, and yer we do not see it.

You see participation down as a whole, even though mythic is more accessible.

I would argue it is a matter of participation. Alliance have a view of being casual, and not being the type to do content that is considered end game.