We didn’t keep it, what are you talking about? Darkshore turned into a WF, Ashenvale is still exactly the same, and we didn’t keep Teldrassil because it got burnt up.
Darkshore was still 50/50 horde/ally and I expect the horde to keep it now that the war is over. Ashenvale has never even been attacked after the WoT, so it’s 100% horde. Teldrassil was basically already conquered by the horde, but they decided to instead wipe out everyone instead of keeping the zone.
So that’s 3 zones conquered, out of those 1 was destroyed to kill as many innocents as possible, doesn’t make is less of a victory.
Literally go walk around through any Alliance related area in any expansion and you will see Alliance High Elves.
And again, Horde doesn’t “own” it. It’s not like we actually have the zone. We hardly had enough people to storm our own capital, you think there are Horde troops hanging out in Darkshore? Especially after Sylvanas bailed, when she was the only one who wanted that?
You bring up another perfect example. Why is it Mag’har got 3 different colored heritage armor sets, and all the clans customization types. Whereas Dark Irons couldn’t include Wildhammer customization? Literally all it is is some tattoos. Goes to show how much more love were put into Mag’har tbh.
Uh well zones aren’t updated but lore wise it’s as I said. The war is over so the night elves can’t fight go get their lands back, so the horde gets to keep it basically.
That would be true, except we see that Sylvanas is infused with some kind of dark magic. The kind that will make her Val’kyr useless.
If Sylvanas is anything more than the simple banshee she was in Vanilla, killing her Val’kyr was the equivalent to pouring water on the ashes at Teldrassil. To little, too late and has no meaning whatso ever.
Also, after all Sylvanas abandoned the Horde that took all the Valkir from it.
Why not let the Alliance take them out of the way, if the Horde has lost them anyway.
Or why not just let them kill Marris and have to occupy his last Valkir with him.
Well, you can’t change the past anyway.
That the fury of the Alliance can calm down to the future means that we will be upset for at least one more year.
And that is assuming that we are of importance in the next expansion and it is not another Thrall crazy elements who kill Sylvanas.
Yet every part of the way: the player is made to feel like garbage for being a part of the Horde. The story has done neither side any favors.
Within a few days you had your way to clear renunciation and culminated in your Horde totally clean and smelling of Flores.
The alliance has been in need of an Antiacid for over a year and we did not receive it.
They haven’t even let us plant a New Tree as a way to close the wound.
It has simply left us bleeding and full of Wrath.
That we heal alone and without help.
Im unhappy because:
- We have bad allied races.
- Blizzard is writing us like idiots all the expansion.
- Bad racials.
- Undead night elves joined the horde without any reason.
- Blizzard gave all our highborne lore (shen’dralar) to the horde (shal’dorei )
- Wardens are now horde too (another alliance theme stolen by the horde)
- Alliance Quel’dorei aren’t playable.
- Calia will join the horde.
There will never not be rage threads about faction bias. Blizzard could make everything 100% perfectly objectively balanced to the degree even Thanos would blush, and people would then just point to subjective things and claim bias.
No, if you think that then you are not seeing the underlying issues.
The Forsaken are literally now in a position worse than Legion Trolls; they lost both of their prime NPCs and have little internal drive in the Horde except being discriminated. Now in datamining, we have come to see that two Alliance NPCS are coming to lead them…
Orcs are down to two good NPCs now that Varok is dead. Any drive again is a problem because we do not know how long until Thrall leaves again.
Horde honor is down the toilet again after spitting on Horde legacy again, and it serves to make the Honor Horde crowd look stupid. (Hey lets have Saurfang trash the nature of the Horde before he dies to some bs).
Worst of it all, Sylvanas gets away with it because 4D chess.
So in retrospect, no…Horde got messed up. And no amount of a council will fix that.
I mean, Forsaken didnt get another city so…what did you expect at this point other than some contrived plot point to make Tyrande eventually made to look dumb and berated by Anduin?
Thats not true…night elves still have the Shen’dralar and Dire Maul.
Just one, since the other is dead.
Just kill her. She would have done more damage for the Alliance if she somehow brought lightforged undead to the Alliance.
Sylvanas “Destroy” Lordaeron Not the Aliance.Try Again
In addition to the renegades they are given a new path from Calia’s hand a path to a pasific existence.
The Promise of a new Lordaeron.
And the Alince look more Stupid
You recovered your Honor whether you accept it or not.
I have a pending revenge.
Our lore will never be expanded because they use it in nightborne lore.
It doesnt matter. Forsaken lost their city, since they got no replacement…Alliance probably wasnt getting one either.
That spelling doesnt help either.
And it makes the Honor Horde look weak and dumb too. Not only that, they still let in former Sylvanas agents to the city and basically get off scot-free because reasons.
No they wont. Horde is damaged no matter what until they write them as recovered. Its an endless cycle.
No, its because they (Blizzard) werent using it. The only thing you got out of the highborne was the ability to roll night elf mage…that was it.
That’s on the player. If you haven’t read all expansion it’s been a split. The story has made some feel horrid and dislike the horde while other embraced the dark lady and stayed loyal. See loyalist armor coming soon in 8.3.
That was already shown in 8.2.5 when the Horde basically says “nah u cool” if you are a Sylvanas loyalist.
All Evil leaders are out of the Horde so unless something changes you smell like damn Roses.
Did you have your redemption story for a second? third time?
What about me damn story?
You don’t care why you’re from the Horde.
I said planting a damn Tree Sprout a promise something that help heal.
In addition, it is still there, you just have to clean.
Even Sylvanas’ disgusting loyalist had his plot.
What did we have?
a bee.
You are angry because you don’t like your Fourth Cake.
I’m angry for not having cake
Horde have loyalists in chains.
Horde was split, the player had to make a choice whether to stay loyal or follow a different path.