Why are alliance players unhappy?

Beat up? ohh because you lost some faction leaders? so what? stop being a weaboo.
none of those lost meant anything,horde is still show to have an equal army to alliance while being able to capture and attack major zones and cities, Garrosh civil war was should have decimated Hordes numbers but guess what? nope Horde can totally go 50/50 against the alliance even tho they havent had any major loss

most people wouldnt care if factions leader were killed while having whole xpacs focusing on them and even getting something “Every now and again” ( like you said)

weaboo means being a fan of japanamation how does this apply here lol

It doesn’t apply in 90% of the places people use it on the internet, why not here. Lol.

I would be unhappy too if I was playing the wrong faction. Some people just want to watch the world burn and take their friends with them… hence people rolling alliance

Having a King socks. I am king. Tree king.

He is absolutely trolling. It was already established earlier that he basically either doesn’t respond to the important bits of a post, tries to be dishonest with the discussion by changing the topic entirely or just argues seemingly for the sake of it, sometimes with some accusing bad implications toward the one he’s responding to.

He’s very much the typical Blood Elf paladin poster of the forum stereotype, don’t even bother with this thread.

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It seems like you’re overlooking the history and impact of racials within the game over time. The current situation for racials in BfA has little impact on where we are now. Horde racials overall were designed to be offensive in nature, Alliance ones were primarily defensive in nature. This naturally lends itself over a period of time to affect player performance within endgame content. Up through Wrath, raiding guilds were pretty evenly matched but there was an acceleration towards the end of Wrath, picking up steam in Cataclysm where more and more guilds went Horde for the stated reason of better racials helping in endgame content.

It doesn’t matter whether racials were changed in one expansion or nerfed in another. The simple perception of their initial effect and the overt statements from top raiding guilds pushed the talent pool onto the Horde side. Once you have this population shift in the game, it becomes self-perpetuating as any new talent naturally drifts to what is perceived as the better faction for endgame content.

It’s the same thing we saw with population drift on PvP servers. Once there’s the slightest imbalance favoring one faction or the other, players naturally start to self-segregate over time with the minority faction moving off to another server and you end up with a bunch of PvP servers one-faction dominated.

Lol @ “different color dwarfs” and “blueberry elves”. Also Alliance AR racials dominate horde’s AR racials. You are the cast in point of the OP.

DID are one of the coolest looking AR with unique options.
VE are the most popular AR and also have unique options.

I do have to agree that the racial situation has been getting better for Alliance with the allied race racials, those have been pretty decent for the Alliance and brought back that situation back into some balance imo. Though the Zandalari one is superb also for pvp, especially if you’re a paladin because then you get it guaranteed fully cast.

Doesn’t change yet that most of the raiding population is now Horde, of course, but who knows maybe we’ll see some people return to the Alliance side.

Less story focus and less interesting characters.

The Alliance mostly has an entourage of dull stock characters and a boyband lead. The Horde for the longest time had a whole host of interesting and nuanced characters.

I say “For the longest time” as they spend the last few years slaughtering those characters, and the last nuanced character they had was flanderized to hell and back before flying away at the end of 8.2.5

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For me is the lack of interest from the devs to alliance overall, which turns into bad storylines, endless parades of horses and all the “human potential”. In this expansion what made me more annoyed was the mounts. You would think that at some point they would look at what they’ve done and say “this is getting ridiculous. No one needs that amount of horses” but no… I mean, drustvar is wicker themed, how awesome would be to have one of those beasts as mounts? The human-centered storyline also annoys me. I join the alliance because I like night elves and draeneis, but all we get are these human centered histories. In the Horde, although orcs do get more focus sometimes, all the races get their moment to shine…


Its not just losing faction leaders. If you think the Horde just lost that…then you need to play the Horde story.

Horde was losing the Blood War until Deus Ex Azshara evened out Alliance heavy advantage.

You are right most people wouldnt care if they did, but:

  1. They lost their warchief again along with their prime second…meaning the Forsaken have basically no role in the Horde and have no good representation. They are worse off than the Trolls in Legion.

  2. Saurfang died, meaning the loss of the orc leader and one of their remaining NPCS.

  3. The Honor Horde basically got told everything they stood for was a lie from Saurfang during the cinematic where he demolishes any honourable representation the Horde had.

  4. The war campaign was basically nothing and was all negated by the Alliance making a key part of the expansion basically null and void for the Horde.

So yea, Horde might get a nice brand new $1 bill but this expac was literally kicking their teeth in. Both sides should be mad at Blizzard, because the writing was garbage and damaged both sides.

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Seriously? The only things we Horde have lost that were actual tragedies are Cairne and Vol’Jin.

Garrosh was a loser who never should have been warchief.
Sylvanas is the exact same thing in a remake of the same story.

Forsaken are in limbo, and the result looks bad. They are in worse shape than Legion Trolls (aka leader chosen via Twitter).

Orcs only have two NPCs left, one if Thrall decides to leave again.

Honor Horde basically got told everything they supported was a lie and that Sylvanas was a true Horde warchief. Then they also get the delight of knowing that, Sylvanas got away and still schemes along with agents still in the Horde.

Horde lore and honor basically got disintergrated again ala WoD.

And Baine looks to be taking charge, which is like becoming a vassal for the Alliance.

Yep, the Horde looks to be in fantastic shape /s

I am glass half full. Looks like they might get the best leader they have ever had with either Calia or Derek.

New orcs rise, its the way of things in culture that lead by trial by combat. Besdies Zahkan is coming up and he beats most of the orcs!

I feel Honor Horde got exactly what they want I know I did except to see Sylvanas die yet again.

About time. Baine is the best thing to happen to the Horde.

The Horde is finally becoming what it was - The best of both factions as Thrall worked with Jaina on almost everything.

The only ones who lost out were people who only see the Horde as “Death to the Alliance” and nothing deeper. We are “For the Horde”!

the horde is now ruled by council, the warchief mantle was abolished

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Yes. Two Alliance NPCS going Horde to lead a Horde core race is good writing.

Come on dude, thats some major warning flags.

  1. Zahkan is a troll.

  2. What orcs? Cromush is the only other orc this expac who has been somewhat notable.

  1. No one should have expected Sylvanas to die, but not kill Saurfang the way she did either.

  2. Honor Horde didnt also expect Saurfang to rant to Anduin talking about how honor in the Horde was a lie and how the Horde is all about war/killing. Which is a far cry from what Thrall was about, because the Honor Horde is basically the Thrall Horde.

No, he isnt. He’s a very weak character that basically doesnt get a lot of characterization outside of being a pale comparison of his dad.

Literally what you wrote: The Horde is best when it works with Alliance.

I feel like this is worse. Because the last time there was a council in Horde leadership, they died in a book.

But hey: atleast now that multple Horde NPCs are in charge, Blizzard can kill their leaders faster to drive expac narrative.

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Dude you seriously sound like an Allaince whiner. You didn’t get what you wanted. Act like a Horde player. Accept it and move on.

Literally everything you said could have been written by an Alliance player you would be flaming them for it.

The Horde (without Sylvanas) is so far ahead of anything the Alliance have you look weak arguing they are not.

Bad writing is bad writing. Stop defending it. You call me an “Alliance whiner” when you are clapping you hands to know that two Alliance NPCs are coming to run a Horde core race.

No I wouldnt. If they said everything I said about the Horde, I’d agree with them. Horde gotten written to the dumpster, and the Alliance didnt get any writing.

They dont though, both sides look garbage and weak. Horde has to go through rebuilding phase #549, and Alliance are going to be all peaceful and happy to be at peace after having their lands torn to shreds.


are you kidding?

the horde has always had the most useful racial for raid content

Damage> defensive

Maybe you meant PvP and the human racial.

I’m sure someone already published examples and there are few social networks Look at some blizzcom making fun of us in our face.

We want to be mean to the horde, not to a neutral contractor.

In addition, not all frames involve becoming a damn crazy genoside.

With giving us a more satisfactory campaign by the night elves, it is enough.

Only one Valkir I wanted to fight with all the horde and besiege the doors of your capital, not be the support of your revolution again.

we were supposed to be powerful since the end of MOP

I never saw that overwhelming superiority.
We must simply crush the horde.

that will be taken as a real threat.

Blizzard focused so much on drying the tears of the Horde in BFA that he forgot to placate the Alliance Fury.

We were used as a narrative resource to tell a story of the horde.

Why should I be happy to be a secondary?

Just why didn’t I lose?

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