Why are alliance players unhappy?

Blizzard are the gods of this world, if they wanted to they could just have written that the Kul Tirans rode around on Optimus Primes, but they didnt because they are lazy and lack imagination.


and that is the defining characteristic of the alliance faction, it is the token general good guys in fantasy, equipped with horses, sounds like your problem is with the faction you chose not the devs

The jaina stuff was pretty cool

Once more, its only that BECAUSE Blizzard writes them like that, a monkey smashing a keyboard could have written them differently and with more care. Horde all a green skinned Orcish horde that invades planets, what was stopping them from writing the Alliance like the Imperium of Man?


Well my alliance toon is unhappy because I’m going cross eyed looking for jelly

thats how history works the winner gets to writes it… same goes for a billion dollar corporation that you only pay 15$ a month too, you can talk in hindsight all you want, but that is the faction you got and loved till the red team got some flair too… don’t like it play horde… or nothing.

Because our faction is ridiculed in every Blizzcom.

No races we ask for are granted.

‘’ We want Broken Draenei ‘’
''What? Drained with led light? ‘’

‘’ We want Vrykul ‘’
''What? Fat sailors? ‘’

‘’ We want High Elves ‘’
''What? Blueberry Elves? ‘’

Most PvE players have migrated to the horde and are now almost irreversible, so naturally there are fewer groups to form here.

Usually ally is numerically surpassed in WPvP.

Alliance is never portrayed as winning anything in the lore. The blizz is unable to make the Horde lose to ally. Whenever the Horde is damaged it is due to other factors.

That’s what I remember for now. I think Alliance players should be exempt from monthly payments because we only pay for the Horde to have fun.


Alliance play up their unhappiness in a long con for cool mounts and High Elves. Don’t be fooled, Blizzwiz.

“Let’s get them out of the mope-sies with somethin’ special…”


More spikey me likey

People is the key word here… Not the community. I been asking for a Vrykul for a forever.

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I’ll join Sierra’s club. It’s all groovy to me. No offense to those that are frustrated.

Perhaps you mean reputation? Or I may be mistaken. But agreed. That is probably my favorite racial in the game. It’s definitely powerful!

Oh i loved the Jaina storyline. But it is a story that could have been told any time.

My bad, but hey I wish BE got rep extras.

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All good! Hope it didn’t come off as me being jerky!

For my limited take, rep is good in any form of content. PvP Rep. pve Rep. I think it’s the best racial in the game.

No not at all you just corrected me on something that is vague since I haven’t played a human since classic.

Made me think of this, not entirely sure why…:

Sometimes there’s a woman… I won’t say a hero, ‘cause, what’s a hero? But sometimes, there’s a woman. And I’m talkin’ about the Lord Admiral here. Sometimes, there’s a woman, well, she’s the woman for her time and place. She fits right in there. And that’s the Lord Admiral, in Kul Tiras.


Not all Heroes wear Blue-n-Gold, No Sometimes they come wearing Spikes!


And no one plays them, because no one was interested in them. What a waste of resources that was. Except for these handful of Horde posters who seem to come into every thread and exclaim how cool they are, if they were so cool you’d see the numbers, but they aren’t, they are lame fat Elvis Impersonator versions of humans that are just embarassing, unless you stick the males in Horde armor and pretend you are an Ogre.

Which I think what was the original plan. Until Blizzard realized they couldn’t give all the allied races to Horde.

Mag’har was requested since BC
Zandalari was in the game since Zul’Gurub, reappearing in MoP and Isle of Thunder.
Every expansion has a new version of Tauren, this one had their own zone and city so they had the most lore to make a new race from.
Nightborne are virtually better Night Elves lorewise, they were powerful enough to get the Legion to ask them for help, have a nice city and zone which builds their lore. Both the above races had several request threads during Legion. They have backstory. Same again for the Vulpera, players liked their culture and lore and wanted them playable, here ya go!

Dark Iron is literally the only race Alliance got that have been requested in any large amount. No one wanted Kul Tiran, no one even thought about Void Elves because they had no lore, the other races have lore thats just copy paste from the original but version 2.0


I honestly feel this expansion was pretty evenly split , having played both factions. I was more disappointed playing through the horde zones as they were just a maze of mob after mob, and while well made and beautiful the Zandalari capitol was a mess to ride back and forth through. But I will also admit I did not like two separate storylines you had to play both factions or research on wowhead to know the whole situation.

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