Lmao, no… Ogres already have a lovely model in game. If anything they would just spruce those up…
useless racials except for the death-splosion and giant laser. don’t wanna step on your toes, just wanted to get those in-there.
https:// i.imgur .com/Cn2KbD1 .jpg
spruce them up, you say?
There is virtually nothing different between the ogre body type and Kul Tiran.
The thin version was literally just the Forsaken with skin on them.
And frankly if someone should get Forsaken with skin, it’s the poor Forsaken characters who haven’t had knees in 15 years.
I have a LF, they’re dog turds.
so do i, but i still like playing them on occasion. mind you, they’re a disc priest, so… i dunno, maybe it’s a context thing.
i take them into bgs a lot, and love it. hordies don’t attack me cause they’re scared of the ‘splosion, and when i need to whittle someone down, BAM! giant laser.
the forge racial is useless, and the demon-xp one, is… well, it ‘could’ be useful, but there’ are’nt enough demon quests. so… i kinda agree that they suck but it’s all context i guess.
You’re a level 54 alt who is screaming the alliance have it unfairly while insulting anyone who disagrees with you. Not trying to push anything? mmkay.
Oh and yes, I’ll pick what I respond to based on whether or not I agree on something ot to save space.
Primarily because of the fact that it does not matter. All that matters is simply having access to the classes.
Hence, why no one cares about the number available.
So is your opinion on Mechagnomes.
You mean the Horde players who have a reputation with them? If any alliance player though they could play a Vulpera they deluded themselves.
So…3 legion classes had Horde heroes in them. What about the others?
How about the fact that, it was alliance heroes dominating the narrative?
Ignoring that larger aspect? Come on man.
With the rest of the cast taking center stage.
People getting what they want =/= bias.
Are you suggesting the alliance having the best racials for M+ is not bias?
how about the alliance having the only uniquely modeled AR?
Its a new model dude.
The population imbalance in the raiding population is 47-53% lol. If that’s what holding y’all back, that’s SUPER sad.
We don’t have more mounts. You have access to all our mounts. You have access to the exact mounts that we do in BfA, including bats and raptors which are VERY thematically important to the Horde.
Alliance got more attention than we did by far with the AR. You got a brand new rig, brand new animations and brand new druid forms - we didn’t. Mechagnomes are about a thousand times as detailed as Vulpera.
They are not 30%.
Ironic you say horde alts but you are 100% a horde alt
Not for long! That rig is going to be reskinned for the Horde so they can at long last have playable Ogres.
LOL, that is why I have not unlocked the 120 achievement yet?
Lol, the Horde storyline is nobody’s definition of “organic”.
Going by the WoW definition of it Torrom.
Shame they don’t have as good writing as they should.
They didn’t give us requested races.
The race you guys request over and over is a Horde race.
People have been asking for DID forever.
No one asked for moose tauren that were just suddenly invented. No one asked for a butt-pull of “time traveling Mag’har” instead of just giving us either just barbershop options or Outlands Mag’har. We’ve asked for Ogres since launch. We’ve asked for burly forest/frost trolls. No one asked for Zandalari, we got those because that was the island we were courting in this xpac.
Oh wow that really dropped, what happend? O.o
If I had to guess… Void Elves.
Nerf to aoe silence and a number of other things including the availability of paladins for other races such as the zandalari.
Blizzard knew that High Elves were lame and only requested by a vocal minority.
They knew awesome humans that are reminiscent of god tier comedy characters was far more appealing.
They’re sad because they don’t have an Alliance band that plays at Darkmoon Faire.