Why are alliance players unhappy?

have… have not you SEEN their racials? the only thing they really got is their teleport, and that’s not useful for a melee unless your running away and even then, it slooooowly hovers away from you…by the time it gets far enough, your already there! also, preternatural calm is just for casters. literally.

Enteopic embrace provides them with a oretty go pool d damage buff.

Their spatial rift ability provides them with anothee mobility spell for raiding and dungeons where it can be used to assist in kiting movs.

I cannot inagine you tankmoften of you believe a free teleport is bad on them or yoy cannot think of ways to use their port.

What about maghar? Worst racials same for nb

Horses are a form of transportation that fit the narrative perfectly, alliance are a human ran faction, humans ride horses… not wild beasts, they have to much class for that thus the horde seen as all honor and no class ride the beasts…
their are like 500 mounts in the game accessible to both factions, I’m sure you can find one you like, and if not you are welcome to join us on horde, you own the game and are free to make toons on both sides… don’t let racism stop you from enjoying what you pay for…

To answer your question, because these two things you listed are not only false, but the complete opposite is true.


I disagree

Thats fine, the facts remain and have been documenting for many years now.

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They don’t get the interesting, in depth story of being the anti-hero.

the fact is the alliance cries no matter what happens, shoot i remember when BE’s released the alliance basically threw a fit because it would even the factions, i always see alliance wanting the advantage but never are they fighting for fairness

Thats not an argument. Also BE’s are 30% of the game and had there racials nerfed only in Legion.


neither is that

It wasn’t fair to give an Alliance race to the Horde to balance factions.

Imagine needing to provide a literal Alliance race to the Horde to make them successful.

You can feel free to disagree, but you are factually incorrect to claim my statements are false.

The notion that the horde were chosen for pve racials isnt entirelt correct bexause their racials mostly favored pvp.
Pop wise, they did not surpass alliance until recently.


Do you have a source for this?

how many are human? still got that rep bonus that allows you to be raid ready with all you patterns from rep vendors before anyone else?
what about the entirety of mythic raid guilds moving to alliance in WoD for every man for himself?
What about that 30% wm buff? rofl

Not unhappy

Midway through 9.0 there will be a post identical to this one, almost a word for word copy, with the only change be that all instances of the word, ‘Alliance,’ will be swapped for, ‘Horde.’ This happened in Legion, it happened in WoD, it happened in Wrath, and it happened in Vanilla. Every other expansion seems to put more work into one faction than the other, and swap.

So since it’s the Alliance’s turn let’s examine!

The population was typically balanced around 51% Alliance, 49% Horde, and the end-game was likewise balanced with guilds on both sides. Right now Alliance end-game is dead, and the disparity is only going to widen because serious end-gamers will go where there is more potential end-game population, which is the Horde.

Not really. Humans didn’t always have, ‘Every Man for Himself,’ and in fact, Will of the Forsaken was largely considered one of the strongest racials of vanilla. Darkspears still have one of the best racials today, and Arcane Torrent, an AOE silence, was the meta throughout Legion, and when it was changed to an AOE purge for BFA, dungeon mobs in BFA suddenly started getting a lot of buffs that would be very convenient to remove.

And instead are forced to be the victim without ever getting revenge, justice, or any kind of satisfaction. The grass is always greener, my friend.

No, but this doesn’t help.

The Alliance feels ignored because the Horde has a storyline whereas the Alliance is only ever reactive to the Horde storyline.

Anyways, there’s also the issue of ARs. The Horde’s gotten just about everything they’ve asked for served up on a silver platter with a bonus side of customization options for their older races, while the Alliance’s AR requests have been turned into a case of Monkey’s Paw.

Alliance wants Broken? Get Lightforged Draenei.
Alliance wants High Elves? Get Void Elves.
Alliance wants Wildhammer Dwarves? Get Dark Iron Dwarves (admittedly cool).
Alliance wants Vykrul? Gets fat humans. Literal fat humans. Not even Half-Drust.
Alliance doesn’t want Junker Gnomes? Alliance gets Junker Gnomes.


And them moving right back to Horde when it was nerfed? I have GOT to be kidding me with this my dude…

I don’t know, are you?

Pretty sure Dark Iron Dwarves were one of the most requested thing for Ally side for a while.

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Vanilla the figures are lacking though it is wwll known and at one point supported by blozzars, that the alliance held a large majority.

For wotlk and up, we so have realm pop stats and I do believe at one point Blizzard chimed in on the matter.

In termsnof racials, patch notes.
Alliance had better racials for the majority of wows life span.
We also know the alliance heavily dominated pop in WoD due to the need for a mercenary system as stated by blizzard st the time.

And you?