Why are alliance players unhappy?

But why is the alliance crying on the floor for an elf reskin then? High elves would be just that.


No it wouldn’t thats what void elves are High elves would be just an eyecolor change.

Even worse

Yeah Im not exactly nipping at the bit for High elves anymore void elves kinda killed that entire dream for me they are popular because of their visuals but they are the worst allied race imo. I mean how are there more void magic traitor blood elves than high elves that fallow Vareesa windrunner? but its too late now

say what? since when did alliance have better pve racials? Trolls had a extra personal 10 percent haste cd for quite awhile,undead got immune to fear,tauren got a stun,blood elf one percent critical strike,orc enrage for more dps.

They don’t honestly since legion the power difference in racials has been pretty negligible with most of them equaling roughly a 1% dps increase outside of that some of the utility ones make a difference but they are quite situational so the value of them changes from tier to tier.

Not all Alliance players are unhappy. I’m happy. I mean, look, the Horde is finally kowtowing to Anduin and the Forsaken will soon be stepping in line with Calia. What’s not to be happy about?

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From a story perspective, I agree, this is very true. Blizzard has admitted they find easier to write for the horde. From out-of-game experiences, historically, it has not been good for Alliance players, and that has certainly influenced players view. However as far as gameplay is concerned, I think Blizzard tries to keep personal bias out of it and keeps things balanced for the most part.

the horde gets to keep everything they took since cata and forsaken get forgiven.

The one good thing is we will likely keep stromgarde. We still lost gilneas and southshore. We still don’t get to reclaim lordaeron.

I agree, things are looking better for the Alliance overall. But why can’t the Alliance step up, take charge of their own story and still be the “good guys”? Too many people think that the Alliance has to walk down a dark and Evil path to improve their Story, (thats a cultural and generational thing) And I say No to that.

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Because High Elves are a longstanding Alliance race. We already have Night Elves to fill the “blue elves” niche, and Void Elves are closer to looking like short Night Elves than they are to being a stand-in for Thalassian elves in the Alliance. Void Elves exist as an insult to the Alliance and the longtime player request for High Elves.


nobody wants to play ugly diaper gnomes. they’d rather get a race with floofy tails… wait…

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You mean literally both factions and it’s only certain individuals from either?

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Whiny and ungrateful players make up the majority of Alliance population is why.

Blizzard gives the Alliance: Fat humans, diaper trash gnomes, ruined High Elves, every mount’s a horse.

You: “Muh they’re whiny and ungrateful.”

Get real.


Im not the person really to answer this as I haven’t cared about lore since kel’thuzard but I think its based around lore and a desire for better looking models?

Lets be honest getting fat people as a race was disappointing.

Where do I begin?

  • Cataclysm the devs admitted they neglected the Alliance levelling experience because they were excited about Goblins. Who got to reshape all of Azshara in the Horde symbol and plonk a city in the center. Gnomes got to retake one floor of their city after 10 years.

  • MoP story primarily focused on the interfactional Horde conflict, including the revamped barrens with True Horde people and a special vendor. Alliance got to visit them and see what they were up to. Horde has a political crisis and splits which results in a Raid dropping nice Horde themed items and mounts for Horde players.

  • Warlords was basically focused on the history of the Orcs. You got to see how they lived, what they did, before they drank the demon blood. You get to face off against the greatest Horde heroes and get their cool Horde themed armor and mounts again. Transmog heaven for Horde players really. There is some minor Draenei content about their faces getting kicked in.

  • Legion is fairly neutral since factions take a backseat to Class Halls and Demon Hunters. Argus hits and Draenei get some closure on their story since the Demons are in their home planet, some nice WoD Draenei reskin items.

  • BfA is once again another look at the political story of the Horde, now with selectable leaders you can choose to follow, nothing thats ever happened with Alliance, even though you’d think the Alliance would be having a crisis of leadership with Anduin almost getting everyone killed, the Night Elves losing their capital, and Anduin sending the last of his troops to Saurfang when he told Tyrande he couldn’t spare them when she was attacked.

  • New Ogre sized Kul Tiran, even though Kul Tiran has been in the game at least since Tol Barad as a regular human. This ignores the demand for Valajar who has a perfect reason to join after Sylvanas allied with Helya and captured Eyir.

  • Void Elves, a made up race with virtually no lore that came from the Horde? Versus the Silver Covenant thats been with the Alliance Vanguard since WOTLK and participated in many battles, such as Icecrown, Isle of Thunder, and Siege of Suramar. Despite this, Vareesa and Allerias meeting on Argus didn’t result in playable Silver Covenant.

  • Lightforged Draenei. Basically a better version of normal Draenei, making the original race seem redundant and useless by comparison, the same with the Mechagnomes, just better gnomes, with better armor and better mounts. Who needs Gnomes anymore?

The behavior makes one think the devs either don’t play Alliance at the least, and actively hate them at the most.


The story has nothing to do with why Alliance is unhappy. As far as story goes, it’s pretty woeful on both sides. The only difference between Horde and Alliance story-wise is that Horde has more drama. And that’s probably a good thing. Something actually happens when there’s drama.

The problem boils down to a company (and culture) handled by a bunch of devs that, dare I say it, live vicariously through the Horde. It’s in the overall presentation of the Horde and Alliance that the company presents to the consumer. It’s about PR. It’s about how long term problems such as faction imbalance in end game content that are not dealt with seriously, to the detriment of one half of the consumer base.

Gamers are not stupid. They are consumers like any other type of consumer out there. And the average consumer will go where they get more value for money. At this time in the game’s history, players are finding that they get more value for their money (and time) by playing Horde.

Players can actually see just how much more quality is invested in the Horde, like any average consumer that has a choice. This is not a personal opinion, this is about consensus.

Take the latest AR races that are coming out - the Mechagnomes and Vulpera.
The net is flooded with excitement of the Vulpera, and is swamping any interest in Mechagnomes. People are talking about race changing to Vulpera, and Alliance players are talking about switching to Horde to play Vulpera. Why? Because players see that the Vulpera is a race that receives a higher attention to detail than Mechagnomes. Of course players are going to go for Vulpera over Mechagnomes. No one in their right mind would choose a product that is lesser in quality than another for the same price.

I really get sick of this argument that the Horde and Alliance are treated equally. I get sick of people’s personal opinions muddying the water. This has nothing to do with being for the Red or Blue. It’s all about how a company sells a product, and Blizzard put more time, effort and presentation into manufacturing product Red over product Blue and it shows.


i think the worst part about void elves is they’re built pretty-much for caster-classes only. they’re pretty-much useless as a melee class.

Eh? How so?