Why are alliance allowed to cheat in AV?

It’s something that has gone on for several years. It’s not some new thing figured out in classic. People were doing it in WotLK.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you don’t encounter premades every game, just reasonably often. There’s still a lot of PuGs to be had and every one I’m in gets roflstomped all over the battleground :wink: I actually think you guys have the better end of the stick right now. Sure you wait a long time and sure you fight premades, but those premades are almost always just random people thrown together. If you stall and out wait them, almost every single one of them will hand you the game.

Actually, it’s easier than you think and I’m seeing a lot of Horde groups do it regularly. Those premades want the fastest win possible so anything you can do to stall out the game will make it more and more likely that they will just let you win the game so they can move on.

To start with, just fight tooth and nail over IBGY. It’s a very strong choke point for Horde defense, so just pick off anybody trying to ride through that small ravine and defend the flag. If you do lose the flag, you spawn super close by at cave. Form up and keep pushing on it.

If Alliance ride by in large numbers, recall back to FWK and keep them out. You should be able to hold that against their teams fairly easily, but if you lose it, recap FWGY (assuming they even took it) and push in as a group from there.

While all of this is happening, 5 people on offense burning towers and capping graveyards is enough to push all the way into DB and cap Aid Station. Most premades will not want to send anybody back to defend because that would drag out the game, so they can generally do this with impunity. All it requires is patience.

There will be the odd group who is full of experienced players and much more organized, so you lose some, but you will win a lot more with maximum honour.

I posted this in another threat, but I really envy Horde right now. Your faction is doing awesome right now!

Nothing is more embarrassing than a PREMADE losing to a PUG in any BG.
It happens.

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there’s nothing clever being done rofl. “… My trusted group and I charged bravely passed all of the opposing horde members, avoiding any conflict at all costs, ignoring every outpost and enemy along the way so we could burn a PVE raid boss.”

oh the stories you’ll tell your grandchildren.

imagine cramming 300 ppl in a bus and trying to sit with your friends

Have you considered selling some of that salt?

Also. Big Brains on Horde have figured out how to counter things. Fortunately its extremely rare.

It’s a matter of trying to get nearly 40 people on the same page and it’s a lot easier if it’s done on Discord than BG chat and you know that. If we had a BG speak function then all AVs could have a PREMADE experience. It’s far far far easier to get 40 people on the same page through voice- FACT.

You could simply make a discord and offer it up at the start of every BG and accomplish what your suggesting.

Stick with fishing. I heard the red herrings are in season.

Maybe against the bad premades. All it’ll do to the higher tiered ones is tick them off and theyll camp the horde at ibgy or back into their cave until they leave the game.

Discord is an exploit LOL.
Tell that to the ventrillo premades in Classic.

Whelp I guess this means you ran out of things to argue over?

I suppose hacking was a clever use of a computer at one point… Rules are created when they are needed.

The issues at hand regarding AV are significant. Actions taken by a small population of players are giving them a significant advantage while putting others in significantly disadvantaged positions. Trying to hide behind “it’s not a rule, yet” and “clever use of mechanics” is myopic and naive.

I am pretty sure we will see some action taken. The likely outcome will be something preventative to discourage behavior. I wouldn’t be surprised if they implement something to reset the battle ground bosses if they run too far. If folks were paying attention when Blizzard cracked down on the layering exploits, they had a fairly measured response for most players (cool down on layer hops.) Those who were excessively abusing the mechanic were punished (suspensions and removal of their earnings from their exploits.)

I would be extremely happy to see ranks rolled back for all those who’ve repeatedly dodged queues.

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But you wont.

That was with teams on the same realm and guild. Nobody had a Public Vent that was organizing teams cross realms. And if this were happening it was very rare and isolated. I never saw this happening at this level and neither have you.

Full stop.

Does it actually matter though? Voice coms exist. Premade AV existed for horde with ventrillo.

Just because the scale is larger doesn’t mean it’s an exploit.

It happened cross realm in WotLK. Vent admins advertised in BG chat to fill their servers.

Too bad you won’t. Quit seething over not being allowed to leech off of rankers.

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Yep. Id love to see one of those jUsT cOoRdInAtE baboon try to lead a 40 man raid of complete cross realm strangers with chat alone.

Alliance, please have some balls. You are cheating to win, accept it, and move on. If classic was not run by a bunch of walruses the premades would have not been a thing for more than 1 week.

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#nochanges says otherwise