They don’t queue as a group, they queue at the same time. Get over it.
Aside from that, you know exactly what they are going to do. Horde brag all day long about how good they are, why can’t you stop them? It’s not like they are orchestrating some incredibly complex symphony of coordination and strategy. They do the same thing every game… stop making excuses.
Suppose to stop a giant ball of players talking in discord that paladin pull the room and kill Drek in 6 minutes? You’re delusional.
They don’t queue are a group or at the same time at all, they que then join the discord room of whatever # AV game they get. Its literally 40 players vs PuG, its literally cheating.
You are delusional. You know exactly where they are going, you know exactly what they are going to do… and when you are defeated you rant on the forums instead of accepting that you got outplayed by the lowly alliance.
Actually, it’s you that doesn’t seem to grasp something. They do the same exact thing every game. There is no mystery here, they aren’t keeping the horde off balance with their brilliant strat and organization. A thousand games in a row they are going to do the same thing. Stop making excuses and play better.
lrn to use DD to disrupt them… that tank wont last if the healer is stunlocked or has curse of tongues on him… the trick is to remember this is not retail.we have the nuances of classic back… use it… fyi… a lock is the bane of any AV team if they know what they are doing…
Really, people need to subscribe more to my philosophy on PVP: don’t go for K:D ratio’s or damage ranking or any of that nonsense.
Instead, determine what your opponent is going to do and then obstruct the hell out of them.
Case in point, you know there is a deathball coming down the pipe full of sweaty tryhards who are their to do quick flips on the BG… so don’t try and out zerg them.
Instead, dig in at IBGY and just refuse to give ground. When they realize that they can’t gt past you they’ll be stuck with the choice of either trying to grind you out (not easy with a determined group) which screws with their optimization formula or dropping the BG and giving you the win.
For extra salt, send a couple of sneaks up to their base and start flipping bunkers.
The day I can get my 39 compatriots to recall right of the bat and stack inside Drek’s room when we see r11 Premades will be the story I tell my great-grandchildren.
The part they don’t like to admit is they can get in capable healers / dps and tanks into the same game so it makes it a lot easier for them to literally destroy a pug full of randos still in greens and leveling gear. “Get gud” doesn’t cut it in that scenario no matter how good you play. Sometimes we get lucky and get some determined players that can wipe them a few times. Now that there are full groups of rank 12+ with a prebuilt group plus voice coms good luck.