Just want to ask why people are so against duel spec and explain why some of the reasons I heard against duel spec surprises me greatly that these same people can even operate a computer.
“Ruins the integrity of the game/Did not exist then so should not now”- If you say this or similar and still play tbc classic then I’m here to give you a wake up call. Its already happened! Dark portal pass and deluxe edition has already done far worse than duel spec in ruining the integrity of the game. Basically, a very weak argument and only the smoothest of brains will stand by.
“We need a gold sink”- This would be a decent argument if there wasn’t bots infesting the servers and people buying from them and screwing the economy.
What are some other reasons against duel spec that I missed?
When Dual Spec first happened, a lot of “pure dps” classes were upset that there was no longer a reason to bring them, since hybrids could switch roles about at will.
And a lot of hybrids were upset that they would have to fill roles mid-raid which didn’t match their specific class fantasy.
Comes down to if you’re going to open one future option, why not open more? Why is what you’re asking for okay, but not what other people want from some future expansion? It is the whole point. Play the game how it was made. Leave that dual spec as something to look forward to in wrath.
I remember quite “fondly” respeccing my Warrior in the middle of a couple of raids where we didn’t need Prot. So, Hearthed, went to SW, visited a trainer, paid for a respec, and then was summoned back.
That happed mid-raid.
All Dual Spec does in this case is save time and gold.
You make a good point but the hybrid classes can also benefit from dual spec greatly in return. Take healers trying to quest after a dungeon for example. More positives than negatives the way I see it.
It will not improve the availability of Tanks and healers for Heroic pugs like people pretend that it will.
Blizzard will not revert the +30% Healing = damage on gear that should never have gone live at any point due it it making healing gear insanely over budget.
I don’t would rather the minuscule budget needed to make it work be instead put into fixing the crazy number of bugs in this BETA test version of TBC that they gave us to play on.
I think a pretty large one is that it simply doesn’t do a good job of solving the problem(s) it aims to solve.
I logged into Retail the other day, joined a dungeon group through LFD, was ported into the dungeon, and while out of combat with no costs (reagents or otherwise) was able to change my talents.
Dual spec is just like single spec, except it adds 1 spec. It still has all the same problems and benefits of single spec, but simply adds 1 more spec.
If the problem(s) being solved by dual spec are saving talent builds or keybinds, those problems are already solved with addons. If “I don’t want to use addons to do this,” then you don’t want dual spec, as evidenced in your lack of will to solve those problems.
If the problem(s) being solved by dual spec are “I don’t have gold,” then removing or reducing respec fees solve that problem (so does having more gold, by the way).
If the problem(s) being solved by dual spec are respec’ing in the middle of an instance, then Retail’s system solves that problem.
I’m against changing the game to make it easier, better, faster, more like retail.
It’s not going to stop with dual spec.
We already have boosts that changed the way the game was.
With dual spec, once you get that, you will
want something else and you know you just need to keep flooding the forums incessantly until Activision decides to further monetize or screw with “true to the original” classic.
Also, because if dual spec gets put in, if whatever else gets put in, heck, if they were to turn it in retail with no content past Sunwell,
You would still abandon it as soon as the next greatest thing came out. You’d poof right over to wotlk classic and start demanding more upgrades to that one and the people who just wanted to play “true to the original” tbc classic won’t be able to, AGAIN.
Just heckin wait for wotlk classic and if you don’t like TBC classic, THATS OK. You don’t need to keep playing a game you don’t enjoy.
Dungeons are not designed around dual-spec. Wrath dungeons were simple for a reason.
It’s 50g a respec not 500, You can easily make a respec and back with an hour farming and still profit.
All the reasons for dual spec boil down to “I want it because”, I have yet to see a compelling argument for it.
4.Just because blizzard have borked the game with boosts etc doesn’t mean we should dive head first down the rabbit hole, where do we stop? LFR? transmog? pet battles?
This argument right here is the primary reason why I don’t want dual spec. People will scoff at the mention of a slippery slope and then proceed to argue how previous changes should justify making further changes.
The other reason is that there is no reason dual spec should be in TBC. The current talent system was a deliberate design decision that was made for vanilla and TBC. The primary reason for many players in wanting a classic version of the game is because they wanted to play a game with a different type of design than current retail. This isn’t some case of it being what the developers wanted but being limited by the technology of the time.
Ok. Then introduce LFR, LFD, the coin, and everything else in retail. Your argument holds for introduction of any of those features. If you’re going to use such an inane argument, at least think it through. Do you think we’re happy about those changes already put in? Why would we be happy to see even MORE changes put in?
Oh, and if you’re going to use a rare congenital brain malformation as an insult, at least state its correct name: Lissencephaly. Otherwise you just look like a tool…
Your argument literally defeats itself. If gold isn’t an issue for you, then the respec costs by default… aren’t an issue for you. If that’s the case, then why exactly does it need to change?
You can disagree with the sentiment behind this argument, but your point is pretty invalid. all someone has to say is that they also don’t like the other changes brought into the game. People can play the game, and still not like certain aspects within it.
To me it actually seems wrong for the point to be “x and y have been added, so that’s why we should add z” At this point you’re no longer using any merit of dual spec to advocate for the change, and just saying add more changes because we have already added changes.
Your point here doesn’t actually counter the point of a gold sink. If anything a gold sink would be needed more to combat the effect of bots. Secondly, your point falls apart if any person claims they don’t buy gold from bots.
Another point I’ve seen in other threads is that dual spec ruins spec identity. This again is hard to argue against because it’s a pretty subjective value. I’m a druid so I use druid as an example. Do people find being a Druid of more value or a Resto druid. This ends up just being a preference. The fact that it is very subjective though does make it a pretty bad argument, since the opposing person can take the opposite stance, and still be in the right.