Why am I penalized for trying a different spec?

So, I JUST hit 85 the other day and was queueing for random heroics, business as usual.
I get into a group, the healer, dps and tank leave after 1 pull. there were no wipes up to this point, nothing was said, but i digress. the other DPS waits with me in the queue to find fillers. We cycle through 3 different tanks before one starts to pull anything, he then says “Boy ur dps is S***” (Like, no kidding man I’m a fresh 85 with 335 iLvl and this aint a heroic council attempt.) 5 seconds later, before I can even explain that not only is my gear low i lvl, but this is a BRAND NEW spec for me. I have been removed from group. not only this but BLIZZ In all their infinite wisdom have put the 30m deserter buff on me! WHY?! The expansion has been out for a month and a day, this is an alt, why is ANYONE kicking anyone for lackluster DPS?? (This is a rant but honestly, this crap in LFG IS Exactly why I stopped playing in cata, and why i never came back until Classic. I’m probably out. thanks for reading my incessant whining.)


it’s so you can’t take groups hostage.


I’ve been in some groups with people that have low dps and not once has anyone said anything. How low was your dps exactly?


You were doing 800 dps thats why you were kicked not intrested in carrying you

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If the spec is really brand new for you, spend 20 minutes plinking away at the target dummy to learn how it works.


This is exactly why they shouldnt have put in RDF.

But to answer your question the xpac has be out for a month if you arent pulling at least 10k in heroics expect to be booted.

Players want fast dungeons and show 0 patience for carries . If its a new spec do normals learn the rotation get comfortable with the spec u are playing accumalate justice points to get a couple pieces of gear.


Rdf is the only reason people played wotlk. That version of classic was trash.

Don’t start


You’ve been hit by the visciouos circle here.

  1. You need good gear to do better DPS.
  2. To have this gear you need to run Dungeons.
  3. Groups won’t have you in these dungeons because you do Sh*** DPS.
    go back to 1.
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Have you outfitted your toon with justice gear and rep gear? If you are walking into heroics with just the minimal ilvl you might want to rethink what else you can do to up your gear for better dps.

You must have been doing some really low dps, you can’t be blaming people for not wanting to carry you.


But…didnt you all want RDF? You all kept asking for it back to back nonstop and now that you got it, you people cant stop complaining about things that happen because of it.

Next time just make your own group so that way your friends will not kick you when you want to get your toon you claim to be your alt…carried.

You weren’t punished, people just didn’t want to carry your slack, difference.

How much dps were you actually doing though? Hard to really judge the scenario without that info.

Regardless, I would say a bad interaction with 3 people isn’t a reason to quit a game. Soft mental imo.

People are just jerks. They abuse the vote to kick system and they can get away with it. I wish Blizzard would hire more GM’s and take this kind of stuff more seriously. In FF 14 if you try to treat people like this, you can get suspended for it.

I’ve never been kicked for low dps, at least not yet, but I have been kicked because one of our dps was foaming at the mouth because our tank wasn’t going as fast as he wanted, and I stood up for the tank, so they kicked me. This same dps that kicked me wouldn’t move because a mob got stuck and was immune to damage. We kept yelling at him over and over again to move and he wouldn’t, almost causing a wipe. Guy was also being a little toxic, but I digress. people abuse it.

Tl:dr people abuse the VTK system and Blizzard should punish people for it.


He was doing 800 dps i was the tank


I don’t know why a DPS player would expect to learn their spec in heroics, when they wouldn’t accept the same from a healer or tank. And that’s irrespective of the 30 min debuff.

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Blizzard knows this that why there is a boost added to the game, now Blizzard can add a gearing skip boost so we can all do the same dps right away lol.

But this doesn’t look like a case where the system was abused. If the OP’s performance was subpar to a majority of the group then the system is working as intended.

Its proper etiquette to test new specs/rotations in Normals before stepping into Heroics.


Not the same persons probably. I was one of the “I’d like RDF (mostly because of that practical TP) but I do not really care”-group, and I do still not really care.
Still I think the complainers are mostly from the RDF - no thanks group. Because no, not all wanted RDF :slight_smile: