Why am I penalized for trying a different spec?

But how would a lack of rdf help the situation? Basically the guy just wouldn’t get invited.

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Bahahahaha. What rubbish

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Ngl it is pretty sus when you are below 8k dps. I’ve been cruising around 15k ever since I hit 85 at 333 ilvl and thats without a meta gem or a 346 weapon. Do you use keybinds?

I’m sorry, but I’ve never once been removed for lackluster dps on any of my characters.

You should spend some time on a target dummy if you are experiencing a skill issue

some classes have a more complex rotation then “multishot till out of focus” to get their 12+K DPS yknow…

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Doesn’t exist in this game, try again.

No no what? How does this comment make any sense?

Instead of these low-damage players getting into a dungeon and maybe getting the good players who aren’t dicks…

They instead just don’t get invited?

This is exactly one of the reason why they DID put in RDF.

FFS if you want to be anti-RDF at least do it properly and think before you post.

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Imagine having to learn your class before being forced into somebodys group.

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That isn’t the point. The point is they are saying it is an issue that RFD was made because without it people who didn’t know how to play their class wouldn’t be kicked…

Now I might be misunderstanding what your saying here

But how I interpret that is, without RDF. People who are bad at the game wouldn’t get invited to a run and with RDF they are getting removed from runs.

My response would be

Read a guide.

Does anyone really think that before rdf people didn’t do a gear check? Or that they didn’t check someone’s dps after the first trash pull? And if someone had noticably bad dps that they wouldn’t get kicked just as fast or faster from that pug if their dps sucked? You don’t even have to initiate a vote kick in a pug, the leader can kick you for not doing a bow emote to him if he wants to. Go into a group with a new spec that you suck at and, rdf or pug, you’re gonna get kicked.

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As a tank, I spent a lot of time doing normal dungeons and dailies to get geared enough to do random heroics comfortably. I would do the same for my healer toon.
Meanwhile, DPSers tend to just jump into heroics the moment they pass the needed ilevel and expect to be treated as a peer.

Now, I don’t kick anybody for low DPS.
If 4 players can’t carry one person, then the 4 players are bad.
Still, please read the above and think through why kicking might happen.

I had to kick a shaman spec enhance casting doing 1.5k dps lol, but yeah that sucks, you’re freshly geared

There is a simple answer:

This game has a lot of try-hard elitist-jerks wannabes in it. Which is ironic considering the lack of skill most show in playing their own characters. 335 is also perfectly fine ilvl

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There is the fun version of people ranting on dps….ignoring rolls done.

Some don’t even notice player x has failed every need roll. They are trying. They are not even playing bad.

They just can’t get a need roll to work for them.

It can be clear that new ret Paladin just needs a weapon.

2 ways that goes down.

They win a need roll.

Or they run too barad for a few days for a 346 2 hander. I’ll even be nice and have them win the bg a lot. It’s still a few days to revere rep them.

Or spend waaaay toomuch gold on ah lol. A very bad 3rd option I skipped on purpose.

I don’t really understand the point your trying to make, since it seems your argueing with my post yet following it up by agreeing with me. Maybe go lay down

its not always about you !

im sorry, did i stutter

If you’re brand new, you should be doing normal dungeons. I don’t care what spec you’re playing; I agree with these comments, if you’re doing less than 10k DPS in a HC dungeon in Cataclysm you’re lowkey relying on a boost from others in which case you need to find a guild group where you communicate that. You’re taking a gamble with pugs every time even when doing things right and shouldn’t be surprised. It’s 2024, there is TONS of content on YouTube, and 20-30 minutes of research will change your gameplay.

There are literally target dummies for this, you don’t need to even do normals. All you have to do is read a rotation on WoWhead and then do it once on a target dummy and there’s nothing left to learn, this game isn’t rocket science