Balancing in the Game and Penalization for Playing Different Specs

Continuing the discussion from Why am I penalized for trying a different spec?:

I Want to continue his post in more a broad way , already addressing the point of skill level and what not , im talking only about balance in the game .
I don’t think is a problem having dk unholy top dmg or fire mage or what else specs in the current meta , all i want is to ask is balancing on the underperforming specs that’s include all.
Like even if u don’t like to play unholy you can always play frost even not being as good as unholy for most part is still in a good position enough for you not be considered ‘’ trolling ‘’ , i wouldn’t mind a buff on it too anyway, while we have some specs like fire mage that has top 3 dmg in most fights with their 2 others specs really underperforming and i don’t think i need to talk much bcuz everyone knows how bad frost mage is right now even with the skills levels considered , we also have other examples like Arms war with fury war being way underperforming too or the hunters specs that are not Survival and both druid specs being ‘‘bad’’.
I wanted to talk about ways to improve those specs without having to resort in to excuses like ‘’ Blizzard dosant have time ‘’ or ''Blizzard is not good enough for balancing ‘’, we all know how much data is there nowadays making the balancing the underperforming quite a quick task if u just want to talk about flat %'s.
Ending with the post related topic kinda , like why we need to be penalized for playing others specs , i dont think we need them to be meta bcuz that is a whole other discussion that involves more personal opinions so i don’t think is worth to talk about , but making most specs more balanced instead of having such outliers with some under 5% difference while others with a whole 15% or 25% difference between them .
Plz buff underperforming and not nerf the good ones :slight_smile: