Why am I paying full price for a half-baked alpha version of the game?

Serious question. It’s not the devs fault entirely, they’re clearly understaffed and probably underpaid while leadership has them focusing on other money grabs. The game in it’s current state is a complete joke and now virtually unplayable for a large cohort of the PVP player base. Anyone else keeping track of the major bugs?

  • Conquest point bug (only solution is to rollback go-live of the conquest system and anyone who gained extra gear, otherwise the entire season is a complete joke)
  • Honor vendors being taken offline
  • Forgot to include the new BGs into the random BG rotation :clown_face:
  • Hunter pet abilities sharing CD
  • Set bonuses not working
  • Randomly teleporting to random places (pretty cool addition)
  • Cata gold xfer cap still WOTLK @ 25K
  • MC bug still in game
  • Tol Barad and Wintergrasp timer off by 3hrs
  • Vanish in flare

The list goes on and on. By far one of the worst rollouts of any WoW expansion to date.


You’re paying money? They got you swindled, then. This game is merely included in the retail subscription for free. Get got.


I literally started my pvp honor grind today to get my pvp set and as soon as I had enough for my first piece, I went to the vendor and… hes gone!!!



Likely not their fault at all. So many tech companies are laying off like 30% or more of their staff and it’s going to be showing even more than it currently is without a doubt


Trade Chat disappearing, have to log and log back in
dropped from flight paths
Helix boss from deadmines is literally standing in stormwind yelling throwwwwwwwwwww


Phasing broke in two zones while I was leveling and couldn’t complete quest lines.


you’re not.

it’s free with your Retail sub.


its been a pathetic showing by blizzard

but the boot lickers will defend anything


When you leave dungeons if you come back near a town guard he/she may kill you.


That is not accurate, I dont have Dragonflight so therefor its my WoW account… not my retail account, not my sod account, not my classic era account…

its my world of warcraft account.

This response is fallacy.


I wasn’t subbed while that was the only option.


Retail is all the expansions, not just Dragonflight. The response is rational and reasonable. Based and true.

Getting stuck at character select screen with loading bar.

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its advertised to play if subbed. OP is right.

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No. He’s paying for the main game. This is a side project that’s free.

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If you’re near gold cap and still paying USD for a sub you’re shooting yourself in the foot, wow tokens are like 5k right now


“you’re not, its free with the money you pay every month” - most logical wow player.


No, retail is free with the money I pay for the better version of the game.

also add Valor exploit to the list of issues.


If it was withheld until it was bug free you’d be complaining that it took too long to release. They’ll fix the bugs systematically and in a prompt manor, just like they do with every other release. I don’t know if you’ve ever played any other games but bugs at launch are a staple :person_shrugging:

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only time i play retail is for Christmas for free gifts. some people are paying for classic