Why am I paying full price for a half-baked alpha version of the game?

I was pissed when i heard they were releasing in May when they originally said August/September. I had other games I was planning on playing but no here comes blizzard with this heap of garbage.

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It may not be, but asking, “Why am I paying the price of the Happy Meal just for the toy?” is not really a question that someone else should be answering for you.


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LOL the game has already been paid and played…WTF. Smokey said it best " YOU GOT TO BE A STUPID MUTHA F$^kah TO MESS UP A COPY AND PASTE"


you play Retail anyway. this is an added bonus. nobody subs just for this. Nobody is that adjective.

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Doesn’t matter when you subbed. It’s always been an “included with world of warcraft” item. You’re subbed to World of Warcraft. Classic is an afterthought and niche relatively small community. And for some reason there’s entitlement in this thread whining that a version (that just came out) that’s a re-release of a 14 year old xpac fitted onto the modern architecture has technical issues that are being looked at and fixed.

I payed for Infinite Warfare to play cod4 remastered. This is the same thing.

That’s not how they see it. Even though I paid for Infinite Warfare to get Cod4 remastered, it doesn’t mean the money is going to a remaster.

No. Retail is free with a Classic sub.


Whining that a free version (that just came out) that’s a re-release of a 14 year old xpac fitted onto the modern architecture has technical issues that are being looked at and fixed.

Big oof.

Back in the day, we had to pay for the expansion… and the sub fee went all to cata when it was retail… But now, most of the sub fee goes to retail development and not to this niche thing. It’s just included.


Lol no. The vast majority of sub money goes to retail development. You don’t even pay for the expansion.

“Access to Cataclysm Classic is included in and available to all players with an active World of Warcraft subscription—no additional purchase required.”

Source: Blizzard.

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Who tf cares?? The OP’s point was they’re paying for a game that’s released content of very poor quality.


So you’re claiming that it’s okay for blizzard to release garbage? Really?


I mean I’m having fun. But it’s gonna have issues, it’s a 14 year old game pasted onto the architecture of modern wow. Free for the expansion and the sub is included with the retail sub. It’s not gonna be priority 1 but they are fixing stuff.

Keep defending blizz all you want its really sad. its not a free version when you have to pay to play it - no the your paying for retail is a load of crap argument.


Keep crying on the forums while I enjoy both versions, that’s pretty sad.

You’re literally paying for retail. It’s vastly more popular and under development. Classic is mostly maintenance mode and making sure the old code copies correctly.

After all these Classic/SoD/Cata issues.

Making it a point to never touch retail.


Depriving yourself of a better experience because it’s the version they’re more actively developing is the weirdest self-own I’ve seen. But I really like it.

That would be your opinion and your entitled to that.

My opinion is I don’t have love for their “newest expansion” after treating one I enjoyed so much like dirt :slight_smile:

Even giving trash Cata a try and that doesn’t make em happy.

That’s like paying for a fork and getting a pony thrown in for free. No, I’m really not paying for a fork. I don’t need a fork. I don’t want a fork. I will never use that fork. I want the pony.


embarassing bro the state of wow fans in 2024 where they excuse and come up with all sorts of excuses for why the game released as it did, this is a different sort of mental ilness we are witnessing here its kind of like being a drake fan in big 2024 the way how they are always in denial on social media. yeah i resubbed for cata, youre telling me u can add an ugly tree dragon shop mount and bfa elemental model ragnaros but you cant properly launch this game. just a small indie company trying to make it out bro !! im canceling my sub


The pony is retail. They’re developing the pony. The fork came before and they pulled it out of the junk drawer.