SL pre patch.
You mean the goatee with a different model or the chin beard knot with a different model?
Bruh the only difference between the goatees is the pointiness, those are semantics.
Yeah, but they aren’t “Void Elf facial hair”, if we go by that logic, Night Elves and Humans also got “Void Elf facial hair”.
But you’re right, not even sure why we are discussing this at this point lmao
It was a nice talk though
I think we all just want more customization.
You’re probably right, I mean, I know I do for Blood Elves, didn’t even get a single scar option =/
But oh well, maybe on 19.0 prepatch we’ll get a second customization pass.
Human’s have scar options…that are connected to their faces.
We need torn ear options and more beards too.
Yeah, I was super pissed off about that too, not sure why they connected the faces to skin color either, it was a really weird design choice.
I guess they didn’t want us to have too many options.
And the human scars cannot match the scars added to the worgen form AT THE SAME TIME.
Anyway, this strikes me as a pretty lore friendly idea and it should absolutely be an option. Or at least a hunch toggle for the races that don’t have one yet (including undead). And I would love the cultist skin available.
Also all death knights deserve an option to have red or green eyes as well as the blue.
For the record, my argument isn’t “well THEY got something special, so these should ALSO get something special”. I think the Dark Ranger stuff is super cool, and I’m happy Blizzard added it, even if it doesn’t do anything for me personally. If anything, I want to ENCOURAGE Blizzard to feel like they CAN make cool additions like that – not make them feel like “unless EVERYTHING gets something special, then we just shouldn’t do anything”.
For me, this is just an option I feel like would be super fitting, for the reasons previously outlined. I personally try to pair Races with Classes that I feel “fit” their culture and Lore the best. That’s where I feel like the Forsaken have a really interesting connection to Death Knights. But it sucks that, as someone who would love a WC3-style DK, the closest you can really come is a Human DK – and “Humans” in WoW all hail from Stormwind.
Actually being an Undead DK, but still maintaining a WC3 appropriate appearance, would honestly just make my day.
Not true. Undead DKs are basically undead undeads. Double deads. DDs.
I commonly pair classes with Races as well, after Legion, I am now aware classes under different races are not really the same, examples of the same classes but of entirely different cultures being Human Priest and Troll Witch Doctors, Draenei Paladins and Tauren Sunwalkers, or Goblin Rogues and Void Elf Ghostblades.
Blood Elf Death Knight also baffle me, sure a great majority High Elves were killed and risen as an Undead, and sure Arthas thought of utilizing something to counter spellcasters, but I highly doubt they would remain sane or prevent themselves from withering into skeletal thin Mindless Undead after indulging on the Holy Energy of the Sunwell.
Wouldn’t want the forsaken to partake in forsaken activities. Would be dope and a return to semi evilness but this is WoW 2022, soooo…
I’m with you, I still enjoy having those cultural differences. But that would just probably be hard to justify going on, considering the factions are at relative “peace” right now.
Having said that, it could totally just be kind of a sort of cold war, where some of that stuff might still be happening, but not at a large enough rate that it could ever be proven.
Although, I never really considered the Forsaken to be “evil”. More that they were… morally questionable. I always loved in Vanilla, they all seemed to have a sense of indifference, that undeath truly did change them, that they lacked any sort of passion or emotion, but not necessarily “evil” like the Scarlet Crusade painted them as.
Unlikely, but I still hope this is something that could be considered at some point.
Like I said, if nothing else, it would be nice to be able to simply play as the faction that SEEMS like makes the most sense for a WC3-style Death Knight, while still being able to LOOK like a WC3-style Death Knight. I get that some people may still prefer theirs to remain more rotted-looking, but all things considered, using the “undead” version of the Human model makes every bit as much sense.
Why would he belong to the Ren’dorei? He was a High Elf first and foremost before joining the Horde as a Blood Elf; he doesnt utilize or bond with the Void in any way shape or form so him being a Void Elf wouldnt make sense.
Also worth mentioning is Thoras Trollbane is a DK that uses the human skin, and not only that, he’s been dead for years PLUS Blizz didnt give him one of the 3 ‘DK skins’ so he’s basically a fresh, pink skinned human with blue glowy eyes…
I play Horde so i cant say whether Thoras is Alliance aligned or not, not that it matters.
Just bumping for the sake that it would still be SUPER nice to get that option…
I would only agree to this if they let all death knights have red eyes.