Why a poll about the legendary cloak?

The weird thing about polls is that people aren’t always honest when they answer.

But here’s the thing. Maybe 60+% of the people who talk on the forums have a maxed cloak. That’s a small % of the whole community. I’m willing to bet it’s more like 10-20% if I’m being generous.

I’m pretty involved in online discussions, but mine is only level 1. I just don’t play that much.

Kinda like they thought people didn’t buy pvp gear because they couldn’t find the vendor. Hopefully they use the same logic and get rid of welfare legendaries :grin:

There is no conversion between forum votes and players or characters. If people who support this have 20 characters can vote “yes I have a fully upgraded cloak!” including on low levels who have never been to the zone, then the “data” is meaningless.

They have the actual data already. They know how many people play, how many characters they have, and now many of those have the cloak upgraded to what level.


*disclaimer this is just conjecture and me having an opinion why they might be doing this and speculation so all the, do you have a Source for that can take a leap in a lake and pound sand…

Now with that out of the way…

My guess the sub numbers are falling more then Usual for end of expansion patch…because when blue posts a guide to get the Legendary Cloak just throws red flags imo…

And I am guessing that WoW in Asia is keeping wow afloat (they are implementing tokens for classic wow… and have been selling xp pots for awile now on the shop)

If I was too guess wow North America subs for retail is 550k to 750k

SL is going to make or break wow if its BFA 2.0 wow will be in Maintenance mode…
Now wow will continue to pump out expansion but it will just be EQ zombie with the addicted playing it


I was kind of surprised to see a poll, but I view it as a good thing.

They need more polls to get an idea of what people want. It wouldn’t be perfect, but it can’t be any worse than whatever gave us BFA.

I’d say the same effort has gone into SL. Blizz reputation these days for putting little effort into anything is well know now.

This “poll” is the opposite of marketing research. They do need to do marketing research to find out what people want. Well, kind of, because they already know what people want and don’t seem to care.

Opinions on this forum do represent opinions at large in the playerbase. If a great many posters agree that x is a problem, then this is a problem for the overall playerbase too, not something that can be safely ignored because "only a tiny percentage of players ever post, therefore the playerbase agrees with [whatever agenda this player is pushing].

Actual marketing research would take the form of a database of players and a random sample from within that database. It would be conducted by an independent group or company. Open internet polls do not provide reliable data.

It’s been a long time since the company’s vision for the future of the game incorporated the idea of player fun. It seems like they’re still trying to turn this into a “raid or die” (or “elite content or die”) game, still convinced that casuals, if given no choice, will decide to “step up their game” and go hardcore.

8.3 is a patch that has no content for casuals. All content is gated behind the cloak upgrades. I fully expect that this is what we will see in Shadowlands.

8.3 is the alpha for Shadowlands. Shadowlands will be 8.3 on steroids.

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It has just been a color since BC.

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This is a business issue, not something that has to do with devs’ emotional reaction to players actions.

If people aren’t playing content, it means that content is unpopular. If that’s the only content there is, like in this patch, people are probably leaving in droves.

A lot of people came back to check out 8.3. A lot of those people said if they weren’t happy with it they’d unsub until shadowlands.

I agree that they have all sorts of data on this already. They know how many players have how many alts at 120, and how many of those got cloaks. They know how many heroic raiders/mythic raiders/m+ers/and pvpers got the cloak and how high they have leveled it.

They know what content people were doing on their alts before and what they’re doing now.

This is just PR. They’re trying to influence people who didn’t get the cloak or didn’t level it to do that because some unbelievably large number of players say they did and are deliriously happy with horrific visions.

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Meh. The only thing I do not like about visions is that its not tuned well for all classes and that it requires you to do world quests to get a key for them. You are never truly attuned and can just run them or help people. You will always need the currency. I think Blizzard is in denial. They are tying too much to world quests and not enough to game modes that people want to play.

its merely an attempt to make it appear like they are listening to feedback after the countless months and years of silence

company reputation is slipping and players are losing respect for Blizzard so theyre scrambling to try and create the illusion of caring about our opinions rather than apologizing and trying fix stuff that they broke in their attempt to make it better


Mitsubishi makes SUVs for people with bad credit.

Blizz has done many polls over the years this is far from the first.

it goes to show how dumb blizz thinks their players are. If we can’t find pvp vendors how on earth can we figure out the cloak quest?

Maybe blizz, just maybe, people don’t like the dumb annoying world tour questline?

dunno how a cloak is legendary if it has no op proc to say it is.Even if it calls down the ancestor of black dragonflight burning your enemies in fire causing 120k damage per enemy but no,it’s level my corruption resistance in stupid void vision till I say it’s done–lame.

I thought that was an eighties thing? :thinking: :rofl:

This cloak BS has really just killed any desire to play, I don’t WANT another damned system I need to grind just to earn mementos which I HAVE to spend on a damn cloak before I can do anything fun. I’m a minority I know but eff visions and eff this research if I wasn’t already paid up I wouldn’t even login. :confused:

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only if “many” is defined as 5 or less over the last 5 years or so.

Seen double that easy

They don’t know that BFA and 8.3 are horrible , players are leaving en masse