Why a poll about the legendary cloak?

I think that the first time I’ve ever seen Blizz do one.

When I see that to me it shows how unsuccessful that is.


Is there an option on the poll to dump all legendaries since they are an abomination of what the term Legendary in this game used to be?


Second time, for me. First was which covenant people would join. Venthyr won, obviously.


I took the poll, but didn’t know what it was for. I haven’t played retail since 2011, and don’t ever plan to play it. It’s like EQ, I tried retail got the latest expansion, but prefer the time lock progression servers.

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It came off like “lets be hip and interact with he fans” as if they think the fans are hyped about this stupid cloak


No, it’s the cloak that calls us stupid :slightly_frowning_face:


Lol I do still wonder if Blizz saw the thread I made about that.

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i dunno maybe i’m dumb but I don’t think there was any ulterior motive other than trying to gauge player opinion on it.


I’m guessing participation is really low.


Because it shows that many people have not even bothered with the cloak or care for yet another forced system on us that makes alts iimpossible


Pretty much this - I’m guessing a lot of people are either skipping it or just getting the cloak and ignoring it after that (like me lol).



eggo my legos

That’s what I would like to think but my cynicism gets in the way lol

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there’s a big reason for that…

not alt friendly from the get go with their essence system which makes characters incredible weak on visions, try going with a ilvl 420 with green essences rank and not your bis ones.
the quest repetitive, mementos too gated even when there’s some “catch up in place” (still trying to figure where’s the catch up mechanic honestly not going to lie)

As for the thread I was honest 100% and said my rank I left some months ago just got back 5-6 days ago and I finally could catch up but I’m still without a raid team… which hurts my progression greatly on the cloak.


The poll itself wasn’t based on an opinion just what level your cloak was. I hope they don’t see a bunch of maxed cloaks and assume we just LOVE US SOME RANDOM REPEATABLE GRINDS. Honestly…legendary items are not legendary if everyone and their grandma gets a free one for signing up.


Legendaries: Here, take yours for free.

That seems a legendary concept alright. lol


It’s not a sign of anything other than yet another data point to toss in the data bucket.

Most likely, it’s just a cross reference (claimed x, has y, likes to elaborate). Helps fill in the gaps in the personality test built into the game (warmode options/turtle quests, etc…) and folks thought Facebook couldn’t influence WoW game design!

takes off tinfoil hat hope no one believes me or does a comparison to personality tests and war mode option wording and wastes time. :joy:

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Yeah, because nothing says “unsuccessful” then nearly half those responding say they keep their cloak up to date every week. Hell that response was four times higher than the group saying they didn’t even bother with the cloak.


I had just replied in a thread yesterday about making sure ppl get their cloak. Tbh my perspective is I already got one in MoP, Why couldn’t they make it something other than a legendary cape ? trinket?

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Yeah, two blue posts regarding the cloak in one day doesn’t bode well for player participation.

Edited to add, I don’t remember Blizz doing this for any other feature in recent history.