Why a poll about the legendary cloak?

I am not trying to argue anything. I just don’t see the question as relevant because people have been doing content they probably wouldn’t if not for the rewards associated with them for years now.

Right, which is why I mentioned that it’s a metric that Blizz probably doesn’t care about.

You are probably correct but it is also one that apparently most players don’t either.

Except they don’t need to do a poll for that… they can run a report for all characters that got a cloak in the last n days. They can then see what ranks all the cloaks are at and the distribution. A poll serves to make something visible in this case. I’m at a loss for how it provides useful data other than player intents. Even that I’d say is misleading because many people play more than one character and the behavior may not be the same on all.

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They could but I am sure they were hoping to spark some player input on the changes. I mean they could probably determine almost everything they need to know about the game thru data queries but they still might want to know how the players feel about changes.

This poll is a new, or at least uncommon, thing. It should be expected that some players would want to see the trend continue with more polls and more data. No need to be so disparaging.

You mean a lucky drop where everybody in classic whom got the bindings/eye is rn running around with it?

If you have to resort to coercing your players to participate in content, it’s not very good content.


That would make more sense… but a poll doesn’t really encourage people to leave feedback per se. It just encourages them to vote, which may produce odd results. Personally I have huge issues with how visions work. Something that was actually solidified when I ran across the below yesterday: (relevant content starts at 3:41)

Link to specific timecode because the forums strip that:

what poll? xD

Have they though? Getting gear might be what they enjoy. That would make any content that provides gear, content they enjoy :stuck_out_tongue:


I bet if they queried the data and found all the players who did a single mythic+ run a week, it would be far more than those that actually grind the content out. People have always done content that they don’t enjoy, if the reward is enough to justify it.

thank you very much <3

Legendaries should be class specific with a long path to obtain like In wrath and cata. Sure it’d make a few classes OP over the course, but those people earned it and it won’t be expected that you have it outside of bleeding edge groups.

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I never cease to be amazed at how people get twisted up over the color of a piece of gear.

It used to mean something. I’m not twisted up over it. I like scarcity. It’s one of the things I traditionally enjoyed about MMOs. I don’t like when everyone has everything. I’m like that outside of the game too though.

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Would you rather it be “walk up to NPC and right click”? If you think a small percentage drop is too much then make it a challenge like what the mage tower was on release but harder. Or make it where only a specific monster can drop it at a rare chance and make said monster spawn once every 2 months or something. It doesn’t matter but don’t call an item LEGENDARY and then give it to 100% of the player base for talking to Joe Mamma #42. Also don’t make a the thing mandatory for the content and turn it into a grind fest. That is not legendary that is just work.

So you like feeling special… OK. But the more that they lean the game in that direction the less fun it becomes for others because of how it generally negatively affects balance and the overall vibe and approchability of the game. That said I do understand your position, but think it’s better reserved for Mage tower like things.

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No I like others to get epic gear for doing epic things. I barely play this game, why am I in full purples? It’s silly.

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