Why a poll about the legendary cloak?

They are probably doing it to see if the recent changes that made leveling cloaks easier were starting to kick in yet. After all two of my alts are enjoying the fact they are earning 4 pages a clear right now, instead of the old 2 we where getting last week.

where is this poll, of which you speak?

*edit: found it.

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They’re confused why their playerbase no longer care about orange text item.


That’s like 25% of people saying “screw this!”

Not sure if that’s a good ratio or not, honestly.

Yeah, because 12% of those responding it totally like “25%” of people answering the poll. I mean the other 40% that answered with a different response don’t matter. If you look at the poll, 88% are doing their cloak to some degree.

I don’t think it’s that I think it’s their entire based systems this expansion had which they never really bother to be flexible just only a cheap band-aid and move over to the next topic…

Sure there’s a choice to do them solo which I’m currently doing it and that’s fine but there’s many many more that refuse to do things like that regardless…

that was before I saw the actual poll. Just going on the 2 stats you mentioned.

Ok, that makes sense :slight_smile:

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This guy lol


Blizz employee pulls up a chair, and sits in it backwards

“Wuzzuuuuuuup, dudes and dudets? Let’s convo, what’s the downlow?”


Thanks I hate it

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I found it odd. They certainly know the real numbers. Maybe they wanted to start a conversation about the cloak to remind people it exists. The one thing the Blizz devs hate the most is creating content for months that very few people play. Just look at their displeasure with providing players flying. I think they tried to force people to get the cloak and play with corruption but it backfired and many that do not raid or m+ just stopped playing in 8.3


This is the content they are expecting everyone to play while waiting for shadowlands. When last I checked less than 50% had the cloak at max level and second most votes didn’t have it while I’m third place was players just a level 1.

This tells me that to most players this cloak is very important or not important at all. Two basic camps with some players falling behind on ranks for various valid reasons and some players pushing masks.

I now expect them to implement more content that requires this cloak for access. New zones and maybe a new dungeon. Maybe a time walking style that gives current BfA dungeons a corruption timer? That would be a good use for this item while also tempting player participation.

gasps! He’s sitting in his chair backwards - just like we do! We should listen!


Next content we’re getting is prepatch. Somehow doubt cloak will carry over into Shadowlands. Rather I think the poll is being done to see if its worth adding additional skip scenarios to the intro line to get it. My thoughts on it.

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Most likely two things:

  1. They’re using the poll as a measuring stick for designing similar, future game mechanics/features

  2. An unoffensive attempt at community interaction. Some players will answer the poll and not post a reply. Some will reply (with legit answers) and not poll. Some cough cough me will post some sllly reply without polling because I forget.

When I see it, I see blizzard engaging with the community to get information.

Let’s try to be a little more supportive of them actually showing up in the forums rather than making a negative conspiracy theory post.


I’d like to see Blizz take it a step further and ask who actually enjoys leveling their cloaks vs those that do it out of a sense of obligation.

I know it won’t happen, and it’s probably not a metric they care about, but curious minds want to know.

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That logic could be applied to anything. I mean why not ask who does mythic+ only once a week because of the weekly near mythic raid caliber gear? Or who just raids for the gear and not for the enjoyment? People have been doing content that they don’t really enjoy for years now, why do you think it would be any different now.

I didn’t say, or imply, that the cloak is any different. What are you trying to argue?