Who's ready for the only hunter change til release to be the lunge change

Just got done playing my Ret Paladin. I love how its spec talent tree has FIFTEEN choice nodes. Hunter spec talent trees have 2-4 choice nodes. Let that sink in.

Also while I’m here. They seriously need to move Marksman Wailing Arrow talent much further up the talent tree to be useful for Dark Ranger and not content with other capstone. And probably add better capstones. Honestly even bring back pruned abilities such as Resonating Arrow (from Kyrian Shadowlands but probably for Sentinel) and Windburst (Legion artifact weapon ability).

In fact, can we just get Heroes of the Storm Slyvanas abilities for Dark Ranger? Wailing Arrow and Black Arrow need to swap places in the hero talents. Can we make Wailing Arrow or Black Arrow spread and cause enemies killed to explode or revive as our undead minions? How is it that they have an entire DARK RANGER in a game under their IP and they don’t even utilize those ideas?

In fact, bring back Windburst and make it useable after you’ve fired X amount of Wind Arrows. And/or its damage scales with the amount of Wind Arrows you’ve fired. Wind Arrows kind of works like Frost Mage Icicles, therefore Windburst would work similar to Frost Mage’s Glacial Spike. Don’t want button bloat? Then make Windburst replace an ability when active similar to how Ambush replaces a lot of Rogue abilities when it a proc triggers. It shouldn’t be this hard to implement

Seriously guys, maybe I should be a WoW Dev? Someone at Blizz please send me a job offer with your full compensation package. WFH only please.


I’m imagining a world where the choice nodes fix the divide in the community
Adding ranged survival back to either marksman’s tree, or survivals. Choice nodes are literally free real estate for fixing things and they’ve not done it. Boggles my mind man.
Ret paladin has so much choice it feels like it’s from 2 expansions in the future


it’s from the same future where, two expansions later, survival still hasn’t had a revamp and we still get talented damage improvements to steady shot and arcane shot

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(the talented improvement they’re referring to also includes a kill shot, serpent sting, and explosive shot, all of which greatly benefit SV)

Its still early just be patient blizz would never ignore us.

Don’t worry man! It’s only Beta! They will fix it on release



If you want skills more than walk forward, walk backwards, and very slowly rotate, then you are not going to be using any “15 yard polearm” for a so extended melee range.

No “spearhunter” has been known for wielding pikes at double or more their historical length, agilely or otherwise…

that is why they need to give us dual-wield.

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Dual-wielding doesn’t reasonably give a 15-yard range either, though?

Axe-throwing, maybe, as that weapon is generally meant for ~20 to 30 ft (but daggers can also reach 9 feet in this game as if we all had stretch-arms, so…).

But even then… what purpose is there even in a 15-yard range unless OP (i.e., seeing no cost for having lost constraints to uptime, including what SV gameplay nuances used to include that as skill expression)? And why would we want to make something thus OP?

  • And if you do provide that option, what of the themes of actual spearhunting, 2h swords/axes, or even dual-wielding (even impractical and weapon-teleport-y as it would be when needing an open hand for your pistol)?

Especially long weapons having longer reach proportionate to their bonus in [total of arm length + weapon length from grip position] makes sense. 45-foot melee range does not, be that with a spear (the longest pikes ever being ~25 feet) or dual-wielding.

My only alt right now is pretty much a shaman ;-;

Ha! You were so wrong. They also nerfed the duration of binding shot’s time to affect targets and changed it from a stun to a root. WOOT WOOT. Awesome changes, keep em coming. We’ll all be playing ret soon enough.


i’m not sure why i expected anything at all

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I mean back in April they did say they had no changes planned for hunter. I took it at face value. I guess they didn’t lie.

At this point they’re just taking the piss.

I’m struggling to think of any circumstance in which this would realistically be better.

Plus it overlaps with Entrapment modified Tar Trap.

The only way it would be a coherent choice is if it was completely non-breakable, but with its mix of range & duration I still wouldn’t see it being useful outside PVP even if unbreakable.

And it still gates one of the pve raid mitigation talents.


we liked binding shot more when it was a root tbf

it just depends if it still has 0 dr like it used to

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Some developer on his feral main got mad in PVP, so now they’ll be able to polymorph out of binding shot. Let’s be honest, we know that’s the type of mentality they’re developing around. It’s based on what they’re playing and what counters them and not actual well thought design goals.


Well, if it isn’t Mr. Subjective in here with another ACTYUALLY statement that has no factual justification. I thought I ignored you already.

Explain to the class why you prefer a 3 second root that has more requirements to activate on a 45 second cooldown than the 4 second root on a 30 second cooldown. Go on. The class will wait.

I don’t care if you have poor memory, binding shot was objectively more useful in SL when it was an unbreakable root and if you look you can find people complaining about the change to a stun on this forum

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They just changed binding shot from a stun to a root… when we have tar trap and steel trap already…


And sentinel has Catch Out as another root. Makes no sense.