Who's ready for the only hunter change til release to be the lunge change

You focus this on PvP, but I’d like to add that the same problems exist in PvE. If I’m questing and have to trap a mob because I’m not fully leveled and geared for the season/expansion? Better call my pet back because I can’t fight anywhere near it. Have to CC the pack healer in a dungeon pull? Well, tank better move the rest of the pack because even if our pet is cleared from stomp breaking our trap chakram will still go off and do it if we aren’t positioned just right.

I’d also like to point out, as a more in general addition to this whole thread, that BM has a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree talent tree, because if we want any of our end of the tree abilities we have to invest in so many multi-node points to get it. I’ve played non-hunter alts that shocked me because I was able to take two of the end nodes, because my main is struggling to even get to one without sacrificing abilities that, while not a core part of the rotation, would have fulfilled my class fantasy to have.

This isn’t unique to BM, either. I just mentioned it because I want to put emphasis on how BM, despite the popularity it has, is also having problems.


Survival is the only spec that, by core design, should have 15-yard range or more. This spec mess was designed with a spear as its primary weapon. Spears and polearms are weapons created to poke and impale enemies from a distance outside the typical melee warrior range; this would also add a unique defensive aspect to the melee range, making a nightmare for calvary and enemies wearing shields. Imagine swinging your 15 yards poleram face to face against rogues, paladins, and other melees.


Its funny for the only spec designed with a spear in mind they never use it for its intended purpose. i’d love a ff14 dragoon type spec

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I know, right? Why are we still throwing explosives face to face with the enemy? I want to swing a massive glaive or dual-wield. #nomorebombs.

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yeah honestly… just TELL me I need to switch mains already and stop leaving me waiting on the street if there’s no bus coming to pick me up.


Switch mains to any shade of mage - blue, purple, or white.


Already change main. For KSH hero on my hunter first haven’t touch it since weeks ago… only doing LFR for bullions for mogs

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At least they told you. We don’t even have blue posts and no one has told us if anything is coming or not. Lol


Mail brothers unite.
Sorry shaman friend. they treat us both so poorly and it sucks


Jump ship like me already gear other class mage is always a safe bet.


Honestly, would’ve rerolled unholy dk by now if its playstyle and primary gameplay loop wasn’t popping pimples.


That’s would be nice it’s what it should have been current surv is half…err well yeah

Lmao so true!


Wondering why the talent is even called “lunge” at this point, it isn’t very descriptive for simply reloading your bombs as you attack imo :man_shrugging:


Obviously—changing the name is more work than hunters deserve. :face_holding_back_tears:


Their holding that one in their back pocket so later on they can say “they listened to feedback from the community” and change the name


“survival hunters, we hear you”


lol they abandoned survival after they fired the guy who did the redesign in 2016, and the other 2 have been on life support. Can we get a ret paladin level rework for this class already


“We just don’t like you.”


Yup that guy did a very bad job melee surv should have been a 4th spec but at the end of the day he screwed the class as a whole but the good thing is people wont hire him as a game dev anymore the current devs have no idea how to fix it after what this guy did it lol.

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