Who's ready for the only hunter change til release to be the lunge change

The only reason this got changed was because a intern went and CTRL + F’d for “increased melee range” and removed every talent for it.

There is no hunter dev in ba sing se


They had forgotten SV was a spec when they removed extra melee range last build.

Another round of amazing hunter changes. 8 builds, alpha almost over, still nothing


I’m not typically one to doom… but the fact that this change came while SV s4 is still unplayable even at 528 ilvl is absolutely crazy.


Yeah, they 100% are just trolling us at this point.


Well, if they keep this up I won’t be getting the xpac and will be unsubbing.


LOL and yet mages, warlocks and DK and DH and even spirest got some nice changes hunter nothing. Hunter’s dev have been FD far too long lol.


Another weekly build, another week without our issues even being acknowledged.
Make it less obvious Blizzard, remove Bows, Guns & Crossbows from the alpha next week.


Removing the 3 yard melee range from Lunge makes Lunge a dead (and very dumb) talent. Auto attacks reduce the remaining CD on WFB by one second?? like not even worth being in the tree. a tree that already has some serious issues that haven’t been addressed since release of DF.

They better be cooking up a tree rework for us sv hunters. Not that we’ll get one of course…


Cant wait to play this patchs version of survival hunter!!!1!!! Its gonna be so lit!!

How many times has Blizzard promised to be more open and communicative across all their games? Guess we’ve got another “we hear you, we’re sorry, we’ll do better” announcement in the future.


Nah, we won’t even get that. Shaman might, but not us.


The entire class needs a talent tree rework, bm arguably the last, but all 4 trees need major work

we’ll be lucky to see an intern do 3 changes before launch


At this point let survival exchange their bullions weapons/trinkets back and tell us to go to another spec for now.

Hunter’s need something. Even just a “We’re working on this, and have no news to share”. It feels like a slap in the face to see every other class get updates, including fixes to other tier and SV ignored, and hunter overall ignored.


I think the lack of acknowledgement or future plans from the devs is the most annoying part. Like if its going be trash all expansion again like dragonflight at least tell people earlier before they invest into it, thinking “its gotta change right”. Devs, people are expecting a rework… just tell people if its happening or is in the pipeline or if its not, will stop people being annoyed and accept it.

Communication failure from devs imo


“We will communicate with the community more” - Blizz for the past 2-3? Xpacs


Having played for nearly all expacs now, in my experience the safest assumption is that things will continue as they are.

Assuming Bliz will balance is bold, and assuming they’ll balance within a timeframe that suits your needs is bold to the point of foolish.

Since I stepped out of tanking back in Warlords of Draenor, I’ve been maining ranged hunter in raids. The way things are looking currently, I’ll be swapping off it for the first time next expac.

Back in BC my first raid toon was a resto shaman. I didn’t like the way it was looking compared to other healers & swapped to tank in WotLK. Never regretted that.

IMO flavour of the month swapping means you never really get the depth of experience with a class/spec, but it is best to recognise that tomorrow’s game will probably look like today’s game and adjust accordingly.

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Well normally when blizzard completely neglects a spec its because they have a rework coming for it. They butchered survival hunter on purpose in warlords of draenor right before legion just like they did with warlocks. So that kinda gives me hope for MM since its been bad for like 2 years. Also they are reworking specs, DK just got one ret got one last year etc. Will happen eventually but people prob wanna know for launch at least. If its coming 1 patch in or next xpac it would be handy to know


the only thing i can hope for is a legion level rework again at this point
the class has been awful since then imo. it needs a redo

  • Survival
    • Lunge no longer increases attack range by 3 yards.
      In An Alpha Build.

I just noticed that. WHY would they do that?
Thats part of the class fantasy of survival is it not, Fighting with a spear/polearm at a standoffish range in melee. To me thats one of it’s stand out features of it’s play style.
So will they have to get as close as a Rogue with 8 inch daggers to do melee damage but with a 5 and a half foot long Spear/Halberd? Thats nonsensical.

These current developers really don’t know how unique and fun of a class/specialization they have on thier hands. With all it’s flaws, kept me playing WoW though Dragonflight after they turned Balance druid from a Boomkin to a DoTkin.

The best way to make this spec really get people to gravitate towards I think is to get some good writing to tell a Story to make them Edgy and a little dangerious maybe. People like that I guess. People should not underestimate class fantasy. It holds more weight to a game like this then they think.
And who do we have lore wise with not much story to base Survival hunters on? Rexxar and Huln High Mountain. They both have a summery of a story but nothing in depth. We have their origins but as far as I know thats it.

I’m starting to think I just might lose interest in this game when The War Within come out. I’m starting to now.
All my other Characters are on vacation and I’m just playing my Survival hunter on live and a Retribution Paladin in the Pandaria Remix (Someone definitely showed Paladins some love when they reworked it)

Oh well, it can only get worse i’m thinking.
Or better for someone else? I’ll spend my entertainment dollar on something else :smiley:


The funniest thing about bm is that the devs have showed total incompetence in its most basic understanding of being a hunter. Hunter in arena has always been trap a healer and do damage to a kill target in burst rinse and repeat all match long having your partners help cc chain that same healer.

Yet: for some reason blizz thought stomp was a good idea (barbed shot is used constantly but breaks traps as aoe) destroying any chance at actually trapping a healer. If enemy healer and his dps are smart they can literally just abuse positioning and stay near eachother during trap and the bm hunter has to leave barbed shot part of his main rotation completely out of rotation. This is horrible design. Plus traps take like negative damage to break.

Blizz did not make traps immune to death chakram or trap or certain previous dots. Then doubled down on the problem giving us our highest damage build this season which contains call of the wild. Call of the wild needing the last right talent which increases our damage by like 40k dps that we lose without it. Yet: again call of the wild includes stomp every 4 seconds. Which: breaks traps because again blizz didnt make traps immune from stomp.

Not only does our biggest required burst move break traps for 20 seconds straight but stomp every third or fourth shot breaks traps in our natural rotation. Imo this has been very bad design flaw. But we all know the interns janitor was the guy who designed bm and the lead designer is a pve only guy. Ion imo is the worst thing to happen to wow.