Who's ready for the only hunter change til release to be the lunge change

lol, lmao even.
can the devs just delete the class already? they clearly hate the class with a passion. Do us all a favor


Makes me really worried for hunters, it just doesnt make sense


That was back before we had 2 (now 3) other roots.
Now we have tar and steel trap, soon to be the sentinel passive. Binding shot is much less useful, and they’ll never let it be a unbreakable root either.

No idea why the change was made beyond “lol lets pretend we’re working on hunter”

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Binding Shot is honestly such a garbage spell no matter what. Worst AoE stun in the whole game


Truth man. Wish we got a stun grenade or something instead, homogenizing to being like other aoe stuns? sure. but binding shot is awful

Do agree, but in an organised group it is at least possible to use as a hard stop.

Least useful hard stop in the game, but unless a tank kite meta comes back I’d rather that over yet another root.

If they substantially buffed area of effect & made it unbreakable then maybe it might be the ‘nicest’ of our many root options?

But mob casts are the issue in current M+ rather than anything that’s prevented by keeping mobs out of melee.

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yeah, it’s just a laughable hard stop because you need to spend resources into moving the enemies to stop them from casting. it’s so sad

why cant HET just be a knock up?


Bro seek help please this is unhinged

Just make it a flashbang grenade that dazes and confuses mobs like Mage’s dragonsbreath.

It’s clear they hate the ability, so instead of removing one of hunter’s only stops that isn’t some god awful trap, just change it to make another classes ability that they clearly are okay with?


I’d love Binding Shot to work like Sigil of Chains, and have it to share a choice node with a reliable and competitively tuned aoe stun ability.

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That requires a dev unfortunately
they need to hire one first, maybe after mages gets another rework

Hrm… they’re starting from a long way behind. We’ll see I guess.


Sorry, no, Shadow Priests need more attention, again.

It probably wont amount to anything so don’t get your hopes up but yeah they are starting kinda late they really need microsoft to ride them.

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Blizz priorities…

Rework mage talent tree 3 times in dragonflight then in war within rework all mage specs again individually and the class tree BEFORE even doing one iteration on the hunter dragonflight tree. Zero iterations or reworks since the launch of df…

What the heck…

Sounds like the janitor’s going to be putting in some overtime. Sorry Janitor. Let’s see if those coding night classes have paid off! We’re counting on you!

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Blue post on the TWW beta: Hunter feedback pretty much clearly states they are just going to work on tuning and bug fixes.
And then they state some changes in todays patch is work before some changes coming next week.

Which is it? I want to be optimistic because what we need is pretty much full on reworks on SV and MM and BM needs alot of work. And the class tree needs alot of work, like close to a rework. Half the damn trees are 2-3 point nodes. Those need to be made 1 point nodes and we need a bunch of new actual talents added. You know, a rework of the specs/class trees.
But considering the track record from Blizzard (no judgement, just previous behavior) we will get nothing because A it is Hunter and B it is beta. These announced changes will most likely just be a bunch of weird changes that makes zero sense and tuning/bug fixes.

If they actually had any plans of reworking/fixing the class they would have had to start that process way earlier in alpha. Like they have done for many other specs/classes.
So this will most likely be the second whole expansion where the class is more or less completely untouched. Which is a disgrace.

And yes, half the classes/specs got reworks or major work done just in TWW alpha. After having gotten the same treatment during DF. Just look at mage… they get reworked a few times per expansion!

Please prove me wrong Blizzard but I sure wont hold out hope. If the next weeks “changes” are anything else than the “normal” tuning/changing stuff that aint broke I will eat my hat.

I can almost guarantee these “changes” are not remotely close to what we need or want. It is waaay too late for any actual reworks/big work. They are just going to move a few talents around and tune the hero talents etc.

Whatever janitor is working at the hunter class got put on the task way too late to have time for anything serious.

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My hopes are low, we’ll see next week i suppose


Let’s all take a second and praise sweet Hunter Jesus (The devs, seriously thank you for some communication to get us out of dooming prison), keep the hopium alive my brethren, for we have been remembered!

Now poor out a drink for your local Shaman and let him complain until they get their rework next, it’s only polite :]

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