Whos ready for 150k to 200k Chaos bolts

I mean they buffed chaos bolt but fixed the havoc bug so it will likely cancel each other out damage wise.

This is from a couple of days ago. Chaos bolt was the third damage source. That’s like prepatch demon hunter level of busted, right there.

Can a lock test the chaos bolts. IM genuinely curious how much they are hitting for now.

Instead, they buffed everything, including their instants. Hence the panic.

I tested on training dummy and they’re exactly the same as yesterday. My hunter is the same too, arcane and chimaera doing approximately the same dam (chim should be doing +30% more now). I am not sure the changes are applied yet, or maybe something is up with the training dummy situation.

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it’s a pretty big buff but not sure it will reach 200k.

Everyone bow to our Ele/Destro overlords

Yea I’m already seeing the destro locks in solo shuffle

Soulfire just hit me noncrit for 125k, I can’t use kick on it because then he can start fearing or bolting.

about to be like s3 start for a few weeks then get gutted till next xpac, I’m cool with it

Training dummy is buggy nonsense, but in a live arena it seems to hit around 115-120k for topend

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The reason this destros damage is so high in that BG is because is Bane of Havoc which is being nerfed by 40% with the chaos bolt buff.

super cringe clickbait thread title = deserves to get attacked by 5 destros

who wants to watch

Yeah it’s been an hour and I already lost 400 rating to destro locks and I’m 500 mmr now

if so, chaos bolt surely wasnt the reason, ha

wdym lol 250k bolts b2b

Um you know chaos bolt got buffed by roughly 22% (1.4/1.15=1.22) They were hitting for 80 to 105k so at the top end theyll hit for 125-130k. That being said their cleave was taken down a lot. If they were hitting 3 targets for 300% total. Now they will hit 3 targets for 220% total. That is a 27% nerf to their total dmg. They will do much less overall dmg and have more kill pressure when they free cast.

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lets say it is like that… you richly deserve it, die melee filth, die

I don’t think the changes are actually applied yet lol

I don’t really play all that much anymore and when I do I’m playing my lock or mage.

I’ve been trying weird builds on legendary Skyrim for the last few weeks and having a good/stress free time doing it.