Whos ready for 150k to 200k Chaos bolts

If bolt is really gonna hit that hard, why can’t we have a spammable gpie? :thinking:

Im joking….kinda

Yeah i usually play cremation but even still, nearly every rss at 1600 has been melee cleaves and all i can do is conflag spam and run around. There is nothing in the repertoire that is “OH NO STOP HIM” from destro lock rn.

I dont get why melee has instants doing similar damage to hardcasts requiring a resource. It is just stupid design. Death sweep hitting for bolt damage lol its absurdly dumb.

Can’t offer too much advice without seeing what you do wrong but sometimes focusing on making yourself to be such a miserable target to train helps

After a few rounds of being a non viable kill target people give up against me

BARELY PLAYABLE?! You’re insane. Destro pumps in every game they’re in

I only want it 1 mount from solo queue. You’ll never see me again doing that atrocious crap.

Back to bgs where I’m content.

Bane of havoc and mayhem is funny asf.

To be fair too like…im not playing as much as i used to and idk if it will get better higher up with more peels because nearly every game i am trying quite literally everything to get away and it gets exhausting. Between port and gateway, double coil into shadowfury fear EVEN using shadow rift to peel for myself yet its relentless.

Its a lot. Idk…then i log my monk and im like aoe fof for 140k into a 100k kick :smiling_face_with_tear:

“Why am i on my lock” pops into my brain after those moments

Lock is unplayable unless they can 1 shot with bolt, use all dcds in cc, tank unlimited damage, heal themselves to full, and cc the entire team with 1 button.

Locks needed this.

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Lock meta worst meta. When locks are having fun, no one else is.

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It doesn’t

Maybe you’re using port/gate when you don’t need to though just a thought

You should really only port when you’re going to take unhealable damage or your healer is cc’d

Gate is matchup dependent like warrior spear or ret has wings up and used mobility to chase you to your port

me logging into world of warcraft on 2/7/2023 and entering combat with a destruction specced warlock in PvP combat


Kicked him!


Oh no.

Chaos Bolt hits you for 117,000.

Chaos Bolt hits you for 152,000.

You died.


Destruction Warlock.
Chaos bolt on chaos bolt.
Please not in the face.

snaps fingers repeatedly

You all have PTSD. Relax. The bolts aren’t gonna be that big for a few content patches. Or the math is lying.

Also It’s not being buffed by 40%. It’s a damage modifier being increased from 15% to 40%. so like 25% increase. Sodachugger says 30%. maybe it’s 30%. he’s the warlock

Destructions more incinerate / conflag/ shadowburn / cleave right now. Bolts are just a tool.

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This will probably end up getting their instant/incinerate damage nerfed. All I know for sure is I am going to have a nice time in bg’s on my destro and mm hunter for a while.

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IM not sure it will be that high. Besides, so what. Its a cast timed ability unlike insta 90k Ice lances and 180k Executes and 200K Glacial Spikes.

What are you complaining about?

true. They need to scale back their conflag and incinerate dam and put more into bolts. Let them be what they originally were with chunky bolts

dont get that from shaman and hunters? on top hunters get a 5% extra damage…

I hadn’t even thought about precognition. That could get pretty nasty

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Just line the CB geez