Who's for Account Wide Reputation?

How is making an alt not a fresh experience already?

The more stuff they hand to you for free, the less fresh it is. You are slowly rotting the experience with each thing you take away from alts to earn. Your mind frame is exactly why things like this is considered a slippery slope. With the entire “well mounts are account bound” way of thinking. I’m sorry but someone has to say no somewhere before just creating a alt makes you instantly level capped and decked out in full tier gear.

I fail to see how my alt is “instantly level capped and decked out in full tier gear” if rep was account wide.

I still have to go through the leveling process. Never played a druid before… feels like a fresh experience to me.


Because that is what a slippery slope is. People justify more changes because other changes exist. In this case people are justifying account wide rep, because account wide mounts already exist. You continue down the path of just giving more because someone will always want more and justify it by the previous change.

Next time I get banned I’m going to tell Blizzard “Hey, I can’t get on my account what gives? My character should be banned not my account” :laughing:

Meh… Reputation is the least blocking grind for me. At most, you get a couple recipes at exalted.

Oh, Ohh this is a great thread to plug one of my idea’s, brb gotta find it

Some people acting like it’s game breaking though lol

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I would be more for the removal of reputation as a thing that’s even in the game

I’m loathe to mention it because we’re on the same side, but directly calling out the logical fallacy you’re using isn’t really the best way to make an argument. Just for future reference.

Here we go :point_down:

Slippery Slope itself isn’t always a logical fallacy, it only is one when there is no evidence of it happening. In this case there is.

Specifically the example I given.

Evidence of people justifying a bigger change because of a lesser change.

Slippery Slope.

I can understand how someone would feel this way but as a collector of all things I understand why people would want this :laughing:

Let’s use

as our example rep since I’m working on this now :smiley: I’m already exalted with SSO on my Druid who is my Engineer and Enchanter

but in order to get the Jewelcrafting Recipes I have to get exalted on my Priest. In order to get the Alchemy recipes I have to get exalted on my Warlock. And for the remaining transmog I need I have to get exalted on my Warrior.

I have to do that in various combinations for every faction in the game. So as a collector I get where people are coming from and I see no problem with it for legacy reps, but if you only do current content I can understand why it doesn’t seem like a problem.

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And that right there is the issue.

They are not alts, they are characters, individual characters. Which is why they should each be earning their own stuff.


nope account wide reputation means no individual character rewards and less things for people to do.

do you guys seriously think they are going to let you do rep once and then be able to just buy gear for all your characters or get profession patterns for all your characters?

how disappointing, I can’t even blame this bad idea on a raider in this case - just someone who took years off and I guess wants a bunch of rep rewards easy mode in old content.

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Thats how it began, but now we dont have enough content to keep up busy on a single character for a full patch cycle, so its pretty much become…

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Howd this work for paragon boxes?

I know it is not something across the board, but having it where when you reach exalted on one character it makes that account wide is something I might be able to accept. However, the reputation would have to be earned the current way on that character (nothing cumulative across it and alts). Also, anything that’s use is restricted by character level that is obtainable by reputation would still keep those restrictions. I would be more welcoming if Blizzard brought back the token buffs we could get in MoP to pass along, or the use of tabards like we had in Wrath.

A by product of caving to alts. The more catchup mechanism you give, the less time spent gathering power, the more characters you need to have between content updates. Arguing to give reps for free will only result in less time played on that alt, making you lack content much faster.