Who's for Account Wide Reputation?

/raises hand

It’s been discussed pretty often and I’m curious if Blizz has ever commented on this topic.

I mean… you could in theory just make Dailies that reward reputation, “account wide” so that inhibits a players opportunity to take advantage of the system by completing the same dailies on multiple accounts.

Where quests that offer both rewards AND rep, then just offer the reward if the daily was already done on an alt.

I know it requires some work and re-coding on Blizzard’s end, but many players have put in numerous hours and money into this game, I feel it’s something that should be a part of the game by now.

Just my thoughts.

Is there a logical reason as to why you think it shouldn’t?
(and I’m not trying to hear people make excuses on Blizzard’s behalf)


Because you’re playing a character, not an account. Most major power-advancement stuff can be bought by your alts as long as one character has the rep required anyways.


In that case, might as well take away ALL the mounts that your alts didn’t earn, right?

I said LOGICAL reasons…


Not taking a side here, but petition posts are frowned upon by forum rules and as a result are subject to deletion. Your post doesn’t seem to be a true petition post (asking for votes or signatures), but you might want to edit the title of it anyway just to be on the safe side.

Weird… but ok.
Sounds like Totalitarianism, but I changed it :wink:


I hope someday they start adding in factions at war where you choose which
side you want to take and earn rep with that side. Account wide reps would
ruin adding more in as well as the few there are now. So, i vote no.

However, they should add in the MoP bonus we had back then.


I don’t think it should be. Some aspects of our characters should be clean slates when we make new ones. Account-wide kind of just deletes a ton of things for your alts to potentially do in the world. At level 1 you have no quests done, no maps explored, no progress on really anything. Reps included. And that’s a good thing.

Collections like mounts and mogs are totally separate things that do need to be account-wide. Being only cosmetic and not affecting gameplay.

But! They could add more catch ups instead. Like revive the MoP double rep commendations. Or not make reputations take half an eternity to level. Or both. If reps were made easier and relatively fast then there’d be no problem doing them again on alts. It would actually really enhance their replay value.


The same reason a hunter can spend weeks if not longer hunting down a rare pet but an alt hunter can’t have that pet. Same logic. Tbh I don’t know how I feel about either scenario.

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This doesn’t work in Korthia.

Also, I am playing an account. Multiple accounts more correctly speaking in my case.


Other games that do this, excel at it.

Imagine working on tech fragments in Korthia, and you can suddenly play a bunch of alts to get that high level tier, instead of having to start from scratch for each one?

Definitely something I’d love to see.


Appreciate the logical response :slight_smile:

As far as I know, everything else is shared through alts. Mounts, toys, heirlooms, achievements, transmogs… anything else?

Anyhow… why not rep? This one actually makes more sense.

I’m for it.
Yes, they have commented on the matter.

No, they won’t change it until they start bleeding subs over it. But since they will always bleed subs over other things, they won’t get around to it.

I mean, that’s how it USED to be done…


I Know… I was there.

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Yep. That was before such terrible and antiquated systems were ditched after realising how bad they were. Much like character locked reputation is now. Eventually they’ll move to account wide rep. They won’t have a choice.



I want account wide everything. I want to play an account, not just a character. Let me make overarching progress no matter which character I’m on.


I would like to see shared rep.
You could even make it optional like only showing your toons achievements.

I have to agree. The biggest obstacle I face is a wanting to grind rep on another character. Once I’ve done it on one I reallllly don’t want to give it a go on an alt


Account Wide Rep
Mail-able or Account wide Time-walking Badges

PLEASE! :pray:


I support account wide reputation.