Who's for Account Wide Reputation?

I don’t understand why they haven’t done this yet.

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And server -wide gold as well.

I wholeheartedly agree. I like the “clean slate” experience I get when I start a brand new character, including re-grinding reps from scratch. I don’t want my alts to be demoted to being just extra loadouts for my main.

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So… you want them to take everything that is shared across the account as well? Then you should REALLY enjoy TBC.

As I play alts less and less, it would be nice to have account wide reputation.

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I am. Make it a choice and I’m all in.

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I’ll never understand why they didn’t carry those forward. It was a great idea.


Whenever the server comes on I will be hitting T6 so I am 100% in favor of this.

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Who’s for Account Wide Reputation?


never going to happen though.

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It wouldn’t be something based on objective aspects. It’s just a matter of how people would “feel”.

This person “feels” this - as though that should be the basis for the decision.

I’ve always felt that the account-wide perspective is more friendly and respectful of players’ time.

We’re essentially in control of a “mercenary group”, i.e. our account, to send different types of heroes into azeroth. But we control each of the individual mercenaries, which share a common pool of resources (including mounts, xmog, etc.).

How shared and what resources are shared come under fire, but again, based mainly on emotions and feelings - not anything purely “logical”.

Im not for account wide rep – but for ways to boost rep gains on alts.


and It was terrible :frowning:

I’m pretty conservative when it comes to changes to WoW (clearly since I’m only playing TBCC atm…), but account wide mounts/pets was a great change. It was just a cosmetic thing at the end of the day. Nobody gained any type of player power or anything from it, at least.

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Sure, that’s more or less how I play my main and alts too. But reputation is still specific to an individual.

I would wholeheartedly support this though. Like I said, the Pandaria model was perfect and it’s stupid that they ever stopped doing that.

I do think it would be cool to track the 2. The reputation of the whole still matters and benefits can easily be shared across the account.

I like someones suggestion from above to allow people to adjust something on a per character level that would allow them to view character specific reputation and still allow players to work on that. I think still having the bar to fill would be valuable to many players.

I’m all for account wide rep. It’s long overdue IMO.



This is a MMORPG. You are playing a character, not an account. Nothing should be account-wide (and yes, that includes mounts).

Making the game easier, simpler and more convenient for the lazy has killed enough of the immersion, socializing, level questing, ect, thank you very much. Let’s leave some of the game’s integrity intact.

I really don’t understand why people who don’t want to play MMORPGs, play MMORPGs.

Can we stop campaigning to have everything given to alts for free. Some people actually play alts because they want a fresh experience with a different playstyle.


Some of us don’t have 8 hours a day to play.

I would be in favor of making reputation account wide, especially grindy reputations that are tied to player power, like korthia research or 9.0 Venarii.

It doesn’t hurt anyone else playing the game. There have been many QOL changes to the game over the years that the purists were against.


This game actually caters to players to make alts.
The way you are speaking, might as well get rid of almost everything to make it a REAL RPG, right? Bag space? cmon… let’s make everything have a weight to it and you can only carry so much weight based on class.

Alt toons? Nope… you can only have 1 character now. If you want to alt, you have to start the game all over.

When you die? you lose all your equipment because someone just looted your dead body.

Blizzard has taken some of the best aspects from other MMO’s and put that into their game. They have catered mostly to what the player base finds attractive.

I really don’t understand why people play this game anymore if they feel like this is no longer an “MMORPG” to them.

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exactly… it doesn’t affect anyone else’s game play. There are still RPG servers out there no?

They can choose not to make an alt if they are such a RPG purist.